Tuesday, August 25, 2020

I the Mentor just started writing this right now, and one good thing Blogger did right now was to make that fix where we couldn't see a 10 word preview for our listed posts.  We put in a request for it months ago, so looks like they just got it done.  As long as it makes it on there, that's what matters.  I suppose they were working on more critical stuff (possibly including Stats and Earnings), so an at-a-glance posts preview might have been relatively cosmetic.  But enough of all the compliments and the warm fuzzies.  Time to get to the real negative stuff.  And that's the Heir seeing the Elephantine convention as off to a bad start.  The only real takeaway the Heir's getting is that the Elephantines are complaining about "socialism," but they complained about proverbial socialism for decades.  They once called Social Security a form of socialism, so the Heir doesn't seem them as having any good ideas.  Maybe the Donkeys are better in that department, even though the Heir thinks *their* convention sucked as well, see below.  But definitely do expect Ed Snowden himself to make an appearance at the Elephantine convention, particularly if Trump is going to pardon him after the election, and also given the personal corruption of our present day society.  Maybe the third to last guest on the last day of the convention.  Just conventions in general, the Heir doesn't entirely know who gets to make speeches and who doesn't.  Usually what happens with multi-day events of any kind, the Heir's led to believe that, oh Person X is going to speak at the event.  So day 1 goes by, no Person X, so okay it's just day 1.  Day 2 goes by, and still no Person X, and that's when you start getting worried.  Then day 3 goes by, again no Person X, and that's when you start making complaints about, "Well what about Person X????"  And then they say, don't worry, we haven't forgotten about them.  Then it's day 4, and you're on the edge of your seat wondering will they or won't they?  Speaker 1 comes and goes, speaker 2 comes and goes, and you're not even going out to the bathroom because you might miss soemthing.  And then in mid-afternoon, not even evening, that's when the organizers come out and say, well that's everybody, thank you all for coming.  And then you're infuriated, bolting off to the doors in a fit.  And of course you can't get through because everyone's trying to leave all at once.  You do make it to the bathroom on your way out, and you find yourself putting graffiti in one of the stalls saying, "What about Person X???  They would have said this and they would have said that, and the other speakers mostly wasted our time."  And then you finally get home and look at Person X's Youtube channel, and they have a two minute video they just put out two hours ago, and in it they say, well I wasn't at the event, and here's what I would have said if I were, which is a summup of everything I said in my other videos.  That's the big reason not to put stock into multi-day events, because all they do is set you up just to knock you down, in a 2010's gaslighting style.  If they had wings and ribs along with red beans and rice and/or have a drum circle or a classic rock jam, you wouldn't have come away empty-handed.

"I just hope we can get this election over and done with.  It's the worst election ever.  But we still have to deal with the debates, and the upcoming October Surprise.  Maybe that'll be the Trump Taxes actually being released to the public, and showing he did collude with Russia, and showing financial fraud and money laundering and sexual assault (yes your tax forms actually do show you that).  All the stuff we already know about."

Monday, August 24, 2020

The Heir's just brimming with ideas where GPNX is concerned.  So he woke me up the Mentor just now and I was like, dang Heir it's 1:30 in the dang morning, I ought to lose my Fonzie cool and get mad at you, so what is it now.  He managed not to accidentally wake up Leeanna in the same bed, who's incidentally a deep sleeper, different than her Burmese heritage I guess.  So the Heir comes back and says he's got some aesthetic ideas for both the name and the logo.  I guess that's easy enough stuff to figure out while there's that big hurdle of license free amateur status that he needs for the repeaters at least.  So he's now thinking that a better name for GPNX is PBNX, better known as Public Basic Networks.  He feels that's more descriptive than General Public Networks, because it would use a General Packet Radio Service, which commercial providers would consider the equivalent of 2G.  This is a reminder that it's only for the basics, not for real time streaming a blockbuster movie in IMAX format.  He's also had ideas of how to redesignate the buckets of cellular, but I thought we already talked about that below.  But the Heir also has an idea for the logo for PBNX.  It's made up of an upturned bell shape with cell bars filling in the spaces on either side of the bell.  I told the Heir that he had better research whether both the logo and the name have already been used, otherwise he would almost certainly get sued by someone.  And being a food clerk for the Bland Barns Catering Counter, he just can't afford it.  He's not filthy rich, and he's not desperately poor.  So he's not going to have his own personal legal team, and he's not going to have someone go pro Bono with him.  The Heir is effectively in that terrible and awful doughnut hole.  That's why he's considering the concept of PBNX in the first place, so that he doesn't have to play business politics with our current commercial provider.  It's getting worse than haggling over the price of a car, except that Big Tech Salespeople won't hesitate to use gaslighting and guilt trips and logical fallacies in their arguments, as well as fake outrage and yelling and screaming and pounding on tables.  Because that's where it's all going right now.  Looks like the Heir will have to wait till later in the week to get with repurposing the cellular buckets for PBNX.  Let's go to dang bed already, and no tossing or turning Heir with whatever other ideas you come up with.  Really, about *anything*, including butterscotch pancakes.

Hey Heir.  No butterscotch pancakes for *you*.  At least until you get some shut-eye.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

It's only between conventions, but the Heir can't wait until both are over before talking about how terrible this last one was.  He's going to need to follow up after the Elephantine to talk about how bad that one was as well.  It hasn't happened yet, and it's already a "was."  But the Heir goes after the Donkeys-FTP for their everything-depends-on-one-thing fatalism.  This is what they did in 2004.  Trump is on the ropes in the swing state polls, and right-track-wrong-track polls, so he's clearly going to lose.  But the Heir sees the Donkey/progressive fatalism as disingenuous, because you hear Type-A Western observers talk about how "genius" it was for Biden to pick Kamala Harris as his running mate. But the Heir thinks it's the opposite, absolutely terrible, because Harris gets high points of approval from Big Tech.  The Heir believes you have to assume that anyone who gets that kind of high pointage from Big Tech is just bad for our cultural health.  Big Tech seems pretty sure that a Biden/Harris presidency will never hold them to account for anything, let alone the personal corruption of forced obsolescence.  Biden has yet to hold his phone up in public and go, "I have no idea how this thing works," but he's going to reinforce the Old Person And Tech Stereotype.  It was the personal corruption of the 2010s stemming from Big Tech and Ed Snowden, and progressive participation in both, that allowed Trump to rise to power to begin with.  So the Heir's thinking, so we need to go with them again!?  To begin that cycle again!?  And endanger old school standardized cultural technology such as terrestrial analog radio and feed based podcasts!?  Also from the Heir's point of view, Biden has signaled that his Justice Department will never go after an ex-President Trump for anything, which even at this early juncture has killed Biden's presidency.  The Heir really doesn't give a rat's ass about all those very verbally chiseled "inspiring" speeches, because he's already fast-forwarded to the day after Biden's first 100 days.  So unlike the progressives, the politically skeptical Heir sees very little political hope for the future.  Of course when the Elephantine comes around, the Heir expects to hear that convention get with hate, misinformation and conspiracy theories.  At least they're saying outright they have no intention to do any real governance whatsoever.  In the meantime, seven years after Ed Snowden, the Heir's still waiting our personally corrupt culture to reform on its own, and he may very well have to take the bull by the horns himself, possibly alone in a sea of 7 billion people.

"This election is already over before it even got started, and all of us are the losers."

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

So here's more stuff the Heir has on GPNX, particularly with the repeaters.  So talked about below, even though the GPNX lifestyle doesn't necessarily require a purchase of a repeater along with a hub, it's highly encouraged.  But what the Heir wants to add is that in keeping with the GPNX spec of low power (or rather, resource conservation), the repeater needs to have an emergency power capability.  It would be either plugged into regular household power or a solar unit (you can even try wind we guess, but the Heir doesn't think wind power is far along enough for there to be small enough turbines for your backyard or a deck for an apartment or a condo).  The repeater can power externally, but it would always be constantly charging.  That way, when the power goes out (and because of the outage caused by Isaiah, it's a matter of when, not if), the repeater would still run off its recharged batteries.  So that way, GPNX would still be up for its users.  The hubs themselves would be constantly charged as well, but resource conservation ensures continuous uptime.

"More to come on GPNX."

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Here's more stuff the Heir has to say about the concept of GPNX.  I the Mentor put up a post here when the Heir initially started talking about it, so that should be below this post if you filter posts based on the Prepper Maker label/tag.  But the Heir has a list of attributes that at least at this time he sees as descriptive of GPNX: non-commercial, community-based, low power, global reach.  He geeks out on some details, like each GPNX converter hub acting at least as a passive repeater, with the encouraged purchase of an active repeater along with either rabbit ears or a dish or the ordinary Joe connecting the repeater to his drainpipe system.  So if this is how it can work, the more repeater'ing the Heir sees going on, the stronger signal you yourself would have, and the stronger signal your GPNX peers would have.  He sees the initial signals as starting out at a handful of cellular type towers that directly connect to the Internet via a T1 type connection.  Those signals would repeat as per that community base along with volunteer type efforts by your library or your emergency services or basic utility companies, or your local/divisional infrastructure like traffic lights at major intersections.  In terms of protocols, the Heir is looking at those that the major cell companies have discontinued for commercial use, but which the Heir sees as still useful for non-commercial use, like the stuff that's equated with 2G.  2G may sound like something that would be as slow as a dog, but the Heir asks us not to forget that there are three cellular buckets: talk, text, and data.  The Heir sees the data bit as the relevant one, and wants to repurpose the first two as data as well, specifically Internet data.  Maybe this will make things go somewhat faster, who knows, if you just might get broader bandwidth.  But the Heir wants to see if something equivalent or similar to GPNX already exists, and what the technical caveats are, and potential legal or economic or political issues, including those possibly mounted by the more commercial cellular companies if they think the Heir's cutting in on their business just by floating GPNX as an idea.  But he also sees a series of puzzle pieces all waiting to be put together by the right dedicated people.

Heir: "If I didn't mention it before, this kind of thing would benefit those with economic hardships, the survivalists, people in emergency situations, and those in remote locations."

Monday, August 17, 2020

So amidst all the excitement the Heir was hearing on audio with the latest on Ed Snowden and the Russian Vaccine, he wants to start getting the word out about an idea he calls GPNX.  This stands for General Public Networks, and he intends it as a non-commercial form of cellular-based Internet for the people.  It's kind of late now, so he isn't going to impart details, but he sees GPNX as the Linux or the NPR of cellular-based Internet.

"Stay tuned."

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Heir heard on audio this morning that Trump says he considering pardoning Ed Snowden.  If he ends up doing so, that should be the moment that the progressives should dump Ed Snowden once and for all.  There's no reason why the progressives should pretend that Ed Snowden somehow never existed or is just a mere footnote in history.  In the Heir's eyes at least, Snowden would then be an equivalent to Roger Stone or Paul Manofort.  Ed Snowden would then be an official Trump associate.  The Heir believes such a pardon is inevitable, and is already planning on making Ed Snowden's life as miserable as possible, by pushing for a civil suit on behalf on those Intel families who've lost a member in the field because of Ed Snowden stealing operation information that by now the Heir is sure has been sold to bidders in China and Russia and North Korea, and possibly anti-American countries in South America.  He's also pushing for state charges on behalf of those states Ed Snowden's actions had an impact in, and that's pretty much all of them, even Idaho.  And then there needs to be anti-Snowden demonstrators at those venues Ed Snowden would be doing lectures in.

The Russians absolutely *do not* have a vaccine against the coronavirus.  This is the Bachelor position, not just the Heir's.  The reason we at the Bachelor have determined that is because Putin made two separate announcements.  The media is aware of only the second one where Putin claimed to have inoculated his daughter.  The first one was where he proclaimed this supposed vaccine a Sputnik, suggesting that Russia somehow beat America to the punch.  The media even gave into that one credulously, claiming there's a "vaccine race" of some sort.  Until they prove that one scientifically with a full peer review replication, there is no such race.  The Heir doesn't believe that even India has a vaccine.  Let's face it: America will be the first to have a real vaccine, because then it will have been fully approved.  The great Russian placebo will then be put out, and Russia will eventually overtake America for the highest infection rate.  If America has 5 million now, Russia will have 6 million.  And since germ experts don't believe that having and surviving the coronavirus once in any inoculates you the second time around, China will also reach 6 million in a reinfection.  We in America will have put this 5 million boondoggle in the past, and China and Russia will be a permanent collective coronavirus hotspot for the rest of their respective histories.  Maybe the protesters in East Russia will welcome interference in their elections so that Putin will lose, and be forced into hiding.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Heir effectively *condemns* the life of the media executive he keeps calling Gordon Sumner, but I the Mentor keep reminding him that's the name of the rock star Sting.  He doesn't care, because he doesn't particularly sympathize with the dead executive.  He heard a brief bio of the guy on audio first thing this morning, and when he heard how he took his father's drive in theaters, and turned them into multiplex powerhouses, he was sarcastically clapping from his club chair.  This is a guy who's never struggled to make ends meet, was already born into economic advantage and has no idea what ordinary Americans go through.  Sounds like he didn't particularly care while he had a company to make a hostile takeover of.  So, no, this is where the Heir draws the line on sympathy for the deceased.  Looking at people like Trump and Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein, it wouldn't surprise the Heir if this guy eventually posthumously comes out as a Me Too Male predator.  It's okay by the Heir if there's a war on billionaires to the point where in their case the presumption of innocence should not apply.  This is one area where he and AOC might agree.  But in any case, he holds the bio he heard as absolute proof that there's no such thing as a Self Made Man.

"If there was such a thing as a self-made man, we'd all be there."

Saturday, August 8, 2020

 The Heir totally understands people getting mad at the utilities for not restoring their power properly, but he's observed that's partly because their access to the Internet also goes down with the power.  This strikes the Heir as a hallmark of a Type A Westernized society that's overly dependent on increasingly undependable things, and for which there's is no alternative.  You only have one choice, and if that choice goes wrong, well, sucks to be you, man.  That's the message the Heir's seeing coming from society in the aftermath of Isiasis, or whatever that storm's name is.  What is it, Isiaiaaisiaiaiasisisis?  It would also be nice for the weather service to not resort to storm names whose spelling is totally screwed up and doesn't follow standard English.  What's wrong with Joe, Jim or John?  So anyway, the Heir believes there should have been an affordable emergency provision for the commoners, rather than just for the Jeffrey Epstein Rich Person with tethering included on his $10,000 phone.  The Heir recently, even before the storm came about, thought about how online connections could be made more simple and more transparent.  People are advised to keep an emergency radio, which the Heir does, but no-one is advised on keeping an emergency Internet.  The Heir has pay-as-you-go on his phone, but he's receiving conflicting information as to whether that providor supports tethering or not.  He sees one person claiming that the providor *doesn't* support tethering, and then he finds an FAQ on the providor's site talking about how to enable tethering on a phone that supports it.  They need to say so themselves: either they support it or they don't.  But in any case, with the emergency radio, the Heir fantasizes the radio coming with Internet tethering support with the help of a dongle or a usb adapter that communicates with the nearest tower, and is automatically available with the phone you get from a pay-as-you-go company.  Or if they have to charge extra, like $15, maybe that extra is worth the purchase.  And if they feel they need to set aside a separate but reasonably priced charge category for x number of hours or minutes you accessed the service via their tethering dongle you'd place into your emergency radio, like on the side or on the back.  And then the Heir believes that all you need to do is just turn on your radio, and the dongle flashes 3 times and then goes consistently green to indicate readiness.  And then the dongle creates a wifi spot, and the dongle blinks when you use that wifi spot kind of like how your cable modem/router does.  The Heir just doesn't see why that needs to be complicated.  What are they afraid of?  That somehow online tethering via emergency radio will somehow *replace* mainstream broadband coming from a telco or a cable company?  The Heir doesn't believe it has to, because broadband on a flat fee would still be a better bargain than to use radio tethering full time.  The Heir thinks back to the crystal radio villagers in Papua New Guinea (somewhere in the rural provinces, between a small town and an actual indigenous village), and many of the rural peoples have radios, so that's the kind of radio that can support online tethering in some form.  The Heir has a billion ideas about a more mindful/simplistic/survivalistic approach, and what he got me the Mentor to write about above is just him thinking aloud.  He's not totally signed off on emergency radio online cellular tethering.  There may be a better way to do it.  Right now in our overly modern Westernized society, it's either a trillion mbps of broadband or just dead air.  That appears to be what Isiahahahsieieis revealed.