Sunday, February 2, 2014

Heir says he thinks that this Superbowl was probably the most unremarkable Superbowl ever.  Hindsight being 20/20, there was no doubt Seattle was going to win, no matter how much of a game Denver was going to put up.  Sure, Seattle earned this win, but the Heir cautions the Bachelor listeners to pretty much disregard what spin Sports Illustrated, or the Daily News, or the talk shows tonight and in the early morning on The Fan immediately after the ceremony have to make about how superior Seattle is as a city for the next seven months.  Because, let's face it: Superbowl 48 will hardly be remembered once 50 and 100 come around, because it wasn't a game that mattered that much.  They didn't even have a Nipplegate moment, so what was that all about!?  So Superbowl 48 goes down as a mere footnote in the Heir's football diary.  By contrast, look at 44.  Not only did that game see a come from behind win, but it was also New Orleans, a city recovering from Katrina, and desperate for something to feel good about.  That victory made New Orleans the Heir's alt team, with the Giants as the primary.  Heir believes it will take years or even decades, before there's another Superbowl that ordinary people, not the dweebs in the sports rags, will talk about the entire year, even well into the next season of that year, and for years to come.

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