Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Here's another radio the Heir enjoyed seeing on that radios YouTube channel.  It's a European LW/AM/SW radio from the early 1960s, which has city captions in what the Heir believes to be the longwave band.  It's of an Art Deco style, and the speaker grille has an elegant rhomboid shape.  The brownish colors of beige, brown and gold go together very well on this radio, but there's also black, white and silver for the grille.  This radio's able to bend the classiness rules of not using more than 2-3 colors per artifact, because the speaker grille is perceivable by the observer to be a separate artifact from the rest of the radio somehow.  1963 Schneider Troubadour Radio @

Friday, November 21, 2014

Please listen to our newest episode on audio, either in the appropriate announcement below this one, or the audio stream link on this handle.  In general, the bachelor points out the dovetail between the specific classiness of cigars, and general classiness at large.  That often includes Persianesque themes of medallion and damask designs in fabrics.  Here's a site that sells such fabrics FYI.  Fabric Guru @

We've just recently made a new episode on audio, as per the next announcement/share below this one, so be sure to tune in.  The episode can also be accessed from the audio stream link on this announcements handle.  But from 1995 to 2005 we read Spectator Magazine each week, California's Original Adult Newspaper.  They really were the closest thing to something that pushed the pro-sex ideology, as opposed to porn mags which only wanted to make money, or what we saw in the Eighties and the early Nineties as hypochondriac sex columnists.  The one presence left of this second-to-none magazine, is a wiki on Wikipedia that we enshrine for the honor of Spectator Magazine @

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Bachelor's Concerns That Visual Is Starting To Corrupt The Developing World.  Even though the Bachelor acknowledges that the developing world has its problems, they do admire their enthusiasm for the radio medium with the information, something that the Western world has forgotten with its glut of tech.  But now, the Heir says he sees signs that visual is starting to corrupt the developing world, over irrational accusations on visual that a Ghanian soccer player had killed his best friend in a ritual sacrifice.  The Heir also takes psychoanalysis to task over the "dog test," whereby at least one writer he saw seemed to contend that because a dog does not know how to talk, he cannot come up with forensic arguments against his mistreatment, and therefore such is the case for a young child.  The Heir also doesn't know about this Isis raid in Australia a couple months ago, wondering why the CIS reported at least a hundred helicopters for only fifteen suspects.  The Heir believes we need to restore warnings in radio spots for nutritional supplements that they're not meant to treat, prevent or cure disease, particularly that brain one that claims EHT.  And to the dismay of both Sonya and Lucinda, he has decided not to go to that massage parlor after all.  On audio (click Play All) @

The great walk-up.

The Heir walks away from both the most recent Bill Cosby scandal, and that of Woody Allen years ago, with the feeling that there are no good players in such scandals.  The Heir has a low vote of confidence in both Cosby and his accusers, as well as the gossip on visual for trying to put words into the mouths of both Lisa Bonet and Symone.  So his question is, here in a vanilla Western culture, generally deprived, that invests such a lofty hero worship concept in actually flawed human beings, as opposed to the sex itself higher than all of us, are there any celebrities who have never done anything wrong?  He came across an online article about a handful celebrities who are so unrealistically saccharine-goody, that they really should start acting out.  He also wondered, on Google, whether anyone else thinks it's okay to throw some celebrities and heroes under the bus, and he found an article about that too, but it didn't use the phrase "throw under the bus," so he added it in the share below.  He likes it better that way.  He's thinking we should talk about it on audio, even with the ugly nature of what Cosby did.  8 Celebrities Who Need a Scandal Already @  It’s OK to Hate Your Hero [and throw them under the bus when the situation demands it] @

Sunday, November 16, 2014

It's deja vu all over again for the Heir.  Giants' fifth straight loss, complete with all the fourth down in four straight play turnovers the Giants are best known for.  So what the Giants need to do now is win at home against a weak team, just for the sake of not getting comfortable with losing games.  But next week it'll be Dallas, whom the Heir sees as a strong contender.  Since the Giants can't possibly make postseason at 3-7, and with Dallas it'll be 3-8, the Heir's pretty sure there will be major personnel changes in January, though he doesn't know if it'll be Coughlin or Eli or a tertiary coach taking the fall, depending on their contracts.  But remember below when the Heir said that if the Giants couldn't make this win, they will open their next home game to a mostly empty stadium?  Well, they couldn't make this win, and therefore they will open their next home game to a mostly empty stadium.  The Giants organization will have to weather season ticket lawsuits from fans, possibly frivolous, as well as uncomfortable questions from their advertisers.  New York-Presbyterian, Bob's Furniture and even Met Life itself will light a fire under the Giants President's office.  Maybe there's an opportunity in reversing the trend of corporate names for stadiums, and actually name the place again after a good person.  Now, back to the risk of feeling comfortable with losing, the Heir did see rookie Beckham's (at least he thought that was Beckham) throwing down of his helmet in frustration and disgust a hopeful sign that they aren't so comfortable.  A sign to the fans that there's some fight left in them.  Something the Heir couldn't find in most post-game interviews with the rank and file, or overly sympathetic sports magazines and radio commentaries.  That sympathy just doesn't help, and the Heir's not entirely sure he'll tune into next week's game.  Maybe New Orleans instead if he can get it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Those of you who've been listening to the Bachelor on audio (via the stream link here) have heard pro-sex sermons referring to or at least inferring the need for science to weigh in on whether health-wise (or otherwise), you need to have sex by a certain age, because of either intimacy-versus-isolation, or to obtain a brain chemical.  The Heir is still looking for factual answers online that science may have hidden for him on page 5 for search results if you use really obscure search terms.  But he did find one opinion which among other things called for a rational approach to the question of sexual deadlines.  (And we still need to get links from our old site to this online handle).  In any case, this opinion reminds the Heir about the days of Fun Loving Chief when there was discussion on whether there is a definition of sex that makes sense.  This online opinion extends that further, and asks about whether there's a definition of virginity that makes rational sense. Virginity Is A Social Construct @

Sunday, November 9, 2014

We usually don't do hash tags, because that's mostly a vanilla thing.  But right now the Heir is fired up about something he's not sure can wait for audio, but he does plan to talk about it.  It's this campaign to make it illegal to feed the homeless on a per city basis.  The Heir believes this will effectively make food banks and hunger charities criminal organizations, and that it's against the basic human duty of thinking of the least of your brothers and sisters.  The Heir wants to go into more of a rant on it at some point, but he also believes that the Giants are presently the worst team in football.  Doesn't matter what their record is on the season.  They went to fourth down in Seattle in four straight plays, turned it over, and allowed a 60 or so yard pass play leading to a Seattle 14 point lead with 5 minutes to go in the fourth quarter.  This is in contrast to the Heir's other team New Orleans who 3-4 weeks ago grabbed a tremendous win with 40+ points though he forgot who they were playing.  So if the Giants don't win against San Fran next week, they will play their next home game afterwards in a near empty stadium, and fans will sue to get their money back on their season tickets.  Keep generosity alive @ #hunger #charity #generosity #worstteamever

Friday, November 7, 2014

So here's another radio on that radio channel on YouTube the Heir noticed quite early on.  This to him qualifies as a "scientific radio," because it's a red needle in a white slide rule, and red objects on a white background tend to be science type colors.  At some point the Heir also wants to share his music playlists with the music/audio dynamic, and not just radios with the information, but again, it's best we do that when we get that document base up and running, and we don't know when that's going to be.  But keep reminding us as to how many times we say that, because then we can go back to these shares, and find out what we wanted to put in the eventual document base, besides a synopsis to the Artifactorial.  BTW, our current episode was just updated a couple of days ago with the audio stream, so be sure to catch that through the stream link On Audio.  But with the German radio, the Heir has also noticed how the stereo grating uses holes that are at 60 degree angles with each other, very similar to how Eton and other radio makers still do so today.  And this radio was made 40 years ago.  So don't let anyone tell you that one thing has to replace another, because there are those tried and true traditional and classy designs you go back to.  ITT Schaub-Lorenz Touring Studio @

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Please listen to our new episode when you get a chance.  Info is in an announcement below this share (enable All Posts or equivalent), and you can also stream through the streaming link.  But good thing we finally got around to making those permanent pages here, or at least starting to.  Because now we can actually start sharing things as per "Shares" in Announcements And Shares, and have it make sense.  So because the Heir's getting discouraged that he couldn't find traditional slide rule portable radios in the general store ideal pharmacy he goes to, he was doing an images search on "sony radios."  That cheered him up a lot, but he still thinks we need to get slide rule radios back into those smaller general store ideal stores, and that that whole cutthroat store shelf culture (economics-based) should accommodate for this very real sociocultural need.  Some radios he thought were particularly interesting were a Sony Ericsson AM/FM phone (since phones almost never do AM), a DAB that is a little more akin to the reminiscent design standard and a yellow emergency radio (now discontinued) with a white slide rule display set inside a rubber frame.  What the Heir likes the best about the radio phone is the potential for pay-as-you-go phones (and not just contract-/monthly payment- only) to contain both bands.   Sony radios @

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Mentor And The Heir Disagree On Whether To Keep The Glasses Up Or Down In The Drying Rack.  People by now had seemed to think that the Mentor and the Heir agree on everything, but it ain't necessarily so.  Even in the best of dynamics there are differences in opinion, but the Bachelors believe it saves their having to go nuclear on more serious issues.  Some of those the Heir cites such as the case the vaporizer industry may have against the W.H.O. decrees against it, Ed Snowden's influence possibly discouraging our taking away garbage cans and mailboxes for security purposes before major events, the Heir's observation that that Japanese girl robot is wearing what looks like a space cadet suit, and very importantly, the Heir's declaration that he would never say that he would never go to a massage parlor.  On audio (click on Play All):