Friday, May 29, 2015

The Heir has a big surprise for Ed Snowden once the spying provisions of the Patriot Act expire on June 1st.  Ed Snowden according to one of his proteges in the media, the Guardian UK, indicates that the expirations are only the beginning.  He means to say that they're only the beginning of the expansion of his activist celebrity, when in fact it's the beginning of the end of said celebrity.  The Heir will make sure of that, through expanded discussion both on audio and this announcements base, to remind the world, and specifically his followers, in both the citizenry and the media, that his motives are not so heroic, and won't be any more now than they were during I Already Won.  The Heir will remind everyone that Ed Snowden does not sincerely care about privacy rights, that he made a mockery of the information process by emphasizing the practice of hearsay, and that he promoted such anathemas as It's All About Me and The Ends Justify The Means.  As the spying provisions have their sunset clause, so do those 2010s things the Snowden personality cult has a clear adherence to, such as Guy Fawkes masks, romper room circle-and-square designs of "Web 2.0," and forced obsolescence.  These things will not last, and when they meet their final end, we will then rewind the tape, and wonder why we ever upheld or tolerated those things now.  Trust The Heir On This One People It's Going To Happen @ #snowdenwatch #keepamericasafe #nationalprinciple #convictions #theupcomingpostguyfawkesmaskera

"What, you mean the expirations are only the beginning, Ed Snowden?  Well, you have no idea what has begun here."

Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Dismissive Use Of The Word Disruptions By Roger Replacement.  To start, why is the Heir still complaining about the polar vortex on Memorial Day weekend?  It's because we started doing this episode in the middle of March, which saw the last blast of said polar vortex.  Roger Replacement strikes back in this one, suggesting that making people use technology they don't want to use and can't afford is just a mere disruption, and therefore there are no moral qualms.  The Heir wonders why the lesson we learned with the Bill Cosby allegations about not putting "beloved" entertainers on pedestals we apparently forgot with regards to Leonard Nimoy, solely because he was never caught doing anything wrong.  The Heir is also seeing a war on vitamins at large in light of a fraud scandal in New York state, he opposes pitch timing, and does not acknowledge Netenue's greatness in light of his election victory.  On audio (Play All) @

Thursday, May 21, 2015

We're going to get a new episode up either Saturday or Tuesday.  The Heir wants to make use of the Memorial Day weekend for when he sees Yumeka and Carmen there, who are also going with us.  Saturday where we are is supposed to only be in the 60s, but the Heir also wants to buy some tracks online.  He's going to see what he feels like doing, whether it's getting those tracks OR getting a new episode up.  Not both, because he feels like that's being Type A.

The Heir's *very* disappointed in Main Team One.  Slump shlump.  First it's the Giants, then it's the Nets, and now Main Team One.  And he doesn't buy the argument of lose the battle win the war.  When you lose 7 out of 9 on the road, you're losing both the battle *and* the war.  And you can't win a war if you don't win at least 51% of your battles.  80% if you want to keep first in the AL East.  In terms of local teams, he feels good about the Rangers' prospects, but he doesn't follow hockey.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Heir is considering drawing the Prophet Muhammad on a regular basis after the shooting at the Let's Draw Muhammad Event in Texas.  He's not going to wait until they verify that the shooters were in fact associated with Isis.  He doesn't believe in insulting other people's religions, but Isis has made Muhammad into a political football with their practice of killing people if they do as much as cough, and cutting people's heads off if they have a bad day.  They're better known as the Headcutters, and the Heir believes the best way for citizens to deal with them is to do the exact thing they're saying you shouldn't do.  After all, Isis can't shoot all 350 million plus Americans (plus much of Europe).  An "example-setter" won't be good enough, because it'll just make us draw Muhammad even more.  America.  Land of the Muhammad drawers @ #isissucks #fisis #downwithisis #wearecharlie

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National Principle
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Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Heir was saying between episodes that Brooklyn is just not the kind of team that wins must-win games.  So at this point dropped from post-season they're pretty much a must-sell team.  Prokorov's strategy of having a revolving door at the head coach's office is a failure, so it's time for another owner to step in and rebuild the team, so the team can really become a contender, and hence debunk Brooklyn's chronic doubters.

"I estimate the team's worth at this point to be about three dollars."