Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Bachelor maintains a stance of political skepticism.  That said, the Heir supports the cast and staff of Hamilton in their response to the election, and he doesn't think they were being disrespectful at all, just honest about how they felt.  So this is what the Heir will say to Smug Gloater if he says With Us Or Against Us again, like back in 2001 or so.  The Heir doesn't plan to see Hamilton any time soon, and he'd prefer that there not be this unpaid advertising for them.  He doesn't want to see them fall into a egotistical Ed Snowden type stance.  Again, what you see was just about being honest.  It doesn't make you great in any way.  This is also the Heir's feeling about the street protests a couple weeks ago.

"Protest is the highest form of patriotism...  ...until you start going the way of Ed Snowden."

Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Heir wants to talk about Trump in an actual episode, but he was shocked like other people Wednesday morning.  He thinks that the so-called secret Trump voter is a red herring, because Seventy First Lady he doesn't think truly captivated enough people for Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida not to be an issue.  Not like how Funny Named Skinny Kid did.  Right now instead of tending to anti-Trump protests like Flaileef's doing, the Heir's priority is more pragmatic in protecting FunnyNamedCare, since he's on it now #iamobamacare.  It's a long story, which also figures into his struggles against the system, and how to keep the simplicity of hedonistic meditation alive in a type A society still vulnerable to a puritanical backlash.

The Happy Bachelor: helping Making Humanity Go pro-sex Again.