Friday, March 20, 2020

A lot to unpack with where the Heir's been coming from in the past week.  Even though again the Heir's a Nevertrumper for the point of view of law and justice, not only does he see it nonconstructive for the progressives to be blaming Trump for everything, he feels like it's a distraction from the progressives' own culpability with the situation.  He looks back to just the day after Sandy onto Ed Snowden Day of June 6, 2013, and it's clear to him the progressives had learned absolutely nothing from Sandy.  The progressives rallied around Ed Snowden in 2013.  They got with "disruptions" and forced obsolescence, and one thing having to replace another with big tech in 2014.  They got with Love Your Job and the red herring slogan argument of The Power Of Positive Thinking in 2015.  So the Heir takes no pleasure in pointing out how now the chickens are coming back home to roost with all that personal corruption of the 2010's.  He's wondering whether the progressives being holed up like the rest of us for weeks at a time will get them to finally learn and gain some sort of conscience.  Again like he got me the Mentor the write here a couple weeks ago or so, he doesn't think it should have to take a Jonestown Flood to get people to adhere to just plain common sense.  It shouldn't have to take a Noah's Ark Flood either.  So once the pandemic is declared over by the global health groups, whenever that's going to be, expect people to once again hoot and holler about the "greatness" of humanity.  The Heir reads that as, yeah, great for screwing up and not much else.

"Nature needs us like it needs a root canal."

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The one phrase the Heir has the utmost contempt for is The New Normal.  People are going to keep using it with the media (particularly visual), but the Heir would prefer a more realistic phrase such as Necessarily Evil Daily Routine.  There's a difference between normal and routine, and the explanation derives from old fashioned common sense.  Because the Heir sees nothing "normal" about not being able to get toilet paper, except online at an RV survivalist store.  He's pretty sure their RV paper won't cause problems here at the Swank Lounge, but he has to wait till Wednesday after this shares base share or so until it arrives.  Marco's grandmother has offered to share some of hers in case push comes to shove.  But the Heir also sees nothing normal about there not being NBA games to tune into on audio, specifically through the old school AM dial.  Maybe a week from now LeBron James and Spencer Dimwitty will post a one on one online they had for the fans craving the court and the magic movement of the ball.  That gets multiple rewinds to see how the ball got to where it got to go.  If anything it keeps those guys in shape in case the NBA picks up again a month from now or so.  Because if most people will all end up at home for a month, the last thing they want to get with on audio or online is the coronavirus.  People need to have a distraction, and the Heir expects most people to not be able to handle a prolonged national quarantine very well.  People will break curfews and not care if they end up in a cell, because at least they get to change their surroundings at home.  And are they going to tell people not to go to the park once the weather gets warmer?  Because once the coronavirus goes away, the Heir expects most people to end up with permanent cabin fever that no amount of outdoor activity can ever successfully treat.  He believes we'll keep paying for this thing for years to come.

"Most people will end up like that constantly distressed baby duck whose mother never came back to him in time.  Maybe that's why people found religion after 9/11."

Friday, March 13, 2020

So I the Mentor thought that the Heir had to recant some things he said about where we're going with the Coronavirus, but then he came back to say he's *not* recanting.  In fact, he said, he's *doubling down.*  Hey if it works for Giuliani, maybe it should work for the Heir.  But having said that, today just did not feel like a normal day for the Heir at Bland Barns Catering Counter.  Elsewhere in the shop they've completely ran out of toilet paper, and a lot of sliced raw meats.  But many other items still remained in the shop, like milk and yogurt.  So why toilet paper and not milk?  He picked up a few items after his shift, but he still needs to get some toilet paper for the Swank Lounge.  Last night the NBA said they were suspending the rest of the season, and apparently today (the Heir still needs to verify this through audio) the other leagues said they were also suspending games, like the NHL, MLB and NCAA.  But if we were to have an Italy-style nationwide quarantine, people will be stuck at home with nothing to do, because they won't have any games to turn to on audio.  A big reason why sports still exist is to provide a welcome distraction from how completely wrong the Heir believes the world is.  And you can only play Solitaire and Doom for so long.  And he still doubts that sports will ever come back.  They've basically torpedoed themselves economically, so that once they do attempt a comeback, most people have decided they're just through with sports in general.  Flaileef ought to be delighted by that, since he has long since maintained that sports are just a rechanneling of humanity's worst instincts, such that sports are just simply a metaphor for war at large.  We think he's totally wrong, and instead sports are a *pastime,* and the act of giving one's self physical and mental challenges to help maintain the health of the species.  We just don't want Flaileef's rhetoric to be reinforced, because it'll still be wrong.

"I still think people still have a right to be unhappy with their colleges, if those colleges shut down classes and activities for *any* reason."

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Let's face it: the Heir is pretty much a Nevertrumper, specifically though from the point of view of law and justice, just not necessarily politically.  But he also has a disliking to AOC, and the self-righteous arrogance of the progressive movement he sees her as representing.  That arrogance showed itself in full force in Michigan when AOC stumped for Bernie in that state.  Bernie went onto to handily losing that state, so he should never have thought that AOC had any real appeal or power-base outside of her district or AOC-favorable elements in the media.  It's the price one pays for staying in the race after helping to boot out those candidates of principle and conviction, because all voters in all contests that will take place after Super Tuesday the Heir sees as effectively disenfranchised.  They simply don't have all the choices they're entitled to, so it doesn't surprise the Heir that there were reports of long lines at some polling places on Super Tuesday comparable to long lines in the general election in 2004 and the Heir thinks 1968.  So the Heir's sure that if Biden is the likely nominee he will certainly beat Trump, but Biden will absolutely *not* restore decency and honor to the Oval Office when inaugurated, and this is for a couple reasons.  Firstly, the Heir's sure Biden will use the Time Past argument as to why he would *never* ask or support his DOJ in bringing charges against Trump (or Barr) as per Bob Mueller's sworn testimony that Trump could be charged after leaving office.  Sure "could" doesn't necessarily mean "should," but the Heir doesn't believe Biden should fall into the trap of believing that Trump being defeated is punishment enough for the guy.  Because if you or I were under suspicion of financial crimes or sexual assault, you or I can't expect a penalty upon conviction to be that you or I are not President.  No, it's going to be more severe than that, so the Heir sees a Biden (or a Bernie) Presidency as Trump's get-out-of-free-jail card.  Biden will also *never* agree to oversee the fully unredacted release of the Mueller report, complete with all judge-approved releases of grand jury testimony for all cases that would have completed by that time.  No, instead the Heir expects Biden (or Bernie) to just say, oh that's just all in the past so it's a waste of time.  So Biden or Bernie talking about a so-called restoration of decency and honor to the office has the insincerity of Gerald Ford saying our national nightmare is now over before he pardoned Nixon.  Biden and Bernie as President never pursuing justice on Trump is effectively their pardoning Trump for probably everything bad he's ever done.  The Heir believes this would not happen if Elizabeth Warren weren't forced out of the race, because Warren would certainly charge Trump and release the Mueller Report in full within her first 100 days as President.  So the Heir announces he's getting *closer* to quitting the Donkeys For The People altogether and embracing Independence, though he also wants to see how bad the Primary ballot would be in Bachelor Blue State first.  He's not quitting just yet.

The Heir takes to task those western observers who've praised China's supposed efforts to contain the coronavirus, because why are we having to contend with coronavirus right here and now otherwise?  The way the Heir sees it, China made a series of mistakes that effectively amount to a failure of containment.  The Heir remembers a test he took in biology class in high school his flunking which contributed to his being unable to attend an educational class trip to Washington DC at the time that all the "cool kids" were able to go on.  He totally forgot about it until the coronavirus, so now he's embittered all over again for something that took place decades ago, because let's face it: the past is never truly past.  But anyway, the test had a reasoning section in it regarding the European response to the Black Plague, and asked whether a given measure increased or decreased chances of spreading the plague via a factor of concentration.  Those measures include forcing all sick people to live under one roof, and preventing people from going out into the countryside.  The Heir got both of those questions wrong, because forcing all sick people together increases concentration of the plague, and their having gone out into the countryside would have decreased concentration.  But China committed both of those sins with the coronavirus.  They forced all sick people together in quarantine, and they prevented people from leaving that one city and getting out into the countryside.  But the Heir's sure western observers lavished praise on China just so they can avoid a geopolitical backlash or retribution.  Wimps.  The Heir also questions the wisdom of those colleges that have quit classes for the rest of the semester, particularly if there were no reports of cases of the coronavirus cases on their campuses, and if no-one's tested positive.  It seems those colleges arbitrarily quit classes based solely on news reports.  He kind of understands those few colleges (thus far) that might have had a case or two, but he sees that as the exception to the rule.  So he thinks those students at colleges that quit classes over an overabundance of caution should seriously consider transferring to a college without cases that has *not* quit their classes.  The Heir believes those overcautious colleges will end up as ghost towns long after the coronavirus is over.

"There's going to be something seriously wrong if we're not going to have baseball or basketball because of this virus.  They'll probably cancel entire seasons even after the coronavirus is over.  The End Of Sports."

Saturday, March 7, 2020

As per what the Heir said in my the Mentor's previous shares base share, he faces the prospect of becoming part of a Blank Ballot Protest with the primaries if he can't find Elizabeth Warren on the ballot *and* if he's not allowed to do a write-in.  So it's hard for him not to get cynical enough to believe just this early about at least 2 months before the primaries hit Bachelor Blue State that the primaries are essentially a sham.  Someone in Bachelor Blue State who's supported Biden or supported Bernie will have the *luxury* of voting for their man.  The Heir believes he just won't have that luxury, and hence primaries after Super Tuesday are essentially a form of disenfranchisement.  The Heir wants to find time to write a complaint letter well beforehand because he's pretty sure he's going to need it.  But here are a couple of things the Heir does *not* want to hear from anyone.  He doesn't want to hear anything to the effect of, "If Trump gets in a second time, it's game over!" or "Everything all depends on one thing!"  Well, people, he said, maybe you should have thought about that when you did everything you can to exclude Elizabeth Warren and her upcoming voters in those states that haven't voted yet.  He also doesn't want to hear about how Russians want to interfere with the elections, because aside from that being technically true, he sees that we *already* interfered with our elections ourselves.  So what exactly are we protecting ourselves from when it comes right down to it?  Because what ultimately happens every time the Heir has to go out into the official world to get things to happen is that our culture of personal corruption always has to go against him.  The Heir's still working on our DIY Third Pillar music player, and when that's done he sees that there will be a deliverance of tropical soul that avenges against that personal corruption and forced obsolescence, exhibited by big tech and Ed Snowden.  It's going to happen.  And when it does, it'll be a referendum on not only what happened in 2013 and 2014, but also what happened this year 2020 with the primaries, and the legal and moral failings of Trump 2017 and since then.  That list of unfinished business is just getting longer, and the Heir wonders whether once the the time comes around and we get to that deliverance, that maybe then the larger culture would get like, oh [bleep], we *were* wrong about everything at least since 2013, and we *did* lie to ourselves about how we were somehow right about everything.  Sooner or later the entire culture has to face its collective hubris, and the Heir doesn't think it's going to be a pretty picture for the culture.  He himself will certainly pull through, and he'll look on it with a bittersweet reverence in thinking that it had to take something to the degree of a Jonestown Flood to get the culture to repent for its self-righteous sins.

"Tropical soul is coming.  Repent now.  You'll reap what you sow."

Thursday, March 5, 2020

So here's what the Heir messaged Warren's campaign whom he's supported for the past year:
Replying to
As your ongoing supporter I ask that you not endorse *anyone* till after the convention. I wish your web site were functional so I can write a more detailed Contact Us message. So maybe multiple replies to your tweet will have to do.
My Contact Us message would have detailed about the Biden/Bernie/Trump dynamic, the need for Primaries Reform, the ongoing struggle against the practices of big tech and the eventual return to a sense of national principle in our country.
I'll be honest about this unity thing. Though I'm against Trump, I would never consider voting for Biden or Bernie just to defeat Trump. Unless I decide otherwise, I see myself as writing you in as a personal choice in November.
I cite Primaries Reform because I anticipate that [Bachelor Blue State] will prevent write in ballots in the primary, and that I might be forced to make a Blank Ballot Protest. I would not do that lightly, but it goes in the spirit of your encouraging people to vote with their heart.
But *if* the Heir can do a write-in for the primary in Bachelor Blue State, he would.  The system would then be able to dodge a bullet.  Otherwise, it would appear to the Heir that "unity" is just code for forced capitulation and a disenfranchisement ultimatum.  The Heir wants to keep following Warren to see how she will continue what he sees as a movement for national principle in contrary to all the personal corruption that people like Ed Snowden represent.  He's glad he remembered to add the caveat of "Unless I decide otherwise," because it means he doesn't have to be bound to any/all decisions Warren makes going forward.  After all, Biden and Bernie in *not* supporting reforms to big tech for example he sees as Trump Lite.  He's pretty sure that either candidate would defeat Trump in November, but that it would be a Pyrrhic victory, because national principle would not be served, and the Heir anticipates continuing the Resistance accordingly.

"Stay tuned."