Friday, December 27, 2019

The Heir's been watching octopus videos when he's vegging out.  They said that octopi can get bored, and you have to keep them interested with games and stuff.  But the Heir's not convinced that an octopus would play with a given toy unless there's a crab in it or something.  He doesn't think that an octopus would squeeze through a tube or open up a jar just for the heck of it.  So maybe it's not bored but hungry.  He'd like to see a bimac have access to a jarred crab and a non-jarred crab.  He's pretty sure the octopus would go for the unjarred crab first, and would only go for the jarred crab when he gets hungry again.  The Heir's led to believe it's path of least resistance with the octopus, but he'll update if he's led to believe differently.  And so may the octopus.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Hope you're having a good holiday thus far, people.  We're looking at putting out a new episode sometime in the new year.  It's taking a while because the Heir is also working on his DIY music player, with the Third Pillar.  So in the meantime we're putting out increased posts here on our shares base when we can.  We put one out yesterday regarding legal pot, and today the Heir wants to talk about whether or not Russian hackers put out Facebook posts organizing events not directly politically related but proving socially harmful all the same.  There's this form of reckless joyriding called doing donuts and here's the title of a video the Heir has found on it: "Group blocks I-94 traffic to do donuts, mock Detroit police."  Apparently these donut events were organized on Facebook, and Russian hacking involvement cannot be ruled out, particularly if pages out of the playbook for the Cold war are being borrowed now.  Here's a title to a historical video on the Cold war that details the extent to which there were these kinds of petty moves: "How Did the Cold War Start and End?"  The Heir got done with watching yet another video titled as follows: "US Officials Still Assessing Russia 2016 Hack | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC," and then all he did was just put two and two and two together.  What if there's an attempt at increased social destabilization, by increasing the personal corruption of youth?  Now the Heir is not drawing any conclusions just yet, but he's going to think about this one for a while.

"Call me an old fart here, people.  I don't particularly mind."

Another one on the legal pot front.  So in fact it will be on referendum for next year.  Again the Heir is looking forward to voting against it, and since the Heir expects to get a mail-in ballot, he's considering taking a picture of his no vote on that ballot before he sends it in, and putting it here on our shares base.  And here's another reason the Heir has found to be against legal pot.  The very idea itself is already past its time.  We probably should have legalized pot 20 or 30 years ago when it actually mattered, but now as far as the Heir is concerned it's already too late.  Also it's predicted that the referendum will pass between 57 and 62%, so the Heir believes it's unlikely that there will be an effort to reach out to those who voted against it.  There's many many more things to be said about this issue, so please stay tuned.