Tuesday, March 15, 2022

So, here's where it's at how the Heir's seeing the war in Ukraine. He sees it as a proxy war between principle and personal corruption, and I the (Happy Bachelor) Mentor may follow suit with a consensus coming from Tropical Soul And Principle itself. But that's why the Heir's skeptical about these so-called "negotiations," because he knows the Kremlin knows they wouldn't be happening if the Kremlin didn't invade. The Kremlin already has a leg-up in the negotiations through the invasion, so we hear in Tropical Soul wonder, what exactly is there to "negotiate?" That is, besides a complete Kremlin withdrawal from Ukraine and atonement in exchange for the easing of most sanctions. Nothing short of that we could ever find acceptable, because everything the Kremlin has ever had to offer were non-starters. They seem to think they can invade any country now, get a leg-up in negotiations, and then basically "own" that country as a result. What we've learned about personal corruption is that the Kremlin will not stop. It'll just keep going and going and going until it owns the entire solar system itself. The Heir also doesn't think that mental illness necessarily "made" that one guy attack those museum workers, because he observes that most people who struggle with mental illness don't act out and attack people. He sees it as a Because I Could situation, that if your privileges are revoked for anything at all, that somehow becomes grounds for retaliation even if the revocation was because you're a retaliatory person. The Heir's seen these self-justified types all too often at the Bland Barns Catering Counter, and he doesn't buy that there was anything that "made" them do anything in particular. Nine times out of ten he sees people acting out on their own volition, regardless of whether they're struggling with mental illness.

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