Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Heir effectively *condemns* the life of the media executive he keeps calling Gordon Sumner, but I the Mentor keep reminding him that's the name of the rock star Sting.  He doesn't care, because he doesn't particularly sympathize with the dead executive.  He heard a brief bio of the guy on audio first thing this morning, and when he heard how he took his father's drive in theaters, and turned them into multiplex powerhouses, he was sarcastically clapping from his club chair.  This is a guy who's never struggled to make ends meet, was already born into economic advantage and has no idea what ordinary Americans go through.  Sounds like he didn't particularly care while he had a company to make a hostile takeover of.  So, no, this is where the Heir draws the line on sympathy for the deceased.  Looking at people like Trump and Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein, it wouldn't surprise the Heir if this guy eventually posthumously comes out as a Me Too Male predator.  It's okay by the Heir if there's a war on billionaires to the point where in their case the presumption of innocence should not apply.  This is one area where he and AOC might agree.  But in any case, he holds the bio he heard as absolute proof that there's no such thing as a Self Made Man.

"If there was such a thing as a self-made man, we'd all be there."

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