Saturday, December 28, 2024

Tropical Soulvangelical forgot to mention that about the same time we did our last base share about the fatalists, he heard on good ole newsradio about the new name for the generation that comes after Gen Z. They're calling it Gen Alpha, and it's TSV's first hope of a generation that will show fearless faith and principle in ways that Gens Y and Z never did. He's hoping that Gen Alpha takes to principle in rebellion against Gens Y's and Z's belief in personal corruption, protesting the stance of their older siblings. Once Gen Alpha does that, TSV looks to them to -outvote- Gens Y and Z in 2026 and then again in 2028 the same way Gens Y and Z outvoted TSV and effectively voted against -him- as a citizen, particularly the Ed Snowden anarchists. He's hoping Alpha will be there to vote -for- him as a citizen because his is only one vote, and he can't just vote for himself while 5 million young people vote against his basic rights as a citizen to demand faith and principle from his fellow citizens. He's going to need help, and he's looking to Gen Alpha at first. If not them, then Gen Beta, and if not Beta then Gen Gamma. He's not sure whose idea it was to go to the Greek alphabet for every generation henceforth, but he likes that idea better than his own which was to add more Z's per every generation, like ZZ or ZZZ, etc. It makes every generation look like a snoozer, which is not what you want, and after a while it becomes ridiculous to keep adding on letters. He sees that there are 24 letters in the Greek alphabet, so that's good for 24 more generations. If our society doesn't shape up morally by the time we get to Omega, then we should -really- throw in the towel, and TSV doesn't particularly care if he's not around by that time. It would be unimaginable to him that after he's gone that you're going to have elderly Gen Y's and Z's who would then -still- believe that Ed Snowden was right about everything and who -still- believe that accountability is only about a "deep state." TSV's thinking there's got to be some new generation down the line that frowns skeptically on the phrase "deep state" to say, come on, "deep state?" You guys are still doing legal pot? Speaking of which, TSV hopes for an entire straightedge generation in Alpha or subsequent. He's hoping that said future generation will come around and support cops/enforcement and Israel's right to exist and defend itself, and see that the problem with Israel is not Israel, but Netanyahu. He's hoping that Alpha will take a more conscientious stance against antisemitism in order to see that over half of ceasefire protests truly are antisemitic at their core, because Cease Fire is code for Cease Israel. TSV figures that should have been apparent after 10/7. He's hoping that Israel will still be around when Alpha comes of age to have an Israel to still defend, so that there's still a Jewish State, and you don't have a significant and substantial portion of the world's population suddenly become second class citizens just because they're made to give up having a country of their own just because that country's government sucks specifically when it comes to Gaza, and that antisemitism would be emboldened on a global scale and never stop just because the antisemites see an entire people as having "lost face." Is Gen Alpha aware of social issues at a mere age 11? TSV thinks not yet which is why a so-called youth power thing has to be about Gen Alpha understanding the issues as above, and not about pitting young people against their elders in an ageist fashion. He doesn't think that Gen Z is necessarily ageist like he gets the impression that Gen Y is for the most part, the so-called millennials, but the concept of youth power as it stands he sees as pushing Z in that direction as time goes on. Hope lies with Alpha, Beta and Gamma, and TSV will wait and make efforts accordingly for as long as it takes, and then it'll be Gens Y and Z that will have to face the consequences of their actions. TSV wants a future generation that's the most like him possible and reflects his values, so that he doesn't have society keep on putting down the generation he happens to be born in, and hence him having to suffer unending disrespect from society at large. He's hoping for a true ally generation. Maybe this is why some families end up having second children when their first borns turn out to be total brats and monsters. They're looking for a second chance like TSV is.

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