Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Heir doesn't see the Donkeys For The People as having any kind of strategy where Amy Coney Barrett is concerned.  Again he blames the influence of Ed Snowden, and this whole Stand For Something business, which dictates among other things against any use of strategy in anything whatsoever.  The Ed Snowdens portray any show of pragmatic strategy as a form of weakness, because somehow it's supposed to mean you're an unassertive person of some sort.  Obviously it makes no sense.  But having said that, the Heir does not buy Chuck Schumer's assertion that Amy Coney Barrett means the end of Funny Named Care.  It just sounds too much of a specious argument for the Heir.  It's no wonder people are worried about the future.  They hear all sorts of doom and gloom, and big tech gets people to believe that the future can only be like the present, and not an opposite as per its wont.  So the Heir recommends that people get a grip on this one and try not to make overgeneralizations.  But he's mad about the fact that instead of him being able to get local headlines in the 9am briefing, they went to special coverage of the hearings starting with "analysis."  The Heir doesn't want no analysis, he wants his basic local headlines.  The Heir tells those people what they can do with their so-called analysis, because if anything important happened in Bachelor Blue State, like with the coronavirus and additional executive orders, he's totally in the dark about it.  Excuse me citizen, the now brutalizer-reputation-disgraced cops will tell him tomorrow morning, but haven't you heard about this one lane change here because of the coronavirus???

"No, officer, because they were covering the judicial hearings instead.  I didn't hear *any* special orders coming out of the Governor's office."

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