Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tropical Soulvanglical is likely going to be repeating himself here until, and maybe after Election Day, but he's becoming skeptical with respect to this being a so-called Doomsday Election, like the way Bush-Kerry was, except that Bush-Kerry turned out not to be doomsday, mainly because Bush lost the privatize-Social-Security election. And now TSV's hearing people who seem to want his alliance saying something to the effect of, well yes we said past elections were doomsday elections, but this time we mean it. So, TSV wonders, are you saying you -didn't- mean it during Bush-Kerry, and if so, what substantive assurance can you give him that this actually -is- a doomsday election to the point where a -trump- victory means the end of everything? Are we just going to just throw in the towel and wave the white flag? Is everyone who wants Kamala to win and fails to get her to do so just going to cower and let -trump- do stuff because of whatever possible spin that says -trump- got political capital from his possibly upcoming victory? And if not, does that mean that the undecided voters feel like they're seeing through all the talk about a doomsday election and just seeing it as rhetoric? And if so, why isn't TSV allowed to feel the same way? Also, if it's truly a doomsday election, why doesn't TSV see Kamala making that actual pitch to undecided voters rather than -just- focus on economics and immigration where undecided voters are concerned? Is it because of that whole Ben Franklin thing about focusing on someone's self-interest? TSV wonders why anyone should think of what Ben Franklin said there as gospel as if we can't have a discussion about that now. Isn't maintaining a democracy in -everyone's- best interest? If the wrong person wins, will all those undecided voters continue to whistle past the graveyard and deny themselves as living in a dictatorship? So it's either one or two things for TSV. Either this -is- a doomsday election and somehow the undecided voters are just being too pigheaded and stubborn, or the undecided voters are right in believing that it's -not- a doomsday election and TSV's being sold a bill of goods by those who are supposed to be his allies and this is just Bush-Kerry all over again. These are the unanswered questions TSV has, along with whether or not Kamala's doing enough interviews to get analysts to stop claiming that no-one knows who she is, and TSV wants Insurgent to get him satisfactory answers to him on a silver platter rather than -just- talk about how terrible Chris Robinson is, or -trump- or JD Vance or Laura Loomer, or how terrible it is what Springfield Ohio is going through. None of that matters to TSV because if we go into late October with it -still- being 49-49 in all swing states, a Kamala win will almost certainly get challenged at the Supreme Court because Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito are personally corrupt for accepting bribes for favorable opinions. Even though Mark Elias sounding the alarm on the anti-certification movement was effectively his job interview as part of Kamala's election legal team, TSV doesn't see that team as having any chance in hell against a corrupt move-the-goalposts court system. That's why he wants to see the undecideds finally decide in Kamala's favor so he can personally present a slam-dunk case in front of the Supreme Court that they cannot deny or kabuki dance their way out of. Stay tuned.

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