Thursday, February 28, 2013

If in fact the "sequester" goes into effect, the Bachelor expects at least one of a particular suite of political vanillas to blame ordinary people, political skeptics and pro-sex political skeptics for their supposed complacency.  They'll claim that we all should have joined the correct political group, and to be subject to that group's every whim and command no matter the cost of such involvement to the skeptics that would be sucked into joining.  Heir's suspicious that the political vanillas intend to stand aside and allow the sequester to happen, to try to guilt people into joining those groups against their better judgment, and which they quit seven years ago.  The political vanillas will point to the sequester that will happen and go, "See how bad it can get?  Because you people allowed this to happen."

No, guys, it's not we the people who are to blame, it's you the political vanillas that we the people voted into office specifically to make sure there aren't any sequesters, fiscal cliffs, debt ceilings or Monetary Mooseheads.  Do your job, and don't even think of blaming us for stuff.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

In their next episode, the Bachelor plans a postmortem criticism of Facebook's kitschy culture.  Strangely enough, the Heir has recently noticed a reduction in the number of Facebook posts where people talk about what they ate for breakfast.  Seems as though the tide may be turning.
The Bachelor wants to avoid posting an announcement about something they would talk about on audio anyway.  They treat it as two categories of topics.  So hopefully now Heir's done beating the Argo horse when he points out that Argo probably would not have gotten the attacks that it has if it didn't win best movie.  But Argo's opponents won't bother going after Lincoln or that 90 second animated short as somehow bearing historical inaccuracies.
Heir forgot his locker combination from when he used to be in school.  He had a dream that he forgot it while feverishly trying at the knob in time to make class in five minutes.  But he had long since graduated, and presumably locker combos from the past are irrelevant now.  They must have long since been changed, and have gone onto electronic lockers that are easily hackable.  It doesn't matter though.  He needs to remember his combo in case he needs to go back to the school and get some stuff he still left there.

Which leads us to the fact that the Heir is still having problems with his taxes.  He checked over his taxes a second, third and fourth time, and each time he did it he had to change something.  He isn't going to change them anymore.  March is coming up and he's getting late.  He should have filed both his federal and his state by now, and he's mired in his federals.  And then he found out his zip code is wrong on his W2s.  Now he has to get that correct, which could otherwise lead to an audit.  Contrary to any false reassurances people give him, he's pretty sure that the IRS will audit you for a wrong zip code on your W2s, or if you owe $8 more or $8 less than you thought, or that he still has to file by April 15 even though he expects a refund.  That and anything that he gets wrong in any capacity goes on his permanent record, and there's no way he can legally appeal for a correction or a redaction.

Why did he ever had to remember his locker combination if there ever came a time he didn't need to anymore?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Heir follows up his thoughts about Argo by asking people, which is more important?  Whether a given movie accurately depicts particular historical events, or whether we keep the middle class from being at economic risk?
The Heir has never seen Argo, so he's not sure he could subscribe to any arguments as to supposedly why Argo is a fraud.  And even though he can't speak as to what is or is not in the movie, he's pretty sure he'll come out of any movie theater with much more clarity as to why Iran can't have a nuclear weapon.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Don't get us wrong. It was good to get out of the house, and to see how that area was doing four months after Sandy at least. But the park service had claimed a ped bridge for themselves, possibly improperly, and it forced us to walk back across the bridge to get to the other side and try again. And the Heir's scared of heights. Those feds have to be such control freaks.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

We took that shore walk today, though it's just not the same as walking on our specific beach proper.  We did see some homes on our way back with plenty of plywood still.  There's a privileged beach club in the area which could become condemned property.  It's ironic to think that we as perverted hobbits will get our beach back and the privileged clubbers won't.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Looking good tomorrow for first shore visit near the park area in nearly four months!  Since Sandy.  48 and partly cloudy in the afternoon, according to NOAA radio.  They said it would be windy, though.

Friday, February 22, 2013

We in the Bachelor know: Principle isn't just a person that runs a school.
Heir: "If I have to take anything off the shelf, I'd dang better have a good enough reason for it."

Mentor: "Yeah!"
Bachelor will try to do a beach walk this coming Sunday.  All Hazards Radio said today it'll be 42 with 50% there.  Hopefully temps and chances won't get worse!  Was 32 last Sunday, couldn't do it then.  Before that, Marco had to help his grandmother with the flu and the Bachelor was on-call that whole day just in case Marco needed anything.  Before that was the Superbowl.  Bachelor plans to walk on the beach that's to the south of the park where they usually go, which is still closed because of Sandy.  Weather had really sucked since then this winter.
Heir doesn't think abolishing the IRS is the answer. Instead he thinks we need to simplify our tax forms. It will avert a national baldness epidemic from people tearing their hair out over it.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Heir found a hidden part iii section of that amt form that he had to fill out, and that part iii in turn talked about a tax worksheet the IRS never gave him problems about. Looks like he's not sending it in tonight after all. He's lucky if he makes April 15 at this rate.
Heir's done with his federal taxes, and he's ready to photocopy and send it off. He's reasonably sure he doesn't have to file the AMT form, though not 100%. So if the IRS gives him problems over it, he'll fill it out de facto, and then complain to his member in Congress over it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Heir's pretty sure that he does *not* owe the alternative minimum tax. He thinks the AMT is badly written and a complete mess. The sooner it's over the better, he says.
Mentor: "Heir's really excited about how we're able to finally get our announcements list up and running properly.  He's wanting to look into social media type plugins and stuff that he hopes will rival Facebook, and hence keep social networking socially alive, and hence hence keep the Internet socially alive as a result.  Heir's worried about the online world becoming one big cul de sac otherwise, but I think he has some good ideas going.  We'll see what works.  We're still working on our next episode by the way."

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Happy Bachelor announces their announcements list, which was formerly a  profile type page.  This is that announcements list as viewed here, where people can read present and past postings.  Here we will talk about new episodes, casual goings on at the Bachelor and any need-to-know stuff.