Tuesday, July 30, 2024

So here's a followup to a followup to a followup, etc., Tropical Soulvangelical wants to make about the Kamala campaign, and he wants to be able to repeat certain points here, and probably not make any real central points. He really likes Kamala a lot and wants to donate to her campaign when he gets a chance. He's thinking that the honeymoon will have been over by the time he does so, because, again, society makes it so he never gets anything done "on time." But he still sees himself in the independent camp in some respects in his tropical conservatism. He absolutely -has not- joined "Kamalot" because he thinks that's disturbing, both with respect to Obama and JFK. He also feels it unlikely he'll "bro" with Kamala like he did with Biden and Warren, partly because of the disturbance of Kamalot and how he thinks Kamala is unlikely to placate the "cease fire" crowd. That last bit he thinks is because of his cynicism, also borne of tropical soul, that the "cease fire" crowd don't just want a cease fire. He's unconvinced that that's -not- their getting the foot in the door and then declaring Cease Israel. He saw what happened back in April and May with "activists" coming onto colleges out of nowhere, breaking into buildings, taking down flags, doing Days Of Rage, making students of a variety of cultural heritages feel uncomfortable, not to mention actually -celebrating- 10/7. TSV already listened to the video that Kamala as VP made about Israel and Gaza to point out it's not a "binary issue," and that nobody of any background should be made to feel threatened or harassed or uncomfortable. TSV strongly doubts that will mollify that half of the activism that's purist about a "one state solution," and which he perceives drove most of young people's anti-Biden feeling, even though TSV sees it as an extremist and untenable position, for either Biden or Kamala. He heard on Philadelphia radio how this is a "movement" that "worries" about Kamala, because TSV sees her making a common sense proposal which he thinks can turn off enough young people who seem to want extremism. He already got me The Happy Bachelor to channel his misgivings about so-called "youth power," because he's not convinced that it's not systematic ageism or a -trump- level threat to democracy. He understands about attracting young voters from a marketing perspective, but he wants there to be an inclusion of all age groups, and not just 18-35. There are far more people, he thinks, 36 and older who want to help Kamala and help stop -trump- who don't want to end up digging their parental graves allowing young people to protest, for example, bedtime and cleaning up their rooms. So the one thing he thinks would help Kamala with the independent not-Kamalot crowd is a sitdown about basic right-and-wrong and whether her relationship to the concept of principle got her originally interested in the legal profession before she turned to public service. This would help him help her help him, as well as antitrump voters all over the spectrum mostly worried about the future of basic right-and-wrong in the national culture. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

So amidst our announcement of having reached the spiritually righteous state of Tropical Soul, Tropical Soulvangelical also felt like he needed to follow up on our base share regarding The Go Of Joe and The Coming Of Kamala, though he doesn't really have any one central point to make. So thankfully, TSV's listening of newsradio thus far hasn't indicated the same trope against Kamala, and instead for the Donkeys and progressive activists it's been the opposite. Looks as though those groups have turned over a new leaf, what with recommitted delegates and endorsements and fundraising dollars coming out of their ears. 100 million in 24 hours was something that -really- got TSV doing double takes. He remembers LOD's concern a month ago that a replacement for Joe Go would have serious trouble raising money, having looked at the situation regarding Hubert Humphreys in light of both Lyndon Johnson declining another run and the tragic shooting of RFK. Two importance differences between then and now, though. Firstly, you didn't have the Internet in 1968 to raise money on. Secondly, there's a clearly decisive unity around Kamala that Humphreys did -not- enjoy. TSV's seeing -absolutely no-one- pulling a Dump The Hump on Kamala, not even the Israel haters thus far, and that reminds him of a point regarding the squad. When he saw all those of what he -still- considers DINOs caving in on Joe left and right, his congresswoman -never- did so, and he didn't hear that the squad ever did so either. He came across a video on Insurgent, and he's seen many more since the changing of the guard, in which a progressive caucus co-chair and apparent squad person Pramila Jayapal confirmed that the progressive caucus -also- never gave up on Joe, even though his strong stance on Israel was every reason many caucus members had to do so. So it isn't just TSV and LOD. They had something in common with the squad after all and not just everybody liking jelly donuts, but something that really did count for something and that's the value of loyalty, but also managing it not being -blind- loyalty. Everybody knew Biden's problems well, so there was never going to be -blind- loyalty except among the foolish. But there's still one problem. While TSV will give Kamala the support she needs and so deserves and he likes her a lot better than he ever liked Hillary, and frankly that bit about at least a -legal- difference between her and -trump- really helped get TSVs attention, it still wasn't enough for TSV to feel like he can 'bro' with Kamala like he did with Joe, a Joe Bro, with Bro Joe. He doesn't -need- to 'bro' with a candidate in order to help them out, but he -does- need to bro in order for him to feel loyalty and dedication, so he feels like whatever he does for Kamala will always, to him, feel and look like going through the motions, and the -trumpists- he thinks will see that. TSV wants to see that video about how Kamala's having Obama type appeal, and even though he had the same liking for Obama as he does for Kamala, he finds that the kind of lets-have-a-party type charisma he's seeing is a poor substitute for broworthiness. He's hoping that's not going to matter, and another point before he gets me the Happy Bachelor to close on this one. And that's he's thinking that the DINOs had successfully dusted their shortcomings under the rug with respect to their failing Biden, and using the Kamala candidacy to hide behind. But TSV's not fooled. He wants to go after the worst of the worst on this one, like Schumer and Schiff at least, but there's a bit of a guilt trip at this time about having to "show unity" which is another thing he really dislikes. Unity is just conformity with icing on top. But he's hoping the Blow On Joe types do individually have problems after the election so he'll be there to remind people of their disloyalty to Biden, and hence, their disloyalty to the value of principle. Schiff after having been the one to really take it to -trump- in 2016 after the election when the rest were crawling back in their shells feeling sorry for themselves should really know better. In 2024 TSV's seeing an elite in the younger Schiff's place as he vies for a Senate seat, and TSV will not be denied justice. It took us nine years to get to Tropical Soul, and we never forgot Nadir Day or any other important day in our great recovery since then, and TSV's not going to forget this one either. He's okay to close with an embitteredness amidst the great celebrations going on. That's what he did after Obama won. Typical of him, really.
Tropical Soulvangelical and I the Happy Bachelor announcer announce that this immediate culture is now in the state of Tropical Soul as of 7/17/24. More details on the right hand side, but TSV wants to reiterate that it's been a good long nine years since what the announcement calls "Nadir Day" (please read for details), but the kind of things we've been doing we'll keep on doing. That bit hasn't changed. But do see the current situation of our immediate culture as a consummation of the Tropical Soul we try to be as much about as possible. With regards to that "lifesaver" moniker that's mentioned in the announcement, we're going to try to get a pic there soon enough as of this writing so you know what that's about. But thanks to all you of you and your encouragement over the years!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Tropical Soulvangelical respects Joe Biden's decision to quit the race, but TSV texted Biden at that one available number to say he wishes he were still running. He tells Biden that Kamala seems a strong candidate, but that he may very well still be a Biden Bro at heart. TSV feels like he passed a test of principle in that he didn't cave and go, oh Joe you got to go. He took Biden's advice when he got knocked down and he got back up again, and got back up TSV did in keeping his faith to a fellow faithful until the latter made an apparently personal decision not to do the race anymore. TSV did look at a couple vids from the Insurgent Network, and though he doesn't feel as vengeful on the Donkeys as he did earlier today, he still hasn't ruled out withdrawing his support from those he still believes pressured Biden out of the race. But like he implies above, he's not sure he can 'bro' with Kamala Harris like he did with Biden. He did bro with a woman candidate before, specifically Elizabeth Warren, so it's not gender. But like those guys driving big pickups with -trump- flags flying, TSV still wishes for a candidate he can have that principle-based unwavering support for, and he disagrees with the intellectualists he saw on Insurgent that those Donkeys that bro'd for Joe were necessarily being counter-productive. That just seems too one-sided and overanalytical point of view. Again he asks the intellectualists that if they could explain everything, what is there left to believe in? Because if you manage to win a race or a contest only going fact-based and not ever believing in anything, that victory is in fact a moral defeat. You really don't feel like you won. Still, TSV wants to go back to Insurgent to see their response to -trump's- response to Biden leaving the race. TSV was pretty sure -trump- would make a jerk-ass response like something to the effect of, I -knew- Biden was a loser and a quitter! Now he's proved it! And TSV did see something to that effect on a separate thumbnail, so he's hoping Insurgent not only condemn the response, but specifically condemn it as not helpful to swing voters who are seemingly only concerned about inflation, and make it so that it drives -trump's- poll numbers down compared to Harris. That is, unless, of course the -trump- ingratiating media's going to start a HarrisWatch as to whether the Donkeys will in turn try to pressure -Harris- out of the race for being too something or another, fill in the blank here.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Both me the Happy Bachelor and Tropical Soulvangical join in condemning the violence reported at the -trump- rally. You may have noticed the absence of an observation TSV made about Arlington National Cemetery and whether Presidents who did not serve qualify. TSV asked me to withdraw that particular base share because he thought that it wasn't appropriate in light of what happened over the weekend. That said, he takes exception to the apparent media spin that the attempt on -trump's- life somehow -helped- -trump- by, among other things, raising equity stakes in DJT. This is because if -trump- does win, it's going to be the media that'll have an even harder time in the post-election era than -trump- will. After the election, the media will have to explain to the people why they gave -unfactual- backing coverage to one candidate over the other, and TSV will not allow them to stonewall or engage in denial. Because if it is true that the media's being encouraged by political operatives this year, TSV doesn't see that encouragement and assistance continuing after the election. And that's because TSV is an outsider in not seeing these things transactionally. As far as he's concerned, transactional is not factual. Hence he will refuse the Donkey Committee's insistence that he somehow make an artificial dividing line between the election season and the post-election season, and pretend that the latter can't bear to hold on the former. He'll just say NO, and he's not going to waste time explaining why or engage in idle chat accordingly. Anybody who tries to tell him to just "get over it" should really -right now- themselves get over trying to tell him that. Such a request runs counter to his obligation to get -trump- to reach out to Biden voters by promising to adhere to a list of demands TSV knows Biden would fulfill in a second term. If -trump- refuses in some way, that's the same as losing the victory that he had gained in the election season proper. TSV's been doing more studying into historical documents like the Federalist Papers, and he sees that we the people actually have a lot more rights than we've been exercising thus far. Also with respect to the Supreme Court and other political establishments, TSV remembers a refrain made by the founders that our rights come from God, and as such they -don't- come from the politicians. This he'll adhere to stubbornly no matter what arguments the political junkie culture will try to throw his way, because very likely these will be logicial fallacies such as red herring or slogan argument, because what else are they ever going to have?
Tropical Soulvangelical reminds us of isolated news items you may have missed because of the media's War On Biden, also enabled by spineless Donkey figures. First one was just hours before I the Happy Bachelor shared this base share, and that was a judge's dismissal of charges against Alec Baldwin and ruling that Mr. Baldwin can never be re-charged again. Ever since that tragedy whereby Mr. Baldwin accidentally shot a props person, TSV observed the moguls of unaccountability and personal corruption mount a you-reap-what-you-sow campaign against Mr. Baldwin on behalf of -trump- solely because Mr. Baldwin made imitations of -trump- on Saturday Night Live. How -dare- he do that! We will get our revenge! With the media spinning positive karma towards -trump's- way and away from Biden, TSV speculates that the last thing the media had ever expected would be that Mr. Baldwin would be freed from all charges, and then they'd be forced to cover the dismissal as a partial penance for their War On Biden. TSV's estimating that this is just the beginning of the Anti-Biden Media's troubles in weeks and months and years to come, and he doesn't see why he can't (occasionally at least) engage in insinuation and speculation on the media accordingly. We do need a free and independent press as was envisioned by our country's founders, neither of which TSV had been able to find since the debate. But here's the other news item TSV believes the media doesn't want to put on audio, and that's AOC introducting articles of impeachment against Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito, also co-sponsored by TSV's own congresswoman. TSV is by no means an AOC person, and he still worries what an AOC Presidency in 2028 means for the mere existence in the future of things like Israel, cops, national defense and security, and even straightedge culture. But he does applaud her take-action stance, and doing the right thing while her Donkey colleagues busy themselves with biting their nails over both should-we-or-shouldn't-we indecision over Biden and their worries about a -trump- dictatorship. TSV admires that AOC saw that going on and said, screw this, I'm taking action. And taking action she did. TSV continues his news diet amidst the War On Biden, and among other things, he's looking for good world news items on YouTube he can convert to audio for his player, so that he still tries to maintain a global perspective while the domestic media continues to go off duty.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

So it's been nearly two weeks since the debate, which Tropical Soulvanglical understands is an entire news cycle, so he doesn't think there's any reason why that one newsradio segment at the top of the hour he's monitoring while he's still doing his news diet should keep on nattering about Biden unless they really want Biden to fail, and by extension, to want his -supporters- to fail, ostensibly in life itself, and that includes TSV. TSV's considering making a list of those feckless donkeys in office whom he sees selling out on Biden, and calling on them to resign from said offices, and for them to not have committee assignments or cabinet positions in the future until and unless they sincerely change their positions on Biden. TSV will say it again, and that's that Biden will always be -his- President no matter who wins in November. TSV will right now as of this writing decline to recognize a -trump- Presidency any time in the future. This is his citizenship right and obligation. At the right time in the next few days or so, TSV also wants to officially proclaim -trump- inherently guilty of any crimes he's accused of that he's not going to trial on before the election. He wants to make a separate proclamation of inherent guilt on -trump- in the hush money trial in the event that the trial's conviction gets reversed or overturned. He will also condemn such future reversal or overturning, and his condemnation effectively reverses the reversal, and overturns the overturning.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

With respect to the Supreme Court's opinion (not "ruling" or "decision", it's -opinion-) on absolute immunity, Tropical Soulvangical uses the public blessing inference in the Federalist Papers, or maybe public condemnation, to declare that -trump- instead has Absolute Vulnerability. Among other things, that means -trump's- personal safety is in greater danger now more than ever, for what it's worth. But with opinions on abortion and one other opinion TSV forgets offhand, he now wants to promote the concept of public blessing he's heard about more front and center than he thinks it's ever been in the modern age. He's -thinking- that the public blessing bit comes specifically from Federalist Paper 78, with Alexander Hamilton doing most of the writing, and a mayoral figure at the time writing under the pseudonym "Brutus" (TSV can't help thinking of Popeye's main nemesis every time he hears that name, or maybe Caeser's protege who ends up killing him-?). Brutus and Hamilton go back and forth, TSV reads, saying things like, well about how about this, and, well the problem with that is so-and-so. One point he sees Hamilton making is that of the Supreme Court or at least the judiciary at large as somehow being the least powerful branch. That would explain why it runs at number 3 in the Constitution, with the legislation running at number 1. That he thinks contradicts this whole unaccountable oligarchic vision of the Supreme Court he has, up to now, been led to believe that's how we should look at it. But now he's saying, wait a minute. He vaguely remembers this obsession with the Supreme Court starting with the retirement of William Brennan in 1990, and people worrying about whether David Souter was going to tear down Brennan's legacy. Turns out he didn't, but TSV believes it's since then that the same media that's spinning "panic" on Biden started this notion of the Supreme Court as operating with absolute power, kind of like a teacher grading papers that the lawmakers as students submit to that teacher. TSV's cliff notes reading on Wikipedia (yeah he cheated) on Fed Pape 78 seems to demonstrate mostly the opposite. And here's another point that TSV doesn't think enjoys much attention, and that's the dissents in cases such as abortion and absolute immunity, those cases that he thinks get people all anxious about. Where the immunity case is concerned, TSV encourages Jack Smith to cobble a submission to that lower court that the case apparently has been sent back down to based on substantive portions of the dissents in that case. It's perfectly OK to go back and forth to really challenge the Supreme Court's opinion, TSV thinks, instead of reinforcing the finality myth he thinks is also associated with the Supreme Court. He's seen it in at least one other case years ago where a lower court and the Supreme Court went back and forth, so he thinks that challenges the notion that a case gets decided in a jury court and then goes to a higher court and then a yet higher court until it goes to the Supreme Court and then somehow it just stops in its tracks. His takeaway from the Fed Papes is that the only thing that makes the Supreme Court "supreme" is the language that got used in Hamilton's time to try to describe a hierarchy of the court system and what goes where. Just because a case goes to the Supreme Court doesn't mean he thinks it ever ends there. Look at Dred Scot. He's thinking people then were thinking, oh this is terrible but there's nothing we can do about it so we're screwed, nearly a hundred years before slavery got abolished entirely, rendering Dred Scot legally moot (tho certainly not historically). So what TSV wants to tell you that this all comes down to is, don't believe that how it works on paper is how it works in reality in the court system, just because the media has a preconceived notion of how it's supposed to work. TSV's wondering whether the opinion on absolute immunity would have been considerably different if it wasn't for that live mic forced error stunt, and whether this is kind of the Court's revenge. Yet another reason for TSV to bring to light the destructive tendencies of The Squad.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Tropical Soulvangelical calls for the complete and utter dismantling of both the Insurgent Network and the Donkey National Committee and for them to be remade from scratch to reflect the interests of the people rather than -just- the interest of The Squad. This is TSV's response to there being a mere video title saying something to the effect of, Biden's campaign's attempt at gaslighting about his "sharpness" is crumbling. No, the only thing TSV sees as crumbling is the Insurgent Network's credibility with few exceptions as TSV likes to mention, along with the faithlessness of the Donkey Committee. And here's one exception TSV's mentioning, and that's LOD's reminders about the -real- deal about debates at large. LOD reminds his listeners that the debate's ratings were at least among the lowest ever, and that debates were only made for television. TSV can't remember when they ever had debates on the radio before 1960, and that Lincoln Douglass debate TSV remembers LOD saying that that debate was only for a mayoral office of some sort. LOD also reminds people those swing voters whose opinions are supposedly the most important on pretty much anything in the country very rarely watch debates. There were many other fact-based debunkings LOD made and yet TSV observes LOD's colleagues as continuing to dabble in mythologies and fatalisms as is their wont. TSV is especially critical of TRMS for insincerely trying to tell people "don't cower" before retreating to its own brand of cowering. TSV also sees the Insurgent Network as bringing on "legal scholars" to use their analyses to make the overgeneralization of fatalism for all society and its citizens and basic philosphy. TSV runs counter to such nailbitings, and he sees it as a reflection on the concepts of expertism and intellectualism at large. He inherently distrusts 90% of figures he sees in a given thumbnail or video with sweaters with leather elbows speaking meekly and softly saying things that you're supposed to believe just because they are the self-styled experts. On the contrary, TSV requires the listener to -outright disbelieve- those figures -because- they say want to be believed. TSV isn't doubting science. He doubts science's ability to come to any credible philsophical generalization that people are supposed to take at face value, just because science says so. He observes that such generalizations aren't even supported by the scientific evidence the scientific figures themselves he sees putting forth. He sees them as inserting their biased fatalistic subjective opinions in an effort to make them seem like actual scientific conclusions. What it all comes down to as of this shares base is that each and every single day, TSV sees those forces he once had some measure of trust in as increasingly treasonous to the value of principle that TSV himself as increasingly pursuing. He's going toward principle, and mostly everyone else is retreating -from- principle. They really need to just stop with their Biden bashing already, regardless of how the election will turn out. TSV -still- contends that both progressives and the Insurgent Network -want- Biden to lose so that AOC can win in 2028 on the logical fallacy of if-not-one-then-the-other. TSV sees anti-Biden progressives as truly believing that the answer to extremism is more extremism, and something's really wrong, he contends, if people insist on ringing the alarm bells on democracy in 24, and not a peep in 28. AOC and Trump are equally undemocratic choices, TSV reminds people, because both only represent each one's respective version of extremism, not a common sense TSV says needs to be based on National Principle. If the extremist groups end up going after the concept of National Principle, TSV knows he's right about everything he's getting me the Happy Bachelor to write about above. Oh and one other thing. If Trump does somehow not get into court over anything else he's accused of besides those hush money payments, TSV plans to issue a Proclamation Of Inherent Guilt on Trump on everything he's ever been accused of that supercedes any and all legal challenges and discussions, as is his right and power as an American citizen. As such, TSV is also above the Supreme Court, if it's true that the Court somehow needs the blessing of the people, and the concept of such blessing isn't merely about The Court Of Public Opinion.