Thursday, September 29, 2022

Generally speaking, when it comes to Ed Snowden these days, the Heir isn't so inclined to come after the guy himself as much as his progressive apologists. But now that Ed Snowden's been granted citizenship in a country adversarial to the U.S., and because the progressives claim to be against said country in its assault against Ukraine, the Heir sees this as an opportunity for the progressives to throw Ed Snowden under the bus once and for all. He demands nothing short of that, and he won't accept the progressives saying something to the effect of we want the Ed Snowden from 2013, not the Ed Snowden from 2022. The Heir says you should forsake both. If you don't, the Heir will be reminded that he himself is not progressive at all, but what he calls Tropically Conservative. We should probably also bring back that banner of solidarity now that Putin claims to now own eastern Ukraine. We should have the banner say that eastern Ukraine and Crimea are -Ukrainian-, period. We, too, see the 'referendum' as a sham, but it's not a true referendum. It's just soldiers forcing people to sign what they don't mean under duress, so the Heir's wondering if Zelensky's weak in not invalidating said 'referendum' as the rightful President of Ukraine. The Heir's hoping for more, because this is just a mental trick that everyone's falling for, including those who see the campaign as a sham. The Heir thinks we should call it what it is, a mental military campaign. Undo Putin's hypnosis.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The Heir heard on audio, on more than one installment of that business news minute, that people are racking up credit card debt just to pay for the basics. He's not going to say "sucks to be you, man" in an apathetic sort of way, but he does caution how this is the end result of the replacement marketing of the 2010s. He sees people actually -believing- that "one thing shall replace another" and that "it's the power of positive thinking" in about 2014 and 2015 respectively. The Heir refused to go along with either, clearly seeing both the mental and the financial risk, and the larger culture retaliated against him as a result in a new world order type fashion by causing the company he once worked at at the time to go out of business and for him to get laid off. He's now enjoying -reasonable- success at the Bland Barns Catering Counter, but he hasn't forgotten the past. It appears to him that instead of taking the opportunity of a then "great economy" to save and invest, people instead ended up spending their money on constant smartphone and giant TV upgrades, possibly as an effort to keep up with the Joneses. The Heir tunes into Business Radio 7:30am to get the daily changing backdrop each day he can to help him look over the horizon, and he's pretty sure that once inflationary and recessionary pressures go away, predatory marketers on behalf of a variety of high-end retail types will be back in full force telling people they're behind the times if they don't buy discretionary products and services, because it's the power of positive thinking. It's going to happen again, and the Heir's more concerned about that than today's inflation and recession combined. He wants to ask people what they want the most: keeping up with the Joneses, or making ends meet? He hopes people will choose common sense in the future.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The Heir believes he -personally- dodged a bullet when Judge Dearie came back and said, well I'm presuming the documents to still be classified because I'm not informed otherwise that they were ever -de-classified. Again, we're talking about the epidemic in personal corruption, and it was just random chance that this particular judge was conscientious about something the Heir thinks was missing thus far in the conversation in the INN, and that's how the judge knew he needed to have -clearance- to see classified documents, which means in order for him to see them, he either a) needed said clearance, or b) the documents needed to be declassified. But the Heir's wondering what's really stopping Trump from saying, well I want a -different- documents master since Judge Dearie came out as a loose cannon for me. Someone, the Heir believes Trump will say, who doesn't -care- whether they have clearance or not for the documents, clearance shmearance! How about -you- Aileen Cannon (??), Trump the Heir believes will ask. That's pretty much Trump's ace in the hole, because the Heir doesn't see Aileen Cannon as caring about whether one has clearance to classified documents, -or- recusing herself from a moral quandary. The Heir wonders what the 11th Circuit Court Of Appeals would say when Merrick Garland appeals the case there once Judge Cannon is appointed the next documents master, though the Heir heard Glenn Kirshner being concerned about whether that special master might be Giuliani, or John Eastman, etc. The Heir expects some commentators on the INN to insist that Merrick Garland is such a dang genius for somehow "foreseeing" that the special master would go, well maybe I shouldn't be doing this. Again the Heir believes that happened by chance, and that thus far it's Trump Team 2 (or more), Merrick Garland 0. Only until and unless the Heir's led to believe otherwise would he believe otherwise.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Heir's made his campaign donations, and only plans to do so again next month. As such, he's disabled the proliferation of texts coming in asking for money, but he's concerned about the fact that they've been texting him 5-10 times a day, predicting the end of democracy if he doesn't regularly donate an amount he actually can't afford to donate. He's already been there in 2004 when they told him that if Impulsive gets a second term, we won't recognize our country after Impulsive's term ends. Of course they conveniently ignored their own prediction, because by the time Impulsive's term came to an end, everyone was excited about Funny Named Skinny Kid. So the Heir's wondering, -if- the Donkeys For The People lose the races they wanted to win this time around, what chance is there that someone's going to text him the Wednesday after giving him a guilt trip about not having donated enough, and trying to blame -him- for the "end" of democracy? Months ago we did a base share here about the importance of keeping perspective regarding the perception of democracy, and we believe our general messaging still stands now even though we're not suggesting that democracy is "safe" in any way shape or form. But here's another thing the Heir believes is going to happen. -If- the Donkeys For The People -do- win the races they want to win, some wise guy will go on INN and point that a Donkey victory by itself will not guarantee the safety of democracy. Well of course it won't, because the Heir sees the "end of democracy" talking point as a corrollary to the false belief that "it's only a democracy if my candidate wins," and it wouldn't surprise him in the least if the Elephantine Elitists plagiarize these talking point memos. Remember people: it ain't necessarily so. In the meantime the Heir hopes to get very limited texts going forward, and he might end up disabling those as well.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

The Heir was considering writing to his Congresswoman and requesting his own personal box of Top Secret documents, citing the Aileen Cannon ruling as precedent. But he's put that off to see whether we as a country have the good sense to make sure that this "Special Master" has both proper clearance and need-to-know with the documents. He doubts this is going to happen, because he believes that whoever gets chosen is likely going to be some kind of political celebrity who doesn't have clearance -or- need-to-know for -anything-, let alone the displayed menu at the ice cream massage parlor. He was seeing whether there was any scintillating wisdom as a witty rejoinder to the Aileen Cannon ruling in the Insurgent News Network, and thus far he's come back empty handed. All he found was a video with a title saying that Aileen Cannon doesn't care about the rule of law, which the Heir scores as a bit Captain Obvious. But once they appoint completely the wrong person to "review" the documents, and most certainly send copies to the Kremlin and Beijing, and Tehran and Pyongyang, that's when the Heir wants to make his move in the most unlooked for and scintillating way possible. That's because absolutely nobody's doing that. Nobody. Except the Heir. That clues you into how Tropical Soul is the way, because all the other "ways" inevitably lead to dead ends.