Sunday, February 23, 2020

So what the Heir's thinking is going to happen on the Insurgent News Network is that starting from post-Impeachment through Election Day, they'll take on the mantle of the Fatalistic News Network, and the Insurgent bit is only for "greatest hits" type segments.  A brief example is their coverage of the intelligence community using violent words such as "eviscerated," "decapitated" and "destroyed."  The Heir wants to give exact video titles when he's able to.  But he's wondering, do they mean that just because of that one guy at the DNI now that the intel community is "destroyed" forever?  And they're never coming back?  Naomi said that the Heir should watch those videos to find out, but he's never going to watch a video with a title using the word "destroyed" with the expectation that they're going to come back and say, well not *destroyed,* destroyed.  Destroyed means destroyed, period and no discussion, as far as the Heir's concerned.  So let's say Bernie Sanders wins the nomination *and* he manages to beat Trump in November.  Since the intel community will have been "destroyed" because of that one DNI guy, will Bernie just throw up his hands and say, you know what?  I'm not even going to bother "rebuilding" the intel groups, because they're "destroyed."  The Heir's thinking there's a stronger chance of Bernie beating Trump and getting fatalistic with intel, than Bernie *not* beating Trump period.  But FNN as true to their name would never cover that.  That being said, the Heir's heartened by Neal Katyal's statements about the long arm of the law, how essentially what goes around comes around, no matter the outcome of the election. And like the Heir did the other day, Mr. Katyal cites the determination of the country's founders.  But that's going to be the exception to the rule until December on FNN, and FNN's likely very unhappy with Mr. Katyal's Resistance-style determination.

"Oh, wait.  The intel groups are actually still there, and alive and well on January 20 2021?  And that they showed through the Incident At Uganda in February 2021 that they never did go away?  Oh, and FNN now in March of 2021 denies *ever* saying that the intel groups were 'eviscerated' and 'decapitated' and 'destroyed?'  Can you spell 'hyperbole???'"

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