Friday, May 3, 2024

Tropical Soulvanglical proclaims the current state of higher education to be at an all time low, now that Rutgers he's seeing as totally compromising both its mission statement and set of rules and regulations in the way they answered their current ransom note. OK, so TSV thinks it's reasonable to have an Arab cultural center and to reach out to Palestinian refugees who may seek enrollment. But that whole bit of Rutgers proclaiming the current conflict with genocidal language is just inexplicable. The word genocide he sees as being so badly twisted by the protestors to the point where the word doesn't have any meaning anymore. Just about every word out of their mouths was the g-word. TSV hopes the RJSU answers back with an insistence that Rutgers -acknowledges- 10/7 as an Attempted Holocaust, because TSV doesn't see how that's not historically accurate. It -was- an attempted Holocaust, and TSV sees Rutgers as owing to both its Jewish student body and concerned gentile students accordingly. TSV's hoping that Rutgers' history professors take Rutgers to task over the historical accuracy of applying the g-word to the current conflict, as terrible as it is. Overall, TSV sees -all schools- as having no business making any deals with radicalist groups that think nothing of breaking into school buildings and taking down the American flag from that school's flagpole. You're only reinforcing bad behavior, and they'll do it again in the fall over something as small as parking privileges in a parking lot that's just 10 feet away from an actual -public- parking lot. Another thing is that TSV doesn't see how Rutgers giving into demands and necessarily passing it by their Board Of Trustees and Concerned Alumni, who he encourages to outright reject the groups' demands, even the reasonable ones. The problem is, the school year is over, and these groups won't meet till September, which is what he believes the protest groups intended all along. As TSV parses through his political junk mail and inexplicably seeing AOC and Greenpeace stuff, he's wondering how serious we necessarily are about any given "threat" to democracy if democracy has never truly existed on college campuses. He's seeing this as a repeat of 2004 whereby he caught activists using the activist infrastructure to meet at a convenience store on non-activist matters while they also tried to tell people that if George Bush got a second term America will be a banana republic. Well as we saw in history, Bush -did- get that second term, but the activists didn't then say, oh now we're in a banana republic so let's give up and throw in the towel. Instead he heard them say, okay people let's keep fighting, which is what TSV was saying all along, but it wasn't "acceptable" because it wasn't political trope compliant. So the next time he hears anyone saying something to the effect of, "If Person X wins, it's all over and no more democracy," he'll take it as a mere political trope rather than as the actual serious concern it should be. By contrast, when AOC runs and wins the Presidency in 2028, TSV proclaims -that- to be the end of democracy as we know it, and yes, we would then -have- to throw in the towel. All other action at that point would be utterly pointless.

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