Monday, September 9, 2024

Tropical Soulvangelical still thinks we're doomed ahead of the debate, but he's getting used to the idea that it's pretty much over for the country, though that's -if- predictions come out about Project 25 and polls still don't move the needle on the so-called blue wall. He doesn't want to dwell too much on the Dana Bash interview and a discussion about 1872, but here's the thing. Even though you can argue the similarities between 1872 and 2020/2021, TSV wanted there to be a followup on comparing 1876 and 2024. Did anyone propose a Project 1876 that would have made America into a dictatorship then, and if so, did America become a dictatorship, and if so, did America stay a dictatorship in near perpetuity to the modern day, and if so, why didn't anyone say during the Obama election that we were too doomed for there to be Change We Can Believe In? He hears comparisons between Hungary and America, as well as Venezuela and America, in terms of people who manage to stay in power, but to be fair, is America the same or all that similar to Hungary or Venezuela? Or for that matter, are Hungary and Venezuela more the same than they are different to -each other-? One thing TSV seems to remember is that Hungary and Venezuela were satellite states for the Soviet Union during the Cold War, so once the Cold War was over, countries such as Hungary and Venezuela had very delicate democratic institutions at best compared to America's more robust institutions. Understandably that's only -more- robust, and not totally ironclad by any means. But the last thing TSV wants to hear is that the election is our last best hope for democracy forever, and that once that hope fails, because he thinks it -will-, that someone says okay let's go to Plan B, and defeat Project 25 like we defeated the privatization of Social Security in 2005, because that would be moving the goal posts like we did in 2005. That would be Bush-Kerry all over again, and TSV will be absolutely infuriated. It's certainly possible that the politicians would be so inept and incompetent in the worst case scenario that they might not be able to get Project 25 off the ground and those figures and citizens that are against it would then be successful in killing Project 25 once and for all. Another thing TSV also notices as not mentioned is what happens if -trump- doesn't get the Congress he wants, and there's a shift on at least one side of the other party taking back the House? That party he's pretty sure would certainly kill Project 25 in its majority and as for the Senate in being in -trump's- corner after the election, would there be an effort to stop and stem Project 25 at the Senate level through possibly a walkout or some other public figure protest? It's hard for TSV to imagine someone as fatalistic as Chuck Schumer -ever- effectively leading such a protest, so it's going to have to come down to someone else, almost certainly since Schumer also led the anti-Biden coalition, so how's -that- democratic? There's a lot more unanswered questions such as these to unpack for TSV, but he goes into the debate with lowered expectations that most outlets other than Insurgent would cover the aftermath of the debate with any shred of integrity whatsoever. He fully expects most outlets to try to not talk about -trump's- failings during the debate or Kamala making her targets. He doesn't think they'll -ever- report a Kamala victory in the debate, and instead he expects them to just say, there was some kind of debate and now let's talk about the murder of the day. They might actually turn to footage of a high speed chase collision as a distraction like with the Attack Dog Network, and only Insurgent and the late show hosts will call them out on it, and polls for the blue wall will -still- be within the margin of error, because the debate would have failed to move the needle, like TSV hearing John Fetterman essentially predict, and that's because the outlets want to keep that needle there in their -protrump- personal corruption, and that's how TSV doesn't see any kind of Kamala victory whatsoever no matter what happens after the debate. So that's how it's over for the country, and how TSV still hates elections no matter how democratic or un- they are.

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