Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Right now the Heir can't be any prouder to be American than he is right now, and in addition to our gradually getting over Trump and condemning selected instances of personal corruption in the culture, as well as getting back at China and big tech, he's proud that we now have vaccine rollout really rolling out.  More and more people in the U.S. are getting vaccinated over time, so that's yet another thing other countries can't laugh at us about.  The Heir wants to tastefully *not* laugh at the EU for how they're struggling apparently with a third wave of the coronavirus, not helped by member countries rejecting the AstraZeneca vaccine over blood clot concerns.  The Heir's aware that lives hang in the balance, so that's why he wants to have a measured response, but let's face it.  We're talking about countries with cobblestone streets and cultural moratoriums on skyscrapers that are not only known for universal health care, but good smarts and sophistication when it comes to taking care of their citizens.  Despite that, the US is generally ahead of the EU on vaccinations and the US is on track for a decline in the virus as opposed to a third wave in the EU.  So for a number reasons all those who were laughing at the US just months ago, the Heir turns to them and says, "don't hear ya laughin' now."

The Heir is seeing a breakdown in democracy in New York state as 50% of residents there polling as *not* wanting Cuomo to resign.  The Heir wants to ask that same 50%, do they believe the women?  If so, why don't you want Cuomo to resign?  It stands to reason, doesn't it?  That if they believe the women when they say Cuomo harassed them, that Cuomo really has no choice but to resign?  It almost seems to the Heir that this is Mass Stockholm Syndrome, and that Cuomo has bullied the state as well, so the 50% really needs to grow a couple and let that guy drop like a lead pipe already.  The Heir takes it that it's about 45% in the same poll that *do* want Cuomo to resign, and the Heir sees it as an instance of the *minority* being in the right, and the *majority* being in the wrong.  He's hoping that the minority will eventually cure the majority of their apparent pig-headedness already.

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