Monday, November 20, 2023

Tropical Soulvangelical has proclaimed the need for journalistic standards when it comes to certain kinds of polling and economic reporting. First on the polling. TSV's proclamation is for there to be properly weighting of the polls rather than a cave into confirmation bias. Otherwise, he doesn't see the polls as having either informational or social value for the whole populace, as opposed to being served as red meat to a collective of political factions that clearly don't represent the reality of popular opinion. So even after you do that and you -still- get a ''finding'' of well Only 40 Percent Of People Favor X, why not poll those that favor that thing to find out why, and what -their- point of view is, and what their views are regarding that which TSV sees amounting to Tyranny Of The Majority. Second, economic reporting, and again TSV sees the need for there to be the same dive-down wisdom, and proper weighting. If you do your proper weighting, and you -still- get the same reporting of economic hardship, find out whether it's because during the Power Of Positive Thinking 2010s in which TSV was forced to lose a job when the economy was Doing Great for everyone else, those reporting hardship now engaged in an ongoing spree of discretionary spending that didn't leave anything in the way of an emergency fund or savings of some sort. TSV sees something wrong when someone's breaking the speed limit with a black and windshield tinted SUV turning into a mansion style property with the bumper sticker of something to the effect of "I'm Poor And I Blame TSV's Guy For It Whoever That Is." There are many reasons why TSV was forced out of that job, and one of those was that even in the face of a Doing Great Economy, he still made the point of saving as best he can, because that's the personally responsible thing to do. Otherwise, what have you got to say for yourself on Judgment Day? But because he saved, the loss of that one job is clear to him as a form of social retaliation. Also, TSV says to watch out for insinuations. "Hunger has increased"? Well does that mean to say that it's Person X's fault? TSV advises extreme caution on how we're reporting certain things.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Tropical Soulvanglical makes a request to Columbia State University -not- to cave into the 250 professors, and -not- reinstate those two groups. Accordingly, TSV is making the case that contrary to what the 250 appear to claim, CSU's policy towards the two groups is -not- a form of censorship. It's not censorship to make sure students aren't harassed by people slamming on library doors behind which the students felt like they had to hide, like what happened at Cooper Union. TSV doesn't want the Ed Snowdens to think he's ever going to forget that. In any case, the two groups are free to demonstrate off-campus to their hearts' content, and TSV's pretty sure they've already done so, telling from the amount of fake blood splashed upon the New York Times building, and whatever level of harassment the Pro-Israel groups in Washington DC may have had to cope with this past week. TSV reminds people that Homeland Security raised the alert level for that event not because of the Pro-Israel groups, but because of the counter-protestors expected to show up as well. TSV hasn't heard what the turnout of the latter was, but he's sure it was all ugly all the same. CSU TSV finds an interesting school. Their hospital system has advertised on newsradio as providing a recovery service for those trying to get away from pot now that the legal status of pot has made recovery even more of a necessity than ever before. TSV wishes other hospitals would follow suit, and though he's pro-survivor, he wonders whether the latest harassment accusations against CSU would not have materialized if it weren't for their pot recovery services. Every campus has to decide on how to best assure the public safety of its students, teachers, staff and visitors, and TSV sees CSU as no exception. That said, TSV isn't ready yet to go pro-CSU until he's sure they stand by principle against the peer pressure presented by the 250 apparently reinforcing flaky intellectualist stereotypes explaining away the clear and present danger presented by certain groups by claiming censorship.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Amidst all the continuing violence and vitriol and possible implication in bias incidents engaged in by the Ed Snowden types, Tropical Soulvangelical identifies Eric Adams as yet another likely target of theirs. TSV believes that Mr. Adams was right to laugh off talk of resignation as well as requesting that the FBI refrain from making further leaks, partly because TSV sees the Ed Snowdens once again trying to say See We Told You So or even I Already Won in gloating over the situation with Mr. Adams. TSV wants to nip it in the bud that the Snowden types who want the Mayor's job will hold the investigations as "proof" of how "wrong" the Mayor's views are regarding being tough on crime, dedicated devotion, and concerns about the moral health of young people. TSV fully expects the Snowdens to use the investigations to falsely conclude that morality doesn't matter as well as Tu Quoque. If we ever do have an Ed Snowden Mayor in New York succeeding Eric Adams as a result of what may or may not happen, TSV doesn't particularly need to wait until an Ed Snowden Mayor themselves fall under investigation to point out how corrupt the Snowdens are, and not just in the nature of their protests right now. He sees their overall cynical mentality as corrupt enough, and generally disqualifying them from public leadership where children and families look up to for guidance.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Today was a very special Hail Mary listening for Tropical Soulvangelical in light of the poll that was conducted yesterday. Hail Mary just by itself has a lot to unpack with respect to what one is praying for and about and why. While not disregarding the other elements in the prayer, including the forgiveness element, TSV had originally come to this prayer because of the human race's failures to take responsibility for itself in the post-pandemic world. The pandemic, TSV sees it, should have been the moment where the human race pleads mea culpa to a larger power for its sins in the 2010s, including but not limited to an overrespect to a radicalism such as that having been started by Ed Snowden, participation in and advocation for forced obsolescence, and the hubris of the "power of positive thinking." It's clear to TSV that with this poll, this plea never truly happened on the scale it should have. Apparently after most people got vaccinated, they generally saw their obligations null and void. They may have been vaccinated against Covid-19, but they were not vaccinated against their immorality. As a result, TSV is not only -in- the minority, but is effectively -the- minority in preaching for a basic right-and-wrong amidst the populace. He will still continue to do so, in the obligation to spread the good word to all good nations, despite the fact that the populace he's preaching to now regards him as an "enemy" since there's no other intepretation of the poll's results. If anyone were to try to tell TSV that it's just about politics, TSV isn't buying it, and sees that explanation as evidence that anyone who says such a thing simply doesn't get it. This is also why TSV is skeptical of assumptions made by the concept of "democracy." One of those is that if, as per the poll, roughly 60% of people are against a thing, and you yourself are one of the 40% that's for it, the 60% is automatically right and you as the 40% are automatically wrong. There's only one that can make such a determination, and as such for inherently immoral human beings to think they can make that determination is the fruit-bearing-tree-knowing for TSV that this amounts to taking a holy name in vain. That's why you hear such a thing as Tyranny Of The Majority, and it's far more real than one might think. Beyond this, it's only a higher power that TSV sees as pronouncing judgment in time, but it's clear to TSV that in coming years we will see a severity that will effectively dwarf the pandemic, that is, -if- the trends in the poll continue through and after future elections. TSV has no idea what that upcoming disaster will be, and we do read that no one will know the exact day or time, and that it'll come like a thief in the night. But TSV hopes that until then that while the rest of the immoral populace has made him a pariah, there's one at least that's higher and bigger than that populace that reminds him that he is still loved, and to hold fast to his human obligation no matter the adversity the populace now presents.