Thursday, December 19, 2013

Heir's really looking forward to the New Year, and the month and a half long pro-sex holiday starting after Twelfth Night, marked by Valentines and ending before the return of Daylight Savings Time.  Not to mention that it is and will be a Year Of Nominality.  He truly doesn't like December at all.  He thinks it's the worst month of the year, though there's no accounting for taste.  He's got a whole laundry list of things that are wrong with December, but he just told me the Mentor right now he doesn't want to keep whining and complaining.  He's marking his calendar, and he sees the pro-sex holiday as making up for the darkness that is December (in the northern hemisphere anyway... ...there's no Darkest Day in Papua New Guinea of which he's aware).  He sees it as making up for the darkness, and he sees the pro-sex holiday as being all that December is not.  And vice versa.  He didn't receive his order of foil tape that will complete the last two spaceplates for his car, but he's going to check with them Saturday to see what's going on.  He wants to be able to close the deal, and move to the next stage.

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