Thursday, March 5, 2020

So here's what the Heir messaged Warren's campaign whom he's supported for the past year:
Replying to
As your ongoing supporter I ask that you not endorse *anyone* till after the convention. I wish your web site were functional so I can write a more detailed Contact Us message. So maybe multiple replies to your tweet will have to do.
My Contact Us message would have detailed about the Biden/Bernie/Trump dynamic, the need for Primaries Reform, the ongoing struggle against the practices of big tech and the eventual return to a sense of national principle in our country.
I'll be honest about this unity thing. Though I'm against Trump, I would never consider voting for Biden or Bernie just to defeat Trump. Unless I decide otherwise, I see myself as writing you in as a personal choice in November.
I cite Primaries Reform because I anticipate that [Bachelor Blue State] will prevent write in ballots in the primary, and that I might be forced to make a Blank Ballot Protest. I would not do that lightly, but it goes in the spirit of your encouraging people to vote with their heart.
But *if* the Heir can do a write-in for the primary in Bachelor Blue State, he would.  The system would then be able to dodge a bullet.  Otherwise, it would appear to the Heir that "unity" is just code for forced capitulation and a disenfranchisement ultimatum.  The Heir wants to keep following Warren to see how she will continue what he sees as a movement for national principle in contrary to all the personal corruption that people like Ed Snowden represent.  He's glad he remembered to add the caveat of "Unless I decide otherwise," because it means he doesn't have to be bound to any/all decisions Warren makes going forward.  After all, Biden and Bernie in *not* supporting reforms to big tech for example he sees as Trump Lite.  He's pretty sure that either candidate would defeat Trump in November, but that it would be a Pyrrhic victory, because national principle would not be served, and the Heir anticipates continuing the Resistance accordingly.

"Stay tuned."

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