Wednesday, October 29, 2014

So here's a video about that organ/radio combo the Heir wants to talk about in an upcoming episode.  Initially he was going to say that he wishes we'd organize stuff here well enough so meaningful shares can get made.  But now that's no longer a problem, so then he'll have to say so accordingly, and whine and complain about something else in the world.  But we do expect it'll be on audio he'll talk about this particular radio, so we'll leave the details on audio accordingly.  He subscribes to this video channel, so he'll say what else from that channel he can share.  1974 Panasonic Radio / Synthesizer @

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Tech Comes Of Age Because Of Sex Robots And Electronic Cigarettes. The Bachelor's collective reassurance for the Cigar Assistant over whether there will be an Ebola outbreak in the U.S. any time soon took place back in July or so. That was before those two people came over here with Ebola, and when airports started doing Ebola screenings of people from Africa who came from those countries most affected. The thrust of this episode, though, is the Bachelor's observation that iPhone smartphones that uphold a culture of puerile rectangles and social media TV tube style links no longer hold such a monopoly on contemporary society.  Tech such as sex robots and vaporizers represent a more adult and classy tip.  The Bachelor discusses enjoy-the-summer-while-it's-still-here style radio spots, the online doc pointing to a poll the CIS did indicating that the U.S. enjoys an above-average global rating despite all the America bashing this year, the Heir's momentary concern that Russia could possibly confiscate the black boxes for the plane that went down in the Eastern Ukraine, and the Heir's plan to move away from the tablet and onto a Linux laptop.  All while everyone gets body-painted on the beach that is conformant with Naomi's and Leeanna's preferred dress code.  On audio: