Sunday, November 17, 2013

Something interesting the Heir found for other Ed Snowden skeptics.  Lyle Chargeoshack's nemesis was pulling an Ed Snowden recently, looking just as silly in doing so as Ed Snowden himself.  On visual (requires Flash Player):

Heir thinks that Greg Jarrett might have gotten fired from Bloomberg Radio, because it was a Susanna Thompson who was supplying the numbers this past Friday, not Greg Jarrett.  Actually Greg Jarrett hardly ever supplied any numbers when he was supposed to, and that's why the Heir had to rearrange his listening schedule for the numbers, just because of this Greg guy.  Time will tell if this Greg guy is truly gone, or if he just had a dental appointment Friday.  Apparently if this is the same guy the Heir found research on, Greg Jarrett was apparently associated with the Attack Dog News Network on visual, and got fired from WGN because possibly inappropriate content or remarks on the air.  Heir just hated how he would only give percentages, and not actual point values or the market totals.  It's not what you did do, it's what you didn't do.

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