Friday, September 6, 2024

So here's Tropical Soulvangelical's update from our post we made the other day. In short, we're all still doomed. TSV envisions that about every couple days or so till the election, his comments will still be the same: we're all doomed, we're all doomed, we're all doomed. That's because he doesn't expect anything to change between now and then that the newsradio he listens to first thing in the morning would be -forced- to admit what -trump's- done wrong in the election cycle so far. TSV hasn't heard anything about the desecration of Arlington National Cemetery, or the off-the-wall and offensive things he's said at both rallies and interviews. He had to find that out from Insurgent whom TSV hasn't heard has any presence on actual radio waves whatsoever. He's thinking that maybe Insurgent thinks itself too yuppie to not go highbrow like with Sirius XM or the Internet, because he's hoping that Insurgent's online description says, oh by the way, our programming is also syndicated on these radio stations AM/FM now that TSV's got FM tuned into better. But while he's there he sees a video title saying "You're Being Manipulated!!!" when Insurgent itself does not provide a wider enough antidote that he thinks they could. TSV still doesn't understand how a majority of Americans had -ever- heard of Project 25, let alone find out enough about it to poll against it, and please don't tell TSV something to the effect, oh they just went to the Internet. You can't say that, because Ordinary Joe Six Pack will never go to the Internet except for porn, and maybe also QAnon, and almost certainly never look at Insurgent in a million years, because that's only for political junkies or something. For Insurgent to be yelling at TSV with respect to Manipulated and Desecration can't amount to an election strategy of sorts, because that's just preaching to the choir, and TSV is only one potential voter. You've got possibly 50 million Joe Six Pack swing voters in swing states waiting, apparently, to have Kamala introduce herself to them. He doesn't understand the notion that the upcoming debate is her opportunity to do so when he also hears that undecided voters are the least likely people to watch debates, because again that's probably for political junkies like Insurgent apparently is. He doesn't see either Insurgent or Kamala doing anything to get the radio to acknowledge that she is or has introduced herself. He doesn't want his donation dollars to -only- go to rallies and speeches. He's aware that donation dollars go to door-to-door efforts, and he's wondering why anyone, including the radio, thinks that's -not- a way for Kamala to introduce herself. Also, he understands that the Donkey Convention got more TV ratings than the Elephant Convention did, so isn't -that- not Kamala introducing herself? And what's the radio's proof that neither effort counts as a national introduction? Or that interview on CNN? There's a lot more for TSV to unpack, but this is the reason why he doesn't understand elections. TSV uses the radio as a personal alarm system, and every other means of gathering info as following up on what he hears where he deems necessary. He's not saying everyone else has to do that, but he doesn't want anyone to tell him, oh well that's because you're -intelligent-, because, again, him as one person being intelligent isn't going to magically make Kamala win no matter how much he donates to her campaign. The campaign's already got 500 mil in the back compared to -trump's- 150, and she -still- polls within the margin of error in swing states. TSV's thinking that the Joe Six Pack swing voters in those swing states are hearing the radio tell them, Kamala still has to introduce herself, and then the swing voters say, oh well Kamala still has to introduce herself so therefore I don't know anything about her, so maybe I'll vote for -trump- instead. What if that person -also- tuned into the convention and also got mailings and door-to-door visits? TSV wonders how much good that does once that person goes back to the radio and still believes, Kamala hasn't introduced herself when she already did so for that one person at least. TSV believes that even now is early September, it'll be late October and he'll -still- hear, it's late October, and Kamala still hasn't introduced herself. That's another way in which he's reminded of Bush v Kerry 2004, hence he thinks we're doomed.

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