Friday, March 15, 2013

The reason why you didn't see any new announcements here for a couple of days is because the Heir is still bummed out and scared about the situation with the other beach.  He can barely talk about it.  We think we likened it on this list as a red tailed hawk flying overhead and you as one of the little birds dare not sing.  In code he calls it The Other Zombie Apocalypse, TOZA for short.  The Heir did make a donation as asked for, but because of The Last Meaningful Election Ever revealing the ultimately corrupt nature of the activist lifestyle, he refuses to give them a blank check.  He also doesn't want to keep up appearances (as per the brit-com), with nudity somehow being utterly disconnected with deep personal eroticism, just to avoid TOZA.  He sees the organizations wanting people to keep pushing that particular talking point memo, and he doesn't believe it's going to help.  Instead he points out that, just because you admit a deep personal eroticism in nudity doesn't mean you're going to engage in public lewdness.  Conversely, knowing that it's wrong to be lewd doesn't and shouldn't mean you should appropriate a nudist vanilla-ism.  That's all the Heir feels up to talking about right now, so that way he gets to whine and complain about more trivial stuff in the foreseeable future.

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