Tuesday, August 25, 2020

I the Mentor just started writing this right now, and one good thing Blogger did right now was to make that fix where we couldn't see a 10 word preview for our listed posts.  We put in a request for it months ago, so looks like they just got it done.  As long as it makes it on there, that's what matters.  I suppose they were working on more critical stuff (possibly including Stats and Earnings), so an at-a-glance posts preview might have been relatively cosmetic.  But enough of all the compliments and the warm fuzzies.  Time to get to the real negative stuff.  And that's the Heir seeing the Elephantine convention as off to a bad start.  The only real takeaway the Heir's getting is that the Elephantines are complaining about "socialism," but they complained about proverbial socialism for decades.  They once called Social Security a form of socialism, so the Heir doesn't seem them as having any good ideas.  Maybe the Donkeys are better in that department, even though the Heir thinks *their* convention sucked as well, see below.  But definitely do expect Ed Snowden himself to make an appearance at the Elephantine convention, particularly if Trump is going to pardon him after the election, and also given the personal corruption of our present day society.  Maybe the third to last guest on the last day of the convention.  Just conventions in general, the Heir doesn't entirely know who gets to make speeches and who doesn't.  Usually what happens with multi-day events of any kind, the Heir's led to believe that, oh Person X is going to speak at the event.  So day 1 goes by, no Person X, so okay it's just day 1.  Day 2 goes by, and still no Person X, and that's when you start getting worried.  Then day 3 goes by, again no Person X, and that's when you start making complaints about, "Well what about Person X????"  And then they say, don't worry, we haven't forgotten about them.  Then it's day 4, and you're on the edge of your seat wondering will they or won't they?  Speaker 1 comes and goes, speaker 2 comes and goes, and you're not even going out to the bathroom because you might miss soemthing.  And then in mid-afternoon, not even evening, that's when the organizers come out and say, well that's everybody, thank you all for coming.  And then you're infuriated, bolting off to the doors in a fit.  And of course you can't get through because everyone's trying to leave all at once.  You do make it to the bathroom on your way out, and you find yourself putting graffiti in one of the stalls saying, "What about Person X???  They would have said this and they would have said that, and the other speakers mostly wasted our time."  And then you finally get home and look at Person X's Youtube channel, and they have a two minute video they just put out two hours ago, and in it they say, well I wasn't at the event, and here's what I would have said if I were, which is a summup of everything I said in my other videos.  That's the big reason not to put stock into multi-day events, because all they do is set you up just to knock you down, in a 2010's gaslighting style.  If they had wings and ribs along with red beans and rice and/or have a drum circle or a classic rock jam, you wouldn't have come away empty-handed.

"I just hope we can get this election over and done with.  It's the worst election ever.  But we still have to deal with the debates, and the upcoming October Surprise.  Maybe that'll be the Trump Taxes actually being released to the public, and showing he did collude with Russia, and showing financial fraud and money laundering and sexual assault (yes your tax forms actually do show you that).  All the stuff we already know about."

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