Thursday, February 13, 2020

This is the week's anniversary of Trump claiming he's exonerated and "acquitted forever", and in response to Nancy Pelosi tearing up his State of the union address, he tore up his own articles of impeachment.  The Heir in response to that response wants to tear up Trump's "exoneration."  It'll be a piece of paper with the phrase Trump Exoneration at the top, and with a word salad of his exoneration press conference, his tweets and rally bites from when Ukrainegate got started through to his rally in NH.  And then the Heir will tear it with Tear Up Trump.  The Heir in his own fantasy press conference before he does the tear up to thunderous applause would proclaim that it was not a real acquittal because it was not a real trial, because you didn't hear witnesses or evidence.  Instead, he proclaims as a hung jury, better known as the Trump Hung Jury.

Here's yet another way in which we're none-of-the-above skeptics here in the Bachelor.  We will not go along with the progressive movement's efforts to turn the election into a Political Armageddon in which they'll want to claim that if the election fails then somehow we can never hold Trump to account even after he leaves office.  Their apparent contention would be that the election results would somehow make both criminal and civil trials impossible, despite the fact that those legal eagles the Heir sees on the Insurgent Network would dismiss that out of hand, and should do so.  That's why we in the Bachelor are separating our participation from our pursuit of justice.  There's a good chance that a Donkey For The People nominee will defeat Trump, which will have the effect of moving up potential trial dates after he leaves office, but we don't think that's any reason why the Resistance should put all their justice eggs in one basket, solely because the progressives seem for them to want to do so.  The Heir was there in 2004 when that was the progressive strategy, and look how that turned out.

"I proclaim that it was not a real acquittal, because it was not a real trial, because you did not have witnesses or evidence approved for review.  So instead it's a Trump Hung Jury.  And with that, I will now tear up the Trump Exoneration."

Pfffffffffffffffffffffffft 🌀

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