Friday, March 20, 2020

A lot to unpack with where the Heir's been coming from in the past week.  Even though again the Heir's a Nevertrumper for the point of view of law and justice, not only does he see it nonconstructive for the progressives to be blaming Trump for everything, he feels like it's a distraction from the progressives' own culpability with the situation.  He looks back to just the day after Sandy onto Ed Snowden Day of June 6, 2013, and it's clear to him the progressives had learned absolutely nothing from Sandy.  The progressives rallied around Ed Snowden in 2013.  They got with "disruptions" and forced obsolescence, and one thing having to replace another with big tech in 2014.  They got with Love Your Job and the red herring slogan argument of The Power Of Positive Thinking in 2015.  So the Heir takes no pleasure in pointing out how now the chickens are coming back home to roost with all that personal corruption of the 2010's.  He's wondering whether the progressives being holed up like the rest of us for weeks at a time will get them to finally learn and gain some sort of conscience.  Again like he got me the Mentor the write here a couple weeks ago or so, he doesn't think it should have to take a Jonestown Flood to get people to adhere to just plain common sense.  It shouldn't have to take a Noah's Ark Flood either.  So once the pandemic is declared over by the global health groups, whenever that's going to be, expect people to once again hoot and holler about the "greatness" of humanity.  The Heir reads that as, yeah, great for screwing up and not much else.

"Nature needs us like it needs a root canal."

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