Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Tropical Soulvangelical had reserved comment on the Bowman-Latimer race for the sake of waiting for the outcome. He was pretty sure Bowman would win by a squeaker and then pull a reverse-Trump by acting as if 100% voted for him. He was stunned to see Bowman lose by about 58%/42%. He was also stunned by Bowman's ungracious and undemocratic concession speech accusing people who didn't vote for him or voted -against- him as being "brainwashed." Obviously, -no one- was being brainwashed any more than TSV seeing anyone brainwashed in voting for AOC by 80% in her district or brainwashed into voting for Lauren Boebert in the latter's newly adopted district. Since TSV's predicted that AOC would otherwise run for the Presidency in 2028 if Trump won in 2024, the Bowman-Latimer race TSV sees as putting the skids in her Presidential ambitions accordingly. TSV was really annoyed at hearing newsradio, whose primary purpose TSV sees as supplying him with objective headlines, characterize the race as a "bellwether" for the country the same way they did for the Tom Suozzi race, only in both instances not to follow up on their apparently editorial comments. TSV's gut feeling says that the situation for either district is considerably more complicated than that in trying to generalize to the rest of the country without the proper scientifically empirical weighting of relevant data. TSV makes no prediction for 2024 but though he says he'll be ready in case Trump wins, and he sees the progressives in making no attempt to follow suit at this time, he feels that both the Latimer and the Suozzi districts dodged a bullet. Both districts said no to extremism, though TSV doesn't get the feeling that Suozzi's opponent was necessarily extremist to the same degree as Boebert or MTG. TSV is also hoping that the country understands that the answer to political extremism is not more extremism, and that the opposite of extremism isn't "centrism" as much as just plain common sense. TSV is further hoping that the country will pursue that common sense by pursuing the right-and-wrong of the emerging philosophy of National Principle.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tropical Soulvangelical harbors some cynicisms about that apparent live mic incident with Sam Alito. What he heard from the Insurgent Network was that the person who solicited and recorded comments from both Alito and John Roberts described herself as a "progressive activist," but TSV's wondering how progressive she could possibly be when after submitting her recordings online she -didn't- get an Amtrak ticket to New York City to participate in that Day Of Hate outside the October 7 Memorial. After all, her fellow progressives would judge her as complacent and cowardly for not doing so, her not even having the option of, well I'm not going to do it because I disagree with those protestors. If you're progressive enough, TSV figures both from 2006 and 2013 (with Ed Snowden) that you can't "disagree" with fellow progressives on anything without being judged as complacent and cowardly. Here's the second sticking point for TSV, and that's about whether it really matters whether Alito was caught in either a forced or unforced live mic situation if there's nothing anyone can do about his refusing to recuse himself from January 6 cases. If his is the deciding vote on the immunity case, what difference does it make if the populace tries to say, well we're exercising our "right" to not give the court case our blessing, as per some apparent concept whose origin TSV isn't even all that sure about. Maybe he can do a search through those 15-odd pages in the Federalist Papers that talk about the Supreme Court, but the FP's are not as nationally binding as the -numerated- constitution. You can argue that the FP's can somehow make inference to an "unnumerated" constitution, but TSV has never seen any legal support for such a concept, let alone from the Supreme Court proper. And what about the point of dissents? Could a given juridiction use the dissents from a given Supreme case as basis for an actual legitimized defiance of the majority in said case? If not, why do dissenting opinions even exist? Just for the public record for a Justice to say why they disagree? Because TSV sees the same progressive types that this "activist" implies part of as looking at that whole 6-3 in a completely rigid fashion, in that, again, TSV sees it being because of the progressive movement that the Supreme Court is made into an oligarchic third branch of Congress, because he sees the progressives as outright dismissing the possibilities of either a dissent-based defiance of the Supreme Court or a Federalist Paper implied "unnumerated" constitution. TSV will see the progressives dismissing both as legalistic pipe dreams, and that further embues TSV's view of progressives as really not being on the side of the country. After all, TSV has seen since 2013 with Ed Snowden -trump- as being a byproduct of progressive extremism, and as such he doesn't see them as not wanting -trump- to win so as to push an if-not-one-then-the-other logical fallacy case to get AOC installed in 2028.