Tropical Soul And Principle
Both this shares base and our presence on audio primarily feature content toward the themes of principle and a simplicity and meditative state of mind we call "tropical soul." Also includes announcements and shares in The Bachelor such as new episodes, emergency/need-to-know and shares with the four pillars and the Bachelor universe.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
It's 1/7, the day after the anniversary of 1/6. As such, Tropical Soulvangelical wants to remind people that 1/6 didn't end on 1/6. It ended in July 24, so now that it's 1/7, TSV sees it appropriate enough to correct the record on things. He saw Insurgent's headlines talking about how the elephantines have a selective amnesia regarding 1/6. Sure that's true, but TSV sees the flip side of donkeys having a selective amnesia regarding July 24, and how we've pretty much ensured a dictatorship by -somebody- by undemocratically defying the will of primary voters in pressuring Biden to exit the race in that time. For some reason, TSV sees conventional culture as having an irretrievably odd definition of democracy, in that they seem to believe that primary elections don't count as elections. Essentially democracy is -only- something that you do every four years in November with respect to choosing a President, and apparently not inherent in any other elections, such as school board elections TSV's expecting to come up for his state and town about May or so, or for that matter housing board elections like the one TSV saw posted in the billboard at the Bachelor Boulevard North bus stop. Remember people saying things last year like, if the wrong person wins, there will be no more elections? Apparently, they seem to believe that housing board and school board elections don't count as elections, and yet TSV's expecting both this year, so TSV asks, how can you say you're a democracy in the first place if you're trying to "renegotiate" the very definition of democracy? There's any number of countries that don't have elections of any kind, so TSV figures what they wouldn't do to even have housing board elections, and here we are in the free world taking housing board elections for granted. So TSV admonishes the donkeys, particularly the schumerdonkeys that took the side of Schumer and Schiff and hence have no gumption about overthrowing Biden, and reminds them not to limit discussions about democracy to their own selective spin as they once again use 1/6 as a sociological football. 1/7, and TSV hasn't heard a peep out of them regarding the subject of democracy, only otherwise legitimate complaints about congestive pricing.
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Tropical Soulvangelical forgot to mention that about the same time we did our last base share about the fatalists, he heard on good ole newsradio about the new name for the generation that comes after Gen Z. They're calling it Gen Alpha, and it's TSV's first hope of a generation that will show fearless faith and principle in ways that Gens Y and Z never did. He's hoping that Gen Alpha takes to principle in rebellion against Gens Y's and Z's belief in personal corruption, protesting the stance of their older siblings. Once Gen Alpha does that, TSV looks to them to -outvote- Gens Y and Z in 2026 and then again in 2028 the same way Gens Y and Z outvoted TSV and effectively voted against -him- as a citizen, particularly the Ed Snowden anarchists. He's hoping Alpha will be there to vote -for- him as a citizen because his is only one vote, and he can't just vote for himself while 5 million young people vote against his basic rights as a citizen to demand faith and principle from his fellow citizens. He's going to need help, and he's looking to Gen Alpha at first. If not them, then Gen Beta, and if not Beta then Gen Gamma. He's not sure whose idea it was to go to the Greek alphabet for every generation henceforth, but he likes that idea better than his own which was to add more Z's per every generation, like ZZ or ZZZ, etc. It makes every generation look like a snoozer, which is not what you want, and after a while it becomes ridiculous to keep adding on letters. He sees that there are 24 letters in the Greek alphabet, so that's good for 24 more generations. If our society doesn't shape up morally by the time we get to Omega, then we should -really- throw in the towel, and TSV doesn't particularly care if he's not around by that time. It would be unimaginable to him that after he's gone that you're going to have elderly Gen Y's and Z's who would then -still- believe that Ed Snowden was right about everything and who -still- believe that accountability is only about a "deep state." TSV's thinking there's got to be some new generation down the line that frowns skeptically on the phrase "deep state" to say, come on, "deep state?" You guys are still doing legal pot? Speaking of which, TSV hopes for an entire straightedge generation in Alpha or subsequent. He's hoping that said future generation will come around and support cops/enforcement and Israel's right to exist and defend itself, and see that the problem with Israel is not Israel, but Netanyahu. He's hoping that Alpha will take a more conscientious stance against antisemitism in order to see that over half of ceasefire protests truly are antisemitic at their core, because Cease Fire is code for Cease Israel. TSV figures that should have been apparent after 10/7. He's hoping that Israel will still be around when Alpha comes of age to have an Israel to still defend, so that there's still a Jewish State, and you don't have a significant and substantial portion of the world's population suddenly become second class citizens just because they're made to give up having a country of their own just because that country's government sucks specifically when it comes to Gaza, and that antisemitism would be emboldened on a global scale and never stop just because the antisemites see an entire people as having "lost face." Is Gen Alpha aware of social issues at a mere age 11? TSV thinks not yet which is why a so-called youth power thing has to be about Gen Alpha understanding the issues as above, and not about pitting young people against their elders in an ageist fashion. He doesn't think that Gen Z is necessarily ageist like he gets the impression that Gen Y is for the most part, the so-called millennials, but the concept of youth power as it stands he sees as pushing Z in that direction as time goes on. Hope lies with Alpha, Beta and Gamma, and TSV will wait and make efforts accordingly for as long as it takes, and then it'll be Gens Y and Z that will have to face the consequences of their actions. TSV wants a future generation that's the most like him possible and reflects his values, so that he doesn't have society keep on putting down the generation he happens to be born in, and hence him having to suffer unending disrespect from society at large. He's hoping for a true ally generation. Maybe this is why some families end up having second children when their first borns turn out to be total brats and monsters. They're looking for a second chance like TSV is.
Friday, December 27, 2024
Tropical Soulvangelical hopes everyone's enjoyed the holidays, but for him it's back to the Terrible Times. He wouldn't be surprised if that were a name of an actual newspaper. But he's seeing fatalists trying to convince TSV, almost personally, that -trump- is absolutely going to annex both Canada and Greenland. There are two things TSV's learned when he deals with the fatalists. First is when -trump- says, I'm going to do X, there's an accompanying fatalist that says, When -trump- says he's going to do X, -believe him-, and it doesn't matter what X is or how absurd or remotely unlikely it is. It's believe him no matter what. Another fatalism TSV has had to deal with is in plagiaristic form. It's the fatalists saying, Be Afraid Be Very Afraid, and for some reason it's often after they say, because -trump- wants you to cower, the best antidote to that is, don't cower. Despite the fatalists clearly not really meaning the latter if they do mean the former, the latter by itself is pretty self-evident just from a logical point of view. But TSV vaguely remembers BABVA, his acronym of the above, as being a sell line for a line of children's suspense books, and apparently that's a thing. It reminds him of children's fairy tales from England which are about children getting eaten by some terrible monster, and children are reading that. TSV is thinking, oh, nice. So while he awaits more real emergencies in the new year to make affirmative moves on, he also has to do with 90% of headlines being of the BABVA variety after how he knows the fatalists helped Schumer and Schiff undemocratically overthrow Biden in a coup over last summer, and he will not forget the coup nor the fatalists' role in it. Sure -trump- wants to be a dictator, but TSV points out that the Schumer and Schiff team already -are- one. TSV's question here is, how is it that the prevention of dictatorship is, subsequently, more dictatorship? That's what TSV asks of those who still value fearless faith and principle, as he plans to take at least as much action in the new year against Schumer as against -trump-. Oh and by the way, as we're covering 2024 The Year In Review, does anybody remember the drones and how that was supposedly "Biden's Fault?"
Monday, December 16, 2024
Don't try to waste Tropical Soulvangelical's time on that whole drones thing. He's trying to think as little about it as possible, with a considerable degree of unsuccess since we're now making a base share out of it. TSV asks us to think back to Bridge Gate, and how a creation of problems was meant to cause problems for adversaries for a given politician. He thought about it, and now it makes sense to him. When he tuned into that one Mayor who went after Phil Murphy for not being "open" enough, TSV immediately thought two things and they pretty much stuck with him. A, and this is the oldest trick in the book, and that's use of an issue to distract from one's own shortcomings. And now here's B, and TSV figures that can be summed up in that age old proverb: He Who Smelt It Dealt It. Of course that may be very hard to prove, but it would be an embarrassment if those anti-stalwart pro-meaness-and-or-fatalism politicians attack pro-stalwart and anti-fatalism figures over the drones issue, only for there to be mounting evidence that said drones likely originated from those politicians' munipical equipment yards. The drones story never seemed quite right for TSV from the very beginning. For one thing, who in their right minds would stand around in their yards at 3'o'clock in the morning in sub-zero temps in the middle of December just to see, per chance, whether there are any drones flying around, and lo and behold, Seek And Ye Shall Find? For another, TSV doubts the drones issue will dissipate just because it's been overcast and rain, and therefore the drones will either be mostly invisible or not even operate under inclement weather conditions. With all of the above, everything fell into place for TSV, so he thinks it's time for -visual- media at least to quit this Drone Watch, because how dumb do they think we are with our heads still in the clouds, and get back to real issues. Namely, the attacks on the stalwart life's philosophy in favor of the fatalistic fallacy for the country, and how we have to get back to the values of faith and principle.
Elton John's right. We -are- making a mistake where this whole legal pot thing is concerned. Elton John in an interview Tropical Soulvangelical heard about on the radio expressed dismay because he had helped his friends in the music industry on their road to recovery. The specific mistake TSV has seen in the past four years was the concept of If Not One Then The Other. So it wasn't enough to decriminalize pot so as to not disenfrachise people culturally, but make it so legal that the legalization itself served as a de facto marketing promotion for a lifestyle choice that's clearly questionable at best, and to dictate the science towards a pro-drug bias. TSV's hoping that Elton John's candid commentary would help focus on those in recovery and those who righteously choose a straightedge path in life, neither of which TSV sees as being aptly served in our pro-drug policy essentially amounting to a mentality of everyone-has-to-use-recreational-drugs or somehow there's-no-difference-between-recreational-drugs-and-those-few-prescription-drugs-that-have-gone-wrong-in-society. We went straight to legalization with no meaningful debate whatsoever, and this is part of what TSV wants to highlight in months to come as we also discuss, mainly with respect to the problem of Chuck Schumer, how we can blame someone else for undemocracy when in our own side of the aisle we need to get our own democratic house in order and not throw our own under the bus in fundamental disregard of the will of primary voters. This issue will only haunt the Schumers and Schiffs of the world even more in coming weeks and months, and not less.
Elton John's right. We -are- making a mistake where this whole legal pot thing is concerned. Elton John in an interview Tropical Soulvangelical heard about on the radio expressed dismay because he had helped his friends in the music industry on their road to recovery. The specific mistake TSV has seen in the past four years was the concept of If Not One Then The Other. So it wasn't enough to decriminalize pot so as to not disenfrachise people culturally, but make it so legal that the legalization itself served as a de facto marketing promotion for a lifestyle choice that's clearly questionable at best, and to dictate the science towards a pro-drug bias. TSV's hoping that Elton John's candid commentary would help focus on those in recovery and those who righteously choose a straightedge path in life, neither of which TSV sees as being aptly served in our pro-drug policy essentially amounting to a mentality of everyone-has-to-use-recreational-drugs or somehow there's-no-difference-between-recreational-drugs-and-those-few-prescription-drugs-that-have-gone-wrong-in-society. We went straight to legalization with no meaningful debate whatsoever, and this is part of what TSV wants to highlight in months to come as we also discuss, mainly with respect to the problem of Chuck Schumer, how we can blame someone else for undemocracy when in our own side of the aisle we need to get our own democratic house in order and not throw our own under the bus in fundamental disregard of the will of primary voters. This issue will only haunt the Schumers and Schiffs of the world even more in coming weeks and months, and not less.
Friday, December 13, 2024
Tropical Soulvangelical kind of wants to supplement Allan Lichtman's findings on the (now past) election, and TSV has determined that it's partially anarchist type youth that both delivered a victory for -trump- -and- propose worshipfulness for Luigi Mangione. It's the same unaccountable mentality in both cases, and all that does for TSV is emphasize the importance of principle (again). At first he had wondered if the killing was possibly a false flag independently made in favor of -trump- to try to argue against Funny Named Care next year, but now that we know now what we didn't know then, TSV's ruling that out. He had wondered why there weren't accomplices, but he's now thinking that the anarchist worshippers are themselves the accomplices, and should be named and shamed accordingly. They are what TSV's stalwart state governor calls "knuckleheads." That's the name that the governor had for those people who defied the Covid lockdown four years ago just for the sake of defiance. TSV went into a fit of moral outrage at the time calling them immoral, narcissistic, unaccountable, etc., but he kind of likes the governor's sneer of "knucklehead" a lot better. It's that kind of "come on dude" kind of healthful contemptuousness to it. In covering Mangione, TSV came across what's essentially a stalwart vs fatalism debate on the Insurgent Network. In this base share, he doesn't particularly want to examine the details, but suffice it to say that there's definitely an Inside Baseball kind of situation at Insurgent when it comes to somehow predicting the eventual impact of -trump-. The debate started as a discussion about -trump- and groceries, and then they went to things like tariffs and cabinet appointments, though the title of the video was mostly only about groceries. But one takeaway for TSV is that nobody can brag to predict the future enough to all be on one page. Of course on and off you're going to hear "see I told you so" being said both by the stalwart side and by the fatalistic side. Fatalism 1, Stalwart 0. Let's stay tuned. TSV is still anti- Schumer/Schiff for what happened to Biden.
Friday, December 6, 2024
For the first time in just over a month, Tropical Soulvanglical knows exactly what he needs to do to get the country to stand for principle awash in its neo- personal corruption type of worship of -trump-, and that's to take on what he calls the schumerdonkeys who betrayed Biden and as such TSV deems as -trump lite-. But here's the thing. He believes that most of his would-be allies are of the progressive caucus/squad variety, and he wants them to know that about 80% of issues he and they are going to have to agree to disagree on. That's because TSV now conserves, having started doing so shortly after the end of the pandemic, and he has a mental list of things of value he believes needs to be conserved, and which we outlined in past base shares. Case in point, TSV opposes the move by the NJ town Haddon Heights to change their dry town status, so he supposes they're kind of a wet town now. He doesn't want anyone wasting his time corruptsplaining the economic "benefits" of allowing restaurants and eateries to have liquor licenses and bring in more people, and more tax revenue. That's because humanity doesn't live by bread alone. There are just some intangibles that cannot be denied, no matter how the politicians try to do so. So he stands with the 33% of the residents there who wanted to keep their town dry. After all, alcohol is still the "devil's juice" like they say pot is the "devil's lettuce." It's just common sense talking, and hence a nod toward straightedge culture and the ability to set healthful boundaries for one's self. If AOC (and others) wants a pro-Biden alliance with TSV, she'll need to understand how he's trying to conserve and not get taken aback at some "shocking" views she sees TSV espousing, somehow believing that we left things such as not-drinking back in the 19th Century or so.
Monday, December 2, 2024
Tropical Soulvangelical sees the -trumpists- as totally stunned and without wherewithall like the way they wanted everyone else who wasn't exactly like them to get like a month ago. No matter how much they try to deny it, TSV can see right through them. The fact is, you can't have it both ways. TSV sneers at all the fake outrage regarding the pardon of Hunter Biden, because he and they full well -trump's- going to pardon the insurrectionists on possibly his first day in office as a form of 'revenge.' Unfortunately it just makes the -trumpists- total hypocrites where pardons go. Besides, if -trump- could pardon Paul Manafort and Roger Stone, why -can't- Biden pardon Hunter Biden? This also helps disprove for TSV this newly found notion that someone like Kamala Harris should not try to run for the Presidency ever again, and instead go for someone like Bill Clinton. The -trumpists- have no proof that a Kamala-similar campaign would inevitably fail in 2028 or after, nor do they have proof that things will be totally the same for four years to the point where 2028 will somehow be exactly like 2024. What TSV sees we saw a month ago was a snapshot and not a trend, so there's no precedent for things being exactly the same for even six months, let alone two years or even four years. Because of how faddish our society is, the frozen social scene is just not a thing. So once 2026 and 2028 come around, and prove to be very different socially from 2024, TSV expects the -trumpists- to respond his reminding them of their frozen social scene theory by saying, 'we never said that!!'
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Tropical Soulvanglical isn't accepting any kind of rhetoric claiming he's just Monday Morning Quarterbacking. On the contrary, he's telling it like it is. For example, it's only in the modern age that elections have to be some kind of spectator sport, and TSV distinctly remembers a country that actually went out of its way not to make its elections into spectator sports. That was before most sports were invented, and elections were actually gentleman's agreement type exercises. What TSV remembers, however rightly or wrongly, is that the concept of "running mates" wasn't a thing. Whenever two people ran for President, the person who lost was presumed to become the winner's Vice President, so that way it's a balanced ticket perceived to be as fair as possible to the people. Whether that worked in practice is another matter entirely, but suffice it to say it was a time when we tried our darndest to make it work. TSV's estimation as to when that changed was about the time of Lincoln, and that it was just before or just after that that we introduced the concept of "running mates." Fast forward several decades and we started inventing sports. Baseball, then basketball, then football. Some time after that, maybe the 60s TSV's wondering, is when we referred to elections as "horse races." The notion that elections are any kind of sport or race TSV's wondering must have been totally alien to the country's founders. It was over five years ago TSV remembers when Ari Melber asked Elizabeth Warren if she had to pick -any- running mate from the past or present, she named Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, and that pretty much stunned Melber. Maybe now that TSV sees people like Schumer and company to be increasingly toxic as time goes on for being so anti-Biden as they still are, he doesn't see it as a "circular firing squad" like he criticized the phrasing thereof in a past base share, but more of an effort to put country over party. Hence, the more anti-Biden the rest of the country gets, the more pro-Biden TSV gets. He's digging his heels in, and he doesn't think the rest of the country gets it or appreciates what was done or trying to be done for them, particularly the young people who want to hate him (both TSV and Biden) over Israel. TSV wants to ask the country in two years time whether they still regard Biden as the bogeyman, and he thinks he's going to get an opposite answer from what he's getting now in the form of this year's election results. There could very well have been an opposite answer even in -this- election in the form of what TSV calls the Closet Kamalas. These are people TSV observes as going out of their way to go -trumptrumptrump- with all the hats and merch and truck flags, and then they get in that voting booth, and when they think no-one's looking from outside the booth curtain, they push "Kamala." When you have a district that goes 80% for -trump- and -everyone- has -trump- signs on their lawn in that district, about 20% qualifies as Closet Kamalas. So TSV warns -trumpshanders- not to party so hard right now, because TSV's Biden his time.
Friday, November 8, 2024
Some more criticisms and stalwart determination and possible to-dos coming -from- Tropical Soulvangelical -for- Tropical Soulvangelical. So first of all, why the radio silence for the past two weeks or so? At least when he's not going after Mark Cuban and George Clooney. Well, as fatalistic as most of the activists were, TSV wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt just in case they were right and he was wrong. In any case, they still had important work to do. But that phase of things being over, he sees that they failed -precisely because- of their fatalism, which is TSV's criticism here. There were also too many texts being sent, and TSV thanks his lucky stars that he still has minutes on his flip, because he doesn't go with the bourgesie-ish smartphone ideal from a big provider offering "unlimited." TSV can go into detail about phone differences being cultural differences, maybe in a yet -another- base share, but let's go after fatalism. TSV talked about in the last base share about the folly of fatalism, but he wants to drive home the point that fatalism only results in a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's happened in 2004 and it happened 20 years later, so by that standard alone nothing has changed. That thing about "don't regret not doing more" TSV sees as causing people to end up doing less because guilt is such a poor motivator to get people to do anything. On those rare occasions people are guilted into "doing more" it's only with going through the motions. Of those 90,000 volunteers Kamala had on her staff, TSV can't point to even one who only acted out of guilt. As far as he can see, they all believed in what they did and nobody had to tell them to do things. But the biggest driver of fatalism in our overly westernized culture were the texts. Those texts that said "say goodbye to Kamala emergency in Pennsylvania" were just counterproductive. TSV's sick and tired of hearing style-over-substance type phrases such as "circular firing squad" or "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory," but look at that last one. It's the texts and their fatalism and the more fatalistic activism that snatched fatalistic defeat from the jaws of sincerely stalwart victory, not those actors borne of stalwart determination and pragmatism. As far as a circular firing squad is concerned, TSV saw the first shots in that squad coming from Bob DeNiro standing outside the -trumptrial- back in the spring, and more from the antibidens in that time. Those TSV observed were -unprovoked-. Nobody made Bob DeNiro kill the -trumptrial- in its last 48 hours when they already had it in the bag, and the reasons why TSV saw DeNiro doing so were westernized-cultural. We're just too westernized to make things work in as simple a manner as possible. That's why you need to embrace Tropical Soul as your ultimate best destiny. Those who stood by Biden and still do so now like TSV were pushing back against the fatalists and antibidens because it was doing so that was for democracy, and that's hardly a "circular firing squad." Fatalism and antibiden TSV observes this year as inviting undemocracy. The other thing you need to do besides following the righteous path of tropical soul is -not invite undemocracy-. TSV's also not using Rachel Maddow's todo list, because he already has his own, tentatively. It includes protecting affordable care, reproductive choice, alliances around the world and free and fair elections in defiance of the progressive prediction of no-more-elections, and doing all of this in the most stalwart pragmatic manner possible conserving Tropical Soul and the righteous path therein.
Here comes Tropical Soulvangelical getting me the Happy Bachelor to split our base share into two separate shares with the election. Here's the first one with Allan Lichtman's Keys To The White House, and seeing how Mr. Lichtman does his YouTube live update on Thursdays, TSV's hoping he isn't trashing his own Keys and their predictability, because TSV believes that the Keys being worked properly actually -did- predict a -trump- win, but that there was wrong information and assumptions being used. TSV believes that the two keys that gave -trump- a win was social unrest and challenger charisma, and here's how. With social unrest, TSV begs with differ with Mr. Lichtman in that the anti-Israel protests weren't limited to just a few college campuses as per TSV's understanding of those protests. In fact, there's nary a college TSV knows about that -didn't- have protests, and that the protest groups did everything they could to carry their anti-Israel hatred of Biden onto Harris. Again it's about young people and Biden, whereby TSV thinks young people are mistaken about how terrible Biden is as a public figure. Mr. Lichtman didn't believe that the protests compared with the antiwar protests of the 60s, but TSV observes that they didn't have Facebook or Twitter, etc., back in the 60s, so the protests were more out and obvious then. The other key was about challenger charisma, which Mr. Lichtman also dismisses on -trump- but TSV thinks -trump- was still charimatic enough with those young swing voters that TSV believes put -trump- over the finish line, because, again, it's this thing with If Not One Then The Other that TSV thinks young voters were thinking about Biden and generalizing to Harris. They truly seemed to believe that they should go with -trump- because they hate Biden and generalizing to Harris over Israel and perceptions of the economy. The economic bit with short-term TSV wonders could be a third key in -trump's- column, because contrary to what TSV heard Mr. Lichtman say, you probably do have to factor in economic perceptions. TSV does agree with Mr. Lichtman that most of these perceptions are highly incorrect and anti-Biden biased, but TSV also believes they need to be factored in with the Keys and they weren't. More about the election in our other base share.
Tropical Soulvangelical already talked about the Keys To The White House in the other base share, but he now wants to let out on how terrible Presidential elections really are, even when his candidate wins, and how he doesn't believe they were ever truly democratic, even when his candidate wins, and it's actually not about the Electoral College. It's partly about the involvement of self important consultants such as George Clooney and Mark Cuban and Bob DeNiro whom TSV doesn't believe have any business putting their thumb on the scale in terms of them telling people what to do in activist matters, particularly with respect to that hostility towards Biden that TSV sticks it to them with, and will do so in years and decades to come. The other problem is with election year anxiety and how TSV believes that interferes with people making sound activist decisions based on sincere stalwart defiance rather than as desperate and futile attempts at things as is what TSV has observed since 2004 at least as progressive traits. He's never seen any actual -stalwart- progressive efforts in election matters, because otherwise we would be hoisting Kamala Harris on our proverbial shoulders with victory chants to boot. It confirmed TSV's donkeyish conservatism for him, and how you need to conserve stalwart defiance over letting them see you sweat, not to mention conserving National Principle that TSV also observes as progressive forces not making a priority. After all, the situation with -trump- TSV parks at the feet of the progressives from Ed Snowden onwards when they still inexplicably back in 2013 emphasized second- and third- and fourth- guessing one's national confidence just because Ed Snowden said so. Ed Snowden was the Clooney/DeNiro of his time, and TSV sees progressives as not taking Putin as seriously then as TSV did. They actually believed that Putin's Russia was part of New Europe that needed to be placed above Old Europe which they faulted as colluding with Obama on surveillance issues. In that way they were for Putin before they were against him just two and a half years ago, which TSV sees as too little too late. But TSV wants to contact the Harris Team about retaining the Great Coalition that involves those who wish to conserve things of value from across the political spectrum, because he sees the election as a mere snapshot rather than as a setting in stone of how things "have" to be for the next four years, supposedly unchangingly, and that's another cultural assumption TSV sees as erroneous with elections. We had elections in the UK, Mexico, the Philippines, Mozambique among other countries, and he's never heard of election anxiety at the same level as in the U.S., not even in Mozambique. TSV has never heard of those countries' Cloonies/DeNiros/Cubans as ever putting their thumbs on the scale like they do here. When Kier Starmer rose to prominence in the UK, TSV never heard of Brits biting their nails over whether Rishi Sunak would be overcome, or whether a British DeNiro type would ruin it for the Labour Party like ours did outside of the -trump- courthouse back in the spring. So this base share along with the Keys share is TSV outlining everything that's wrong with American Democracy, how the country's Founders should have and never prevented such and issues such as the electoral college tend to distract from real democratic problems. The electoral college TSV thinks deserves its own base share, but suffice it to say that if you -could- solve the electoral college problem, TSV doesn't see it as -truly- doing anything signficant enough to solve the other problems with, which are cultural. Stay tuned as TSV continues to dress down the country for its democratic problems for the rest of the year.
Tropical Soulvangelical already talked about the Keys To The White House in the other base share, but he now wants to let out on how terrible Presidential elections really are, even when his candidate wins, and how he doesn't believe they were ever truly democratic, even when his candidate wins, and it's actually not about the Electoral College. It's partly about the involvement of self important consultants such as George Clooney and Mark Cuban and Bob DeNiro whom TSV doesn't believe have any business putting their thumb on the scale in terms of them telling people what to do in activist matters, particularly with respect to that hostility towards Biden that TSV sticks it to them with, and will do so in years and decades to come. The other problem is with election year anxiety and how TSV believes that interferes with people making sound activist decisions based on sincere stalwart defiance rather than as desperate and futile attempts at things as is what TSV has observed since 2004 at least as progressive traits. He's never seen any actual -stalwart- progressive efforts in election matters, because otherwise we would be hoisting Kamala Harris on our proverbial shoulders with victory chants to boot. It confirmed TSV's donkeyish conservatism for him, and how you need to conserve stalwart defiance over letting them see you sweat, not to mention conserving National Principle that TSV also observes as progressive forces not making a priority. After all, the situation with -trump- TSV parks at the feet of the progressives from Ed Snowden onwards when they still inexplicably back in 2013 emphasized second- and third- and fourth- guessing one's national confidence just because Ed Snowden said so. Ed Snowden was the Clooney/DeNiro of his time, and TSV sees progressives as not taking Putin as seriously then as TSV did. They actually believed that Putin's Russia was part of New Europe that needed to be placed above Old Europe which they faulted as colluding with Obama on surveillance issues. In that way they were for Putin before they were against him just two and a half years ago, which TSV sees as too little too late. But TSV wants to contact the Harris Team about retaining the Great Coalition that involves those who wish to conserve things of value from across the political spectrum, because he sees the election as a mere snapshot rather than as a setting in stone of how things "have" to be for the next four years, supposedly unchangingly, and that's another cultural assumption TSV sees as erroneous with elections. We had elections in the UK, Mexico, the Philippines, Mozambique among other countries, and he's never heard of election anxiety at the same level as in the U.S., not even in Mozambique. TSV has never heard of those countries' Cloonies/DeNiros/Cubans as ever putting their thumbs on the scale like they do here. When Kier Starmer rose to prominence in the UK, TSV never heard of Brits biting their nails over whether Rishi Sunak would be overcome, or whether a British DeNiro type would ruin it for the Labour Party like ours did outside of the -trump- courthouse back in the spring. So this base share along with the Keys share is TSV outlining everything that's wrong with American Democracy, how the country's Founders should have and never prevented such and issues such as the electoral college tend to distract from real democratic problems. The electoral college TSV thinks deserves its own base share, but suffice it to say that if you -could- solve the electoral college problem, TSV doesn't see it as -truly- doing anything signficant enough to solve the other problems with, which are cultural. Stay tuned as TSV continues to dress down the country for its democratic problems for the rest of the year.
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Tropical Soulvangelical's starting to get an idea of whom the culture of Tropical Soul's adversaries will be and what they'll try to do in the post-Trump era, possibly starting the first Wednesday after next month. He already has it out for Schumer and Schiff, and Bob DeNiro and George Clooney. He's adding Mark Cuban to that list, even though he knows almost nothing about him. He does know that Cuban's a Bidenhater like Clooney/Schumer/Schiff, and wants to be a powerbroker like Clooney. Other than that, he hears that Cuban's a sports executive of some sort, possibly owning the San Antonio Spurs, but for some reason has chosen to involve himself in politics and for reasons TSV suspects as being -anything else other than- public service. He hasn't ruled out Mark Cuban interviewing on/for Allan Lichtman's channel for some reason or another, but he doesn't see Mr. Lichtman wanting involvement with powerbrokers after clarifying that his Keys To The White House are about governing and not campaigning. But when he saw Mark Cuban as early as May of 2021 proclaim that Biden Is A Bad President, he already knew he was seeing Ed Snowden 2.0. He also sees the powerbrokers as dominating the agenda for Insurgent, which as of that Wednesday or so, might as well call itself Establishment, because the -real- Insurgency with TSV is him being right now the collective Biden Bros, or the Joe Bros, whichever phrase he arbitrarily thinks comes out the catchiest. This is pretty much as much as he knows right now, and as you can tell he's hardly -ever- thinking about -trump- so that's why he's not "outraged" at/about -trump- as much as the Bidenhater Powerbrokers who he sees as the collective -newtrump-. Don't get him wrong, -trump- is still the world's most immoral human being that's ever lived, but -trump- also makes a good stalking horse for those whose motives are just as questionable at best. He does not believe -for a second- that the posttrump era coming up is always going to be like the end of Return Of The Jedi with a montage of the different virtual worlds awash in celebration and pulling down -trump- statues. That bit TSV suspects is short-lived, and then the powerbrokers will start -trumping-, possibly by throwing the most faithful elements of the coalition under the bus. TSV strongly advises Liz Cheney and George Conway, for example, to watch their backs while also keeping an eye on -trump-. So it's going to be like Jedi for about 36 hours before it turns into the Jedi Purge of Revenge Of The Sith. This is what he's come to believe that powerbroking is ultimately about, and he stands ready to throw the powerbrokers under the bus even sooner than the powerbrokers stand ready to throw the coalition under the bus.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
So here's Tropical Soulvangelical's regular check-in where the "Doomsday Election" is concerned. You might have rightly guessed that TSV's recently tuned into Allan Lichtman's youtube channel and a couple of interviews again, but he also wants to see what the "business bettors" on the election say too. Even when the Centrist Donkeys were in the process of kicking Biden out of the election, Insurgent itself at least showed that Biden was getting a 53% business bettor rate to -trump's- 47%. So TSV imagines that Kamala's probably getting even better, though TSV doesn't care to try to guesstimate accordingly. But he still sees the Insurgent of October 2024 essentially pulling their hair out and biting their nails, and he thinks this is for a number of reasons. Understandably you don't want people to say, oh well -I- don't need to donate or volunteer because Allan Lichtman says Harris is going to win anyway, and then take on an illusion of invulnerability. Not taking things for granted TSV sees as reasonably healthful. Where he sees Insurgent going, and even late show comics, is -not- particularly healthful. Both Insurgent and the comics he sees as relying solely on polls, even though he's also seeing the same polls come under criticism for undercounting or overcounting key groups, whichever those may be. He sees both of them as being in the same exact place TSV was before he started periodically doing Lichtman videos and election stress videos, and then being -very selective- where Insurgent is concerned. He's going to need to do that for the comics as well, so in the meantime he's coping with everyone else disregarding Lichtman's keys to the White House and the business bettors, both of which have a better track record than the polls, in favor of said unreliable polls, by doing non-election- and mostly non-political- videos like mysteries regarding disappearing people or weird space signals, or facts about science and history, as well as scifi as he sees them appearing in his lists. At the same time he's doing what he's deciding to do where the election is concerned, and he's deciding not to do more than he's planning lest that become a neurotic exercise like in 2004. Again he's looking back at 2004 as a lesson of what -not- to do. He does think that some late show comics want him to feel guilty about "not doing more, just in case," but he thinks that's really just an uncalled-for guilt trip. TSV thinks back to the many quotes and passages attributed to Ben Franklin, and he thinks that the passages are tailored toward a present day guilt trippy anxiety he doesn't think Ben Franklin ever intended. David McCullough's accounts of 1776 portrayed the -real- pitfall America faced, because the country's founders could have been hanged for what they were doing, so not even 2004 or 2016 TSV thinks even remotely resembles the account of 1776. So here's what he asks of Insurgent. Do you really think 2024 is as bad as 1776, right now in late October? Or is the only way they can answer that question is for them to say, we'll let you know when the election is over.
Monday, October 14, 2024
So here's a continuation of what Tropical Soulvangelical said through this shares base in the last base share. He wanted both me and him to go through that last share because he doesn't always like repeating the same points that he thinks should come across well enough -once.- Since that last share, TSV continues to -only- glance upon Insurgent's video titles and as of this writing they're just as fatalistic as ever, particularly regarding an NBC poll that supposedly show Harris and -trump- "neck and neck," and which was never talked about in the basic headlines TSV heard on newsradio this morning. If TSV bothered to look at those videos, he suspects that Harris may very well be still above -trump- per individual swing states by 2-3 points, and maybe 5-7 and outside the margin of error. Now that he thinks about it, he remembers Insurgent -also- reminding people that national polls don't matter as much as swing polls, and now he sees them engaging in amnesia with respect to this particular national poll, without any kind of substantive clue in their video titles as to why this particular national poll matters more than the rest. Missing is the important point TSV reminds people is that there are a number of early voting states where people already voted, so he doesn't think they're going to show up as for one or another candidate in the polls. TSV then went back to finding more Allan Lichtman videos including him saying he's not changing his prediction for the election, reminding (apparently) Andrew Cuomo's brother about keeping track of the fundamental forces that influence elections, and that's in terms of governance and not campaigning. TSV also took more action, including writing postcards to swing states as encouraged by an older relative, and making donations to a couple of Voter Rights' Groups with legal boots on the ground to challenge the anti-cert practices among others that TSV heard Mr. Lichtman cite as red flags in lieu of a video that Mr. Lichtman himself posted actually just a week ago about the 2000 election. In that video, he reminded his audience about how his predictions for Gore were actually right, but it's the ballot-handling that took place that failed to reflect how people actually voted. That's why TSV wanted to help the VRGs just a little more than the committees, but he still wants to do one more round of donations for the committees as well. In the meantime while he's doing what he thinks is an appropriate amount of civilian duty for himself, he's also watching mystery videos about intruiging but -non-political- topics as a way of avoiding the hysteria as per Insurgent. There very well could be a national poll later in the week from another outlet that would show Harris above -trump- by 5 points or so, and then Insurgent will celebrate. Right now they're nail-biting, and TSV wonders if they should be called NBN, the Nail Biting Network. As per post-election plans TSV believes NBN has, he thinks they're using this hyper-presentism to distract from possibly planning to throw either Harris or the conscientious conservatives, or both, under the bus for any number of reasons. TSV has it out against the AIG's who want Israel to stop being a country, as well as the centrist Donkeys for their betrayal of Biden. TSV's making his own post-trump plans accordingly to keep pursuing Principle as God intended for all human beings.
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