Don't try to waste Tropical Soulvangelical's time on that whole drones thing. He's trying to think as little about it as possible, with a considerable degree of unsuccess since we're now making a base share out of it. TSV asks us to think back to Bridge Gate, and how a creation of problems was meant to cause problems for adversaries for a given politician. He thought about it, and now it makes sense to him. When he tuned into that one Mayor who went after Phil Murphy for not being "open" enough, TSV immediately thought two things and they pretty much stuck with him. A, and this is the oldest trick in the book, and that's use of an issue to distract from one's own shortcomings. And now here's B, and TSV figures that can be summed up in that age old proverb: He Who Smelt It Dealt It. Of course that may be very hard to prove, but it would be an embarrassment if those anti-stalwart pro-meaness-and-or-fatalism politicians attack pro-stalwart and anti-fatalism figures over the drones issue, only for there to be mounting evidence that said drones likely originated from those politicians' munipical equipment yards. The drones story never seemed quite right for TSV from the very beginning. For one thing, who in their right minds would stand around in their yards at 3'o'clock in the morning in sub-zero temps in the middle of December just to see, per chance, whether there are any drones flying around, and lo and behold, Seek And Ye Shall Find? For another, TSV doubts the drones issue will dissipate just because it's been overcast and rain, and therefore the drones will either be mostly invisible or not even operate under inclement weather conditions. With all of the above, everything fell into place for TSV, so he thinks it's time for -visual- media at least to quit this Drone Watch, because how dumb do they think we are with our heads still in the clouds, and get back to real issues. Namely, the attacks on the stalwart life's philosophy in favor of the fatalistic fallacy for the country, and how we have to get back to the values of faith and principle.
Elton John's right. We -are- making a mistake where this whole legal pot thing is concerned. Elton John in an interview Tropical Soulvangelical heard about on the radio expressed dismay because he had helped his friends in the music industry on their road to recovery. The specific mistake TSV has seen in the past four years was the concept of If Not One Then The Other. So it wasn't enough to decriminalize pot so as to not disenfrachise people culturally, but make it so legal that the legalization itself served as a de facto marketing promotion for a lifestyle choice that's clearly questionable at best, and to dictate the science towards a pro-drug bias. TSV's hoping that Elton John's candid commentary would help focus on those in recovery and those who righteously choose a straightedge path in life, neither of which TSV sees as being aptly served in our pro-drug policy essentially amounting to a mentality of everyone-has-to-use-recreational-drugs or somehow there's-no-difference-between-recreational-drugs-and-those-few-prescription-drugs-that-have-gone-wrong-in-society. We went straight to legalization with no meaningful debate whatsoever, and this is part of what TSV wants to highlight in months to come as we also discuss, mainly with respect to the problem of Chuck Schumer, how we can blame someone else for undemocracy when in our own side of the aisle we need to get our own democratic house in order and not throw our own under the bus in fundamental disregard of the will of primary voters. This issue will only haunt the Schumers and Schiffs of the world even more in coming weeks and months, and not less.
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