Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Heir Makes Progress On The Dance Program.  The Heir was still more in deep economic therapy than he is now, and he has a beta to show for his auto-compose dance music computer program.  He'd been receiving therapy from Leeanna and Lucinda in the Swank Lounge, and this time it's Lucinda in the episode.  The Heir explains all about the Dance Program in the episode.  He explains how he felt more musically adventurous just earlier in 2015, and he hopes to get back to that as time goes by.  (In this shares base, the Heir shared Little By Little to demonstrate that's how it's going for him).  He had a way of arranging his playlists as "stations" on his now-classic audio player.  Meanwhile, Sonya and Yumeka were missing the Heir at the Swank Lounge while they were hanging out with the Mentor.  Sonya, in particular, seems kind of cynical about the Heir's chances for truly coming back, because of how she believes economics do and should work.  But the Heir does manage a cell call to the Mentor to ask about the Bachelor stance on music streaming.  And the Heir still has prepper type dreams for the infrastructure-for-fun, like building his own radio and his own digital audio player.  When the time comes around.  He wants hedonism to really live more off the grid, a la the crystal radio villigers.  And he also wants to meet more people he's seen in his social circles but never had the chance.  On Audio (click Play All) @

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

To paraphrase Lombardi, principle isn't everything, it's the only thing.  (Heir just added, "particularly if it's pro-sex").

The Happy Bachelor

Monday, December 21, 2015

The Heir feels like Robert Plant's protagonist does as linked below (via the radio pic).  But, no, the time has not come around yet.  And the Heir doesn't have a time frame for when that will happen.

-- Recovering gradually --

(and we're still working on that episode, we might even get it out on the holiday weekend)

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Heir says he believes that the voter list situation is being blown out of proportion.  No doubt Seventy First Lady also has unfettered access to Bernie Sanders' list, and you don't see *him* complaining.

"Why is this an issue after three plus months of the field agreeing that Seventy First Lady's email situation wasn't an issue?  Do voters care about the voter list than they do economics?"