Thursday, October 28, 2021

The Heir wants to boycott Wauwei (as soon as he learns to dang spell it) the first chance he gets, because he believes that its executive that managed to escape back to China from North America is still guilty as sin for whatever it was she did.  He doesn't remember offhand what she was accused of, but he's pretty sure she's guilty.  Sure that goes against the presumption of innocence, but since China successfully strong armed Canada into giving her back in a "hostage" exchange since China unjustly captured and imprisoned two innocent Canadian citizens, he doesn't believe that he's bound by that presumption where common sense is concerned.  So this yet another mark the Heir makes against China, and he places a mark against Canada for caving into China and not standing for principle.  It's perfectly fine by him if the Canadian citizens who were returned end up  helping make the case against China's self-styled legitimacy, and also publicly share their opinions as to the amount of guilt the Wauwei executive bears for she's accused of.  The Heir thinks they should hold their own once China tries to respond with an up-is-down contention against them in response.  This is also why the Heir believes that Janet Yellen in turn should hold her own when meeting with China's finance minister when the minister asks that China get a get-out-of-jail-free card for everything they've ever done, including the unjust detention of tourists for the sake of a political vendetta, just so they can use their economic power to strong arm the rest of the world to what China wants them to do.  The Heir says...

..."no way, no how."

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Heir morally opposes today's Space Tourism flight as he did the last one.  He really doesn't care that "Captain Kirk" was on this particular flight, since he sees the space billionaires as cynical enough to try to use celebrity endorsement to try to sell their ghastly industry.  Despite their propagandistic control of at least the audio media, they saw how there was at least a "silent majority" type opposition to the industry at large.  Captain Kirk's flight the Heir sees as no less destructive to the environment as the Bezos flight.  He estimates that every single launch uses the equivalent of 1000 passenger car tanks of fuel (at least) just to get the ships off into space.  He dreads to think what they use to get the ships back down to Earth again.  This flight takes place just mere hours after the UN recommends industrialized countries to spend more of their GPA to battle climate change, but the media the Heir doesn't see as wanting to make a connection between the two stories.  Maybe once there's a Frances Haugen in one of the media's offices who will whistleblow the media's unholy alliance with the space billionaires, the Heir's hoping.   Good thing the Heir uses audio for his information and therefore he's spared any of the distracting and distorting visuals he's sure everyone else is exposed to, so he can immediately sense there's something wrong.  So the next time there's a space tourist flight, the Heir will be there once again to remind people how that flight, too, will put the final nail in the coffin of our efforts as a collective humanity to get climate change under control.

Monday, October 11, 2021

We're taking no prisoners, and specifically the Heir isn't.  Just days after a jury returned a felony conviction of R Kelly, the Heir heard on audio this morning that the British Metro Police announced they will not pursue any charges or investigations into Prince Andrew as per his assault of a Jeffrey Epstein survivor.  As a result, the Heir's calling for a worldwide discussion of the necessity of a British Monarchy, since he sees the Queen as having the power to dissolve the Metro Police *at will* and for any reason whatsoever.  In that sense, the Heir doesn't see the Metro Police as truly objective if they believe they can lose their jobs if they end up charging Prince Andrew with a crime.  The Heir doesn't remember there ever being a time when either the Metro Police or Scotland Yard had ever taken a member of Royalty into custody without official retaliation.  Incidentally, the Heir was checking in last night into the latest on Cosby's third month of newfound freedom.  If Cosby does start a new show, the Heir wants to join an organized boycott rally of some sort accordingly.  The Heir understands that Andrea Constand had undergone personal healing therapy over the past few years or so, but he's concerned that any time a survivor goes public about undergoing therapy, potential assailants may end up rationalizing their crimes on the basis of, oh well what does it matter if the person is just going to undergo therapy anyway?  The Heir states that an integral part of any therapy of ensuring official justice so that young men and boys don't believe that they can have their way with any partner or acquaintance if they think they'll always get out of jail on a technicality.  The Heir's main aim in justice is about avoiding sending the wrong message.

"For every criminal that gets off scot-free, at least 100 young people will become personally corrupted.  They don't believe they need to be held to account for *anything* if Person X gets off scot-free.  They are likely now engaging in disorderly person offenses in the UK upon hearing news about Prince Andrew."

Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Heir continues our newfound tradition of not taking prisoners as per our Cultural Update by continuing to press for accountability in the California oil spill.  Today's audio tried to downplay the disaster by apparently citing some kind of "report" that claims that not as many birds were affected by the oil spill, or that it's "not clear" what caused the oil spill, or that the pipeline that ruptured somehow may have been breached for up to "a year."  This after the same audio reported the likelihood that a German goods carrier put down anchor on or near the pipeline and then failed to bring the anchor up when it started going again, and that the anchor caught onto and dragged the pipeline for nearly a hundred feet.  That is more substantive to the Heir than a "report" clutching at different possibilities as to why the oil spill is "not so serious," so he's suspicious about this new report and where it came from.  He's sure the progressives will solely blame the oil industry which he sees as such a predictable go-to, and not on industries that are demanding such oil, such as the burgeoning space tourism industry underwritten by Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, and in their interests in seeing such a "report" come to light.  See my (Happy Bachelor's) previous base share on the likelihood that the ruptured pipeline was supplying oil for refinement for space tourism.  He sees Musk and Bezos using campaign and charity contributions as a bribe for progressive silence, to the point where the progressives effectively endorse everything Musk and Bezos want to do, no matter how unprogressive those things are.  In a closely related issue, since the Heir still sees Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook as progressive bastions, since the Heir sees the two as part of the progressives' own activist infrastructure, he doesn't believe Frances Haugen's revelations go far enough.  There's a lot more that her documents should have showed, such as Facebook's participation in forced obsolescence, the effort to get the public to falsely believe that one thing should replace another.  This the Heir goes into detail in the Cultural Update, but suffice it to say that he's actually disappointed until and unless there's an update, amidst other audio about current events that seem to seek to steer away from the revelations of Frances Haugen.

Monday, October 4, 2021

As per announcement that we're not taking prisoners anymore (i.e., the Cultural Update), the Heir wants to connect a disconnection.  He wants to connect between the tragic oil spill in California and the so-called space tourism industry.  It was less than a week ago that on one of the Heir's ethereal space channels on YouTube that the Ed Snowden-lite Elon Musk made an editorial proclamation against A.I., and regardless of whether you agree with him or not, the Heir doesn't believe that Musk's opinions count for anything.  The space channel features compelling space animations and space age music the Heir finds pleasant and entertaining.  The a/v content uses as voiceovers *factual* commentaries by actual *scientists* about things like if and when we can make it to an earth-like planet outside our solar system, or whether we'll achieve warp drive, or whether we can beat Relativity in space travel so that people don't have to travel thousands of years into the future to find the planet Vulcan or something, only to come back to find everyone they knew is dead.  The A.I. video, which the Heir only saw the thumbnail of, and did not dignify the Elon Muskization of society to bother watching, he sees as an *unwelcome* intrusion that he sees contrary to the space channel's mission.  Elon Musk is just a corporate executive.  He's not a scientist, so the Heir wonders what makes *his* opinions better or superior to anyone else's, particularly since Elon Musk also spends time smoking pot on YouTube.  Add that to the fact that you had that oil spill happen, because here's the Heir's take on that.  We're still gathering the facts to present on audio as to what's causing the spill, but the Heir suspects the oil is in a pipeline that's meant for a refinery that *specifically* makes fuel for the NASA launch pads, including Elon Musk's SpaceX program, and the space tourist launches that take place.  The Heir's wondering if another Billionaire Space Launch is due in two weeks, and if it is, the Heir expects an official report on the spill to be intentionally delayed *after* the launch, and for audio coverage of the spill to follow suit, because Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos, and Richard Branson the Heir suspects as not wanting coverage of an oil spill to be an embarrassment to them the next time they want all other media to cover them going into space.

  The Heir asks the progressives accordingly, while we're both walking down the street, "While we're trying to promote voting rights and fight voting restrictions, what exactly is *democratic* about our being made ignorant of the oil spill just so the billionaires can go back to space again?"