Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!  Heir shared that Tom and Jerry video of that one duck going around going, "Happy Easter!  Happy Easter!"  But he's not sure anyone liked it.  Admittedly the duck gets real annoying, because after a while it's like, okay dude, you made your point so Happy Easter to you too.  Unfortunately Tom and Jerry are inherent mutes so they can't actually say that.  But nothing stops them from writing a message and then getting their owner to deliver that message verbally to the duck.  The selective mutism is Tom and Jerry's main flaw, and it's the ultimate reason why they have those problems with each other.  From the 1940s to the 1970s, excepting their successors in Itchy and Scratchy, it never occurred to them to see someone about it.  Tom barely even goes meow meow, and Jerry doesn't go squeak squeak.  Real life cats and mice have no problems getting their point across, but not Tom or Jerry.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

We're still working on getting the next Bachelor episode out.  Obviously the Heir previously struggling with his taxes didn't help matters.  We're shooting for getting a third of the way done sometime today, and we're looking at just a little over a week from now.  Keep it posted here if there are any changes to that plan.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Don't apologize for who you are.  Don't apologize!
Heir looked at his feed about Funny Named Skinny Kid signing some kind of Monsanto Protection Act, and then it says goodbye traditional food.  But what he has to ask is, is the latter a foregone conclusion?  And if so, what would there be left to protect?  And would it be worth protecting if you can't reverse the damage?  And if you could reverse it, should the caption read, goodbye traditional food and hey wait minute it's back again like nothing happened?  That's the problem with those kinds of wordings.  It doesn't make the Heir want to get involved.  And there are other questions which cannot be detailed in just one Bachelor announcement.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Heir has completed his state taxes, just in the nick of time before April.  He copied them, and mailed them out.  He did this 2-3 weeks after he sent off his Federal taxes.  Finally that's over and done with.  The Heir plans to mostly veg with the institutions next week.  There's something he needs to get done, but he needs a break before that, and hopefully nothing bad will happen next week that will interfere with his relaxation (knock on wood).

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

While the Heir was checking in with the Beach Bulletin Board, which is powered by Facebook, he came across something elsewhere on Facebook, a pinups page.  They complained that one of their pics got reported, and their admin was kicked off for 30 days, even though the pic didn't contain nudity.  Guys, the Heir said, don't waste your time with Facebook.  Facebook is vanilla anyway.  Just post on a regular web site, *with* nudity, and with an adults-only warning.  You'll still have the same number of visitors and appreciators.  He also thinks Voyeur Web is also wasting their time on Facebook if you have to have fig leaves and apologies.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

While the Heir was collecting audio player files for listening to the information on Your Economy, on audio, he came across callouts about the economic perils of the "millenials."  He's hoping that vanilla society isn't going to write them off like he felt they wrote off his generation for not being as mature at 18-25 as people through 45-60 were at the time.  Totally unrealistic expectations.  And now that same society doesn't want to help the Heir's generation at this point.  What if the millenials end up proving the vanilla society wrong?  What if at 30, 40, 50 the millenials finally get their groove on because they just needed that extra time?  The vanilla society will refuse to consider that possibility because of the deadline concept.  Where have we heard that one before?
It's a lot lighter than it was last month.  The Heir has noticed the increased light level in the lounge coming through the "rain" window, better known as the light window in this announcement.  But it's still cold as all hell out there, in Bachelor Blue State.  So the Heir wanted us to plunge out there with a good walk, but Carmen reminded him it's still 45 degrees, and the Heir's like, "Oh yeah that's right."  Not that it disqualifies, but it's still early for spring cleaning.  Heir's real impatient.  He wants to get out to the beach and everything.
The Heir reads, "80% of society gets this wrong.  How many squares are there?"  And he says, it's a trick question.  There are no squares, only rectangles.  A square is a four sided polygon with equal sides and all right angles, and there's none of that there!  And they didn't ask about rectangles, by the way, only squares.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

It's all about the Heir!  At least so it seems.  The Heir says this, the Heir thinks that.  What about the Mentor?  Well, I as the Mentor, am his guide, his mentor.  That's why I'm called that.  During a given episode when the Heir expresses his usual cynicism of the world, I ask him probing questions as to the limits of his cynical messaging.  And I have to be superman as a result.  In a world where the only superman life gives you is a Poindexter, you need a superman superman.  But you got to go with fiction to find him.  And then he'll help you in the nonfiction world.
While the Heir catches up on the Beach Bulletin Board, he sees shares borne of emotional blackmail, particularly related to issues faced by our brave men and women when they come home.  The shares say something to the effect of, "Like if you care, ignore if you don't," and the Heir believes that that is totally uncalled for.  We at the Bachelor believes we should do what we can to help our veterans and their families.  Reinforcing online guilt trips and false choice interfaces are not the way to do it, though.

Friday, March 22, 2013

When the Heir came across that online video fifteen years ago for All Your Base Are Belong To Us, he saw that montage piece where a football streaker, a British guy streaking at an international football game, was getting chased across the field by a couple of bobbies, the Heir was sure the guy was going, "It's okay!  I'm bucket-listing!"
Heir got soap out of the dispensor at Bland Barns mens room, and the dispensor shot open on him. The Heir left it that way, knowing that it was counter to the notion that if everyone would always do the "right" thing the world would be a much better place. But the Heir knows now that if they didn't do the same in assuring quality of the dispensor, any futzing on his part with the dispensor essentially disincentivizes their doing so in the future. What the notion said was, if everyone did the right thing, not if only the Heir did the right thing. He figures you need to think critically about it, and not simply follow the notion blindly.
Heir noticed that there was that one senator whose comments people were taking outraged offense at.  As objectionable as those comments are, Heir thinks they're par for the course for the other 99 senators.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Heir's trying to wrap his brain around the notion of vocational incompetence as somehow being a form of "creativity."  It's not.  He thinks about the otherwise sensible adage, "All work and no play makes one creatively dead," and thinks about how that adage can be twisted and corrupted.  When he was at a summer job 30+ years ago, the atmosphere was such that if you tried to tell your boss that you weren't being incompetent, you were being creative, he would score you as insubordinate and fire you at will.  Reform of such supervisory abuse has done more harm than good in the long run.  If you don't pay your dues, you almost don't deserve to have your hedonistic fun, and it's that much more likely it'll all be taken away from you in a supernatural fit of bad karma.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

So, people, how do you like all the depressing bummed out things the Heir has been saying about the future so far?  Well, hopefully it's all unwarranted, and as per the Bachelor, we can all go back to having fun with the four pillars once we solve our problems.  The important thing is for us to want to solve those problems, specifically for getting back to those fun things.  The Heir imagines Schumer or Menendez laying all those vague verbal accolades on him if he as America's Hobbit slays the great demons menacing that other beach, but in his raspy voice, he'll say, thanks, but just give me a grape soda, and join us all at Barbecue Spice Kitchen.  Where else? And this story will continue.
So now the Heir's pretty sure that solely because of The Other Zombie Apocalypse on the neighboring beach, there will be no more nude beaches left by 2050 (not even in Europe), because both suburban sprawl and The Responsibility Age will hasten the Toza, it means the last human being will die on St. Patrick's Day 2113, exactly 100 years from now, because we'll take our frustrations out on each other and destroy ourselves as a species.  Yumeka asked him whether that contradicts the pro-sex belief in a Twenty Third Watershed, and the Heir said, no because it just means he won't be around to see it, he doesn't think.  He'll live with the comforting thought of human extinction in 100 years as existential punishment for our present day inhibitions, since he won't live long enough anyway.  It relieves him of the embitteredness of thinking that he'll live long enough only to see the worst, but not long enough to see the best.

Heir's wondering whether NAC really has it all well in hand with their advisory.  They've asked people not to take further action while they hire a counsel and have that person talk to the park service.  He figures they should have followed up on that by now, well more a month after their advisory was put into effect.  So what if they come out a week before Memorial Day to report failure, and then it'll be too late for anyone to do anything, because we were all waiting on them for further guidance?  And then they'll tell us anyway that it was us that should not have waited for them?  Well, you asked us to wait for you!  And that's what we did!  You see?  No blank checks to these people after a certain point.  And we only have two and a half months till the beginning of summer.  And that's not enough time to get anything done by.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

It's snowing in Bachelor Borough!  Heir's pretty sure it'll accumulate, contrary to All Hazards Radio's forecast.  Looks like it's accumulating already.
We're probably getting to the point where we may not have something to say every single day.  We enjoyed a honeymoon of soapbox stuff in the first couple of weeks we started this announcements list.  So don't panic if you haven't seen any updates 20 hours apart from each other.  Maybe 30 instead.

Friday, March 15, 2013

To those who claim that the person driving exactly the speed limit in front of them is driving them crazy, the Heir asks, as opposed to what? Those who habitually drive 20 over or more? Seems like the 20 overs doth protest too much!
The reason why you didn't see any new announcements here for a couple of days is because the Heir is still bummed out and scared about the situation with the other beach.  He can barely talk about it.  We think we likened it on this list as a red tailed hawk flying overhead and you as one of the little birds dare not sing.  In code he calls it The Other Zombie Apocalypse, TOZA for short.  The Heir did make a donation as asked for, but because of The Last Meaningful Election Ever revealing the ultimately corrupt nature of the activist lifestyle, he refuses to give them a blank check.  He also doesn't want to keep up appearances (as per the brit-com), with nudity somehow being utterly disconnected with deep personal eroticism, just to avoid TOZA.  He sees the organizations wanting people to keep pushing that particular talking point memo, and he doesn't believe it's going to help.  Instead he points out that, just because you admit a deep personal eroticism in nudity doesn't mean you're going to engage in public lewdness.  Conversely, knowing that it's wrong to be lewd doesn't and shouldn't mean you should appropriate a nudist vanilla-ism.  That's all the Heir feels up to talking about right now, so that way he gets to whine and complain about more trivial stuff in the foreseeable future.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Links to pics of Leeanna and Lucinda on Renderotica from the Bachelor site will be available in the next update for the next episode.  We intend to add more pics of the other girlfriends as those become available.

Turns out the Heir was right about the cannibal cop case.  They did vote to convict, and the Heir wasn't even fooled for a second by the length of time they took to arrive at that verdict.  So now people need to understand that if they have any "forbidden" fantasies whatsoever, it's not a foregone conclusion that they'll necessarily end up doing the wrong thing as a result.  Bachelor might talk about this in a future pro-sex sermon on audio so as to spare details here in the announcements.

Monday, March 11, 2013

It just occurred to the Bachelor as to why there were problems with nudity in San Francisco and a neighboring beach of ours.  It's discrimination against gays.  Also it makes sense to the Bachelor that the gay community might have waited for a single het contingent like The Happy Bachelor to point that out instead of it being only them.  Lots of things with the other beach are falling into place, with the discrimination, and Bachelor breathes a little easier with Carmen's preferred beach and dress code.  But it's still only going to be 5-10 years time before it's borrowed time, though not because of the other beach.  Again it's about overrestrictiveness in the vanilla society as a whole, and all of the Heir's predictions, like humanity being totally gone in exactly 100 years still hold fast.  Unless we get to the Twenty Third Watershed before then, because it's one or the other, and no other choice, (the Heir wonders).  Paradise or extinction.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

We've added two more pics to our gallery at Renderotica, one of Leeanna and one of Lucinda.  Click or tap on any of the links in our previous post about Renderotica, then click or tap on the link that says something to the effect of, view all pages/entries/pics by hbgfs.  That's our handle on Renderotica, standing for Happy Bachelor Girlfriends.

Today we took a road trip down riverside u.s. highway, all 78 miles down to riverside small disaffected town next to the great bridge.  The down to earth character we saw in the people there reminded us a lot of what the eastern portion of bachelor blue state was like before the more hypochondriac vanillas essentially carpetbagged it. We want to do more state trips like that, partly to demonstrate that seeing street view pics on your mobile device is no substitute for the real thing.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Happy Bachelor girlfriends are starting to post on Rendereotica!  Here are links to pics of Leeanna and Lucinda (this might require signing up there, we're not entirely sure):,  We also plan on making these links available from the Bachelor site, and adding onto them as we go!
The Heir has serious doubts as to whether the human race will survive in 100 years time, mainly because of our increasingly restrictive society.  Reflecting on our post regarding the intellectual disabilities of those that government jobs tend to attract, they think that they can lay down a heavy-handed policy and expect utter compliance without question.  They don't understand that even though people may comply with the initial policies at first, their compliance will become more grudging over time, with more and increasingly heavy-handed policies being adopted.  Also because of suburban sprawl, people will be ignorant of their own basic natures having been cut off from a natural way of knowing.  So they will be more frustrated and more mentally stunted, and will take their frustrations out on each other in 2111.  Within two years after that, we will succeed at destroying each other, and once 2113 rolls around, exactly 100 years later, there will be absolutely no humans left.  We will be finished in a very shameful way.
Bachelor found out through others that there already are, in fact, laws against certain tinted back windshields and against tinted license plate covers.  Appears as though the problem is a dearth of enforcement funds on the road, and/or lack of social and political will.  Hopefully that will start to change after that tragedy in Brooklyn a week ago.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bachelor isn't sure when people are looking at picture of a naked girl with heavy tats, are they looking at her tats, or just at her?
With the situation with the neighboring beach, the Bachelor sees it like proposing tearing down the French Quarter and replacing it with white plastic expensive condos.  Culture and subcultures are being threatened.  Other than that we don't want to keep flogging it (it's too depressing).  But the Bachelor wonders whether government jobs such as the ones for Lena Kotschmann's superiors tend to attract people with Aspergers Syndrome, or what Lyle Chargeoshack calls "Ass Burgers." Aspergers partly involves the inability to get other people emotionally, including what people value in culture and subcultures.  Also government jobs such as the ones in parks and recreation believe it has to be all top-down regardless of whether that's the best approach, so Ms. Kotschmann has no choice but to obey the orders of those who probably have Aspergers.  Again, how exactly does lip service regarding essentials economics address that situation?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Observation That We Now Live In The Responsibility Age. On audio:

Transcript of latest adventure available at:
Bachelor just saw a preview ad on YouTube for Olympus Has Fallen.  And it sure has!  The planes coming out of nowhere destroying the White House and causing the Washington Monument to fall in the way that it did.  And it probably would fall like that even though it's only 500 feet tall.  The enemy would target the Washington Monument the first chance he gets, regardless of whether it's open for business or closed for maintenance.  What matters is the ability to make the onlookers in the city all upset at the desecration of historical architecture.  And then later on in the movie a set of expensive condos go up where the Monument used to be.  Turns out Toll Brothers was planning to kill the Monument for themselves to build the condos.  We'll see whether Olympus having fallen will change the minds of people with a dim view of Washington politics, which is almost everyone!

People, please keep an eye on, and regarding a neighboring beach thankfully not ours, but let's keep both safe.  They're asking for a donation to help with this counsel and hopefully it'll still help even though it's nearly a month after they filed that advisory.  Don't worry about the occasional "bleeding heart" language in their press releases, they actually do good work and get results.  NAC won't say this, but this along with the anti-nudity assault on San Francisco seems, again, like the consequences of our living in The Responsibility Age.  What we want to ask is, what good does it to retain essentials economics if we can't use it to do the things we want the way we want?  To what degree is a living wage all that useful in an increasingly hardened and restricted world?  Both survive and have fun!  So says the Bachelor.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Some good news, people, about the beach.  At some point we'll need to lay down some ground rules for ourselves about links on our announcements list that may be more appropriate for the site itself.  But for the time being, this link talks about scheduled opening dates, factors how they decided, and some public wonk stuff about how they made it possible:

Also we're expecting our next episode some time next week, unless the Heir's tax forms give him more problems.  But you'll notice some new girlfriends listed in the Happy Bachelor Family/Universe section of the web site when the episode comes out.  And we'll need to talk about Letitia at some point.

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Heir thinks the government's case in the cannibal cop case is weakening, because the prosecutors are trying for shock value alone to try to get a conviction.  None of the evidence they presented is material to the specific charges.  But because the jury is made up of educated New Yorkers, they will vote to convict anyway to buttress their educated disapproval of the fetish concept, which they probably secretly believe only inarticulate yokels have.  They never learned in school what they saw at the trial after all, so once they convict, it will cast education in a dim light, reinforcing the notion that education is separate from common sense.
A couple of weeks ago, the Bachelor was listening on audio about a plagiarism scandal at a major university.  The information did observe that people generally don't produce citations for their claims during casual discussion (as much as they should for a term paper).  The Heir doesn't think that's right.  He believes it should be part of social etiquette for people to at least say, "According to [information outlet X], [claim]," or "[information outlet X] reports that [claim]."  It's important to make sure that casual oversights don't end up socially slipping upward into the schools.  The points of separation are as follows: Casual conversation -> Gossip rag -> Vanilla media -> Social sphere -> Schools.  It'll help schools from coming off as elitist if there's this social standard.