Monday, October 14, 2024

So here's a continuation of what Tropical Soulvangelical said through this shares base in the last base share. He wanted both me and him to go through that last share because he doesn't always like repeating the same points that he thinks should come across well enough -once.- Since that last share, TSV continues to -only- glance upon Insurgent's video titles and as of this writing they're just as fatalistic as ever, particularly regarding an NBC poll that supposedly show Harris and -trump- "neck and neck," and which was never talked about in the basic headlines TSV heard on newsradio this morning. If TSV bothered to look at those videos, he suspects that Harris may very well be still above -trump- per individual swing states by 2-3 points, and maybe 5-7 and outside the margin of error. Now that he thinks about it, he remembers Insurgent -also- reminding people that national polls don't matter as much as swing polls, and now he sees them engaging in amnesia with respect to this particular national poll, without any kind of substantive clue in their video titles as to why this particular national poll matters more than the rest. Missing is the important point TSV reminds people is that there are a number of early voting states where people already voted, so he doesn't think they're going to show up as for one or another candidate in the polls. TSV then went back to finding more Allan Lichtman videos including him saying he's not changing his prediction for the election, reminding (apparently) Andrew Cuomo's brother about keeping track of the fundamental forces that influence elections, and that's in terms of governance and not campaigning. TSV also took more action, including writing postcards to swing states as encouraged by an older relative, and making donations to a couple of Voter Rights' Groups with legal boots on the ground to challenge the anti-cert practices among others that TSV heard Mr. Lichtman cite as red flags in lieu of a video that Mr. Lichtman himself posted actually just a week ago about the 2000 election. In that video, he reminded his audience about how his predictions for Gore were actually right, but it's the ballot-handling that took place that failed to reflect how people actually voted. That's why TSV wanted to help the VRGs just a little more than the committees, but he still wants to do one more round of donations for the committees as well. In the meantime while he's doing what he thinks is an appropriate amount of civilian duty for himself, he's also watching mystery videos about intruiging but -non-political- topics as a way of avoiding the hysteria as per Insurgent. There very well could be a national poll later in the week from another outlet that would show Harris above -trump- by 5 points or so, and then Insurgent will celebrate. Right now they're nail-biting, and TSV wonders if they should be called NBN, the Nail Biting Network. As per post-election plans TSV believes NBN has, he thinks they're using this hyper-presentism to distract from possibly planning to throw either Harris or the conscientious conservatives, or both, under the bus for any number of reasons. TSV has it out against the AIG's who want Israel to stop being a country, as well as the centrist Donkeys for their betrayal of Biden. TSV's making his own post-trump plans accordingly to keep pursuing Principle as God intended for all human beings.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Tropical Soulvangelical's in the process of reassessing this whole doomsday trope where the election is concerned, as per also the past couple base shares. He's -not- taking back his -own- finding that We're All Doomed in X days and weeks or so, but that's now for emerging reasons he wants to find time to try to explain. Firstly, the only thing you need to know about doomsday in general is the basics laid down in Revelations, that no one will know the exact day or time, and that it'll come like a thief in the night. Secondly is the importance of mental health and how a few hours ago TSV was watching videos about Election Year Anxiety, and right now fewer videos about the election itself. He wishes that the videos he saw were made in the recent cycle, and not 1 to 3 years ago. But among other things they suggest pulling back a bit, and here's where he thinks there are -trump lite- telemarketers in the Donkey's campaigns. He figures that the campaigns will in fact make an -attack- on the mental health messaging and come up with red herring type arguments as to apparently why you -shouldn't- obey your own instincts during this election, which of course are just as wrong on their face as the things -trump- himself is saying. TSV has already cast his early vote, and he's made another donation for Kamala at the same time, and his remaining donations he plans to do are judicious and healthfully few in number in the remaining days, so all those texting him asking for money should really just lay off and get off his case. The ones he particularly says this to are ones that end their texts with "don't regret not doing more." He actually regrets not doing -less- in 2004, which was the last doomsday election, and that's Bush-Kerry, and that's an election whose historical videos he watched -never- mentioned the doomsday trope that was used then. This is evidence of conventional westernized amnesia, and he suspects that all those people telling -him- we're all doomed and about existentialism will -never- go back to that messaging after the election is over, and here's why he suspects that. Now-me-too-male Al Franken during the 2004 cycle TSV remembers saying, if Bush wins this one we'll just be a banana republic. And then Bush -did- win that one, but Al Franken did -not- say, okay now we're a banana republic, and neither did anyone else after that race ever again, and instead Al Franken sighed and said, okay people, keep fighting. TSV believes something similar will happen here, no matter how the election turns out, and it's just as two-faced as you can get. The mental health videos warned about the messaging of fear in campaign ads, and those are very replete TSV has seen this year as well. But among other things TSV wants to do independently of the Donkey's telemarketers using emotional manipulation, he still wants to go after Schumer and Schiff and Stabenow for having thrown Biden under the bus, having the gall to pretend to support him in an apparent "tribute," and then helping send out texts in this cycle like nothing ever happened back in July the way TSV distinctly remembers happening.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Tropical Soulvangelical wants to follow up on what he said about Eric Adams, because it was just within the first two hours or so of Eric Adams getting indicted that TSV said he doesn't think Adams should resign. TSV's revised that point of view to say that he's more open to a resignation of Adams -per se-, partly because he had no idea just how much media coverage Eric Adams getting indicted would get, but TSV -will not- call for a resignation. TSV knows full well that calling for a resignation of Adams is one-and-the-same as throwing in the towel on issues of principle for the city. For example, TSV observes that pretty much the day after Eric Adams got indicted, the city council proposed legalizing jaywalking, which is just nothing short of flabbergasting, and which confirms for TSV the kind of anything-goes politics that the city council really wants to do but they don't yet have a rubber stamp at Gracie Mansion. Other than sending the message that the city council doesn't think either principle or proper behavior matter, TSV knows full well legalizing jaywalking will just lead to all sorts of on-street conflicts at the intersection. TSV's going to get all these people who seem to think that legalized jaywalking means they can climb on the hoods of people's cars at the intersection just because they think they could (they -can't-), or push other people out of the way at the crosswalk, or bully those people who -by principle- proceed as if jaywalking were still illegal and actually look both ways before they cross the street and observe traffic signals accordingly. If someone doing so gets struck by a car because jaywalking is legalized, that person should have ample grounds to sue over jaywalking being legalized. Overall, TSV's observing that the jaywalking example shows there being this legalization fever sweeping the city council, because now you can see what they -really- wanted to do to the city, but they felt like Eric Adams was holding them back, and they're just waiting for the nearest opportunity to get their way regardless of how -all- city residents feel, and not just those who are pro-jaywalking. Oh, and by the way, TSV still believes we're heading for a dictatorship despite no-one talking about it, pretending that talking about economics will automatically -make- people forget that dictatorship is eminent in a month's time.