Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Heir's glad that Main Team One won this one, winning them the series 2 out of 3.  But as far as he knows, this is one of only two series Main Team has won since opening day.  He's hoping they'll start something big going out onto the road the next couple of weeks.  Hopefully they'll succeed where other New York teams (in most sports) have failed thus far.  Maybe the Rangers will do well, but the Heir doesn't follow hockey.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Another dead rocker.  The Heir went through a Prince phase until his peers started questioning the Heir's masculinity.  Then he stopped.  Also the Heir hasn't forgotten how Bob Geldof went after Prince for not making an appearance at Live Aid.  1985 was not such a great year for Prince, and it took him until Batman in 1989 before he got respect of the world again.  And now, no one remembers how they ripped on him.  Big difference 31 years makes.  Though the Heir is not a Prince person, Prince will still be missed all the same.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

For what it's worth, the Heir has turned into Brooklyn's last game of the season.  Until late October.  It would be nice if they won so the Heir can at least give them a one game win trophy.  That might not happen, but the Heir at least wants to hear what Brooklyn's future ex coach has to say,  before calling for the firing of Mikhail Prokorov.  And that's all the Heir has to say at this time.