Tuesday, October 20, 2020

This Bachelor shares base is powered by Blogger, a subsidiary/subdivision of Google.  So with that one disclaimer out of the way, we observe that among other things, the lawsuit against Google was a long time coming.  Big Tech had always believed it somehow had an entitled ownership of human culture, and that everyone had to do what Big Tech told them to do.  We've observed that everyone actually did believe they owed Big Tech, and the Heir still believes that people still do believe they owe Big Tech, including the progressives, the powering of whose online funding and organizing the progressives see as almost totally depending on the dominance of Big Tech.  This lawsuit means that that dominance is coming to an end, but Big Tech is going to fight back against the rest of humanity.  They might end up driving down the capacity of their data centers so that human activity ends up slowing down and running into a crisis as a result.  Because here's the thing, and this is why we need the concept of Prepper Maker.  We as a society can throw all we can at Big Tech, but all Big Tech needs to do is whip out that one agreement that every single human being signed with their blood in the "disruptions" 2010s, and remind everyone that they agreed with Big Tech that they somehow *need* Big Tech.  It's kind of like the Matrix or Skynet that way.  Prepper Maker and the DIY Insurgency on a public commons level like with our own networks and processors would be our declaration as a species that we *do not* need Big Tech.  We don't need Big Tech to run society for us.  Big Tech needs *us* to run their businesses with.  That's why the Heir's working feverishly in the coming of tropical soul on his DIY music player, and once it's running properly, he will physically hold it up against Big Tech's physical holding up of that agreement of that Faustian deal that humanity was forced to make with them.

"Once I get that DIY player done, that will be Prepper Maker proof that we as a human species don't need Big Tech in order to survive.  And maybe then we'll see the dawning of a new era."

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