Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Tropical Soulvangelical finds this 1% business reprehensible, because it attempts to mitigate the protest vandalism that's been done, while giving protest leaders an out from apologizing for the vandalism or making amends accordingly. How does TSV and the rest of us know it was only 1% anyway? That claim TSV finds coming from just one source, and that source is unknown. But here's one way to intepret the claim that TSV doesn't think the protest leaders have considered. If truly only 1% of protestors engaged in vandalism, that TSV finds also means that 50% of -any- person engaging in such protest could end up doing vandalism. You either end up doing it or you don't. TSV has noticed the 1% statistic being used elsewhere in history, mainly by intellectualist types to essentially browbeat the commoner with, so that's what makes him skeptical. Another thing TSV finds this 1% statistic does is avoid discussion of the insults and defamations that were made which TSV will not forget, even years after the war is over. He doesn't see anyone trying to suggest that a mere 1% of protestors engaged in insults and defamation, maybe because that's a lot harder to prove. If there's ever an attempted reconciliation between the two different sides of demonstrators, TSV finds the inevitable usage of the 1% statistic to be a non-starter.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Now that Jonathan Majors has been found guilty of domestic abuse, Tropical Soulvangelical believes this should give Amber Heard motivation to challenge what is effectively a lifetime gag order. TSV sees her as still having free speech rights, and most certainly on a justice topic such a domestic abuse. TSV wants to have her back once she acts accordingly, and TSV believes in the continuation of the boycott of Johnny Depp. TSV hasn't forgotten what happened, the same way he hasn't forgotten what happened with respect to Lafayette Square and Paul Manufort. TSV continues his proclamation of Paul Manufort as guilty as sin, and refuses to recognize Manufort's pardon. He sees the courts as outright failing in the case of Manufort, so he doesn't see why he shouldn't take matters into his own hands. Same thing with Lafayette Square. The courts failed there too, and TSV believes the Justice Department has to concede in that case, regardless of what the courts say about whether the assaulted protestors in Lafayette Square should be able to sue. Those protestors TSV thinks should refuse to serve jury duty until the courts make a complete concession, and until that concession happens TSV thinks they need to condemn the courts through their government reps, whether that's in Washington or their own home states or municipalities. TSV supports justice for the Lafayette Protestors from four years ago, and hence the courts TSV sees as deserving a black eye until they concede in the cases of the Lafayette Protestors, Amber Heard and Paul Manufort. TSV also maintains his solidarity for Ukraine regardless of whether Europe or the US agree on a timely defense package for them. Possibly more to come there.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Now that apparently Politico has determined that the New York Times unfairly weighted its anti-Biden poll roughly a week and a half ago, Tropical Soulvangelical has vowed to outright disbelieve -any- poll that doesn't have Biden in the lead on something. This is because despite the Politico bombshell, TSV is still hearing anti-Biden polls on newsradio. If this keeps up, TSV will call for an investigation into the polling companies, because he wonders what's going to happen if Biden wins very handily next year? That just might happen, and once it does, TSV will be at least among the first the tell off the polling companies, whom TSV expects will deliver a post-Biden victory low polling at 40% as of December 2024. So it'll be 40%, 40%, 40%, oh Biden won 55-60%?, next poll 40%. TSV did come across -one- poll, not reported in the news, apparently either Rutgers or Harvard or Reuters, that did show Biden ahead by 7-10 percentage points on not just whom would you elect, but whom do you trust better, whom do you believe solves problems better, etc. Otherwise TSV is looking to Dewey Defeats Truman type headlines next year. He's thinking that maybe at least one poll that insists on being anti-Biden would ask people if they believe economics are more important than democratic health, or if they'd elect a dictator if they're led to believe that such a person will help them with their economic problems, even if said dictator has -never- put out an economic plan, just a dictatorship plan. How many anti-Biden pollsters TSV wonders would ever try to go there? And if they don't try, are they not truly finding out what people really think? And if not, why should anyone -ever- trust their polls?

Henry Kissinger recently died, and just within the first 24 hours Tropical Soulvangelical has heard reporting of criticisms and accusations of "war criminal." But there are two things of note TSV finds. Firstly, there's that old age adage that says you're not supposed to talk ill of the dead. Secondly, as far as TSV knows, Kissinger has never been put on trial, so where due process goes, how can anyone accuse him of a crime? TSV's not going to delve into whether Kissinger was a war criminal or not, but he finds the apparent posthumous criticisms and accusations a possible precedent going forward in terms of people TSV himself is waiting to die before he pronounces a posthumous guilty verdict on them. If you're able to do that with -someone- why limit yourself? TSV doesn't entirely know how the election will turn out, but he sees it as an OK thing in one outcome whereby he marks his calendar for January 21 2029 for when he -really- comes after people, and then again when said people die. If it's not fair for dead people not to be able to defend themselves in a court of law, TSV asks, how is it fair for -living- people not to be able to defend themselves against said criminals if death of said criminals is the only way for non-criminals to get justice? TSV isn't saying specifically which people he will promulgate a posthumous guilty verdict on, because he's waiting for them to die first before he does so. Otherwise it wouldn't be posthumous.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Tropical Soulvangelical doesn't believe he should have had to find out through the grapevine about the weightedness of social polling. In a sense this is a followup to my The Happy Bachelor's base share from roughly a week ago, but now what TSV heard first thing this morning on the radio is what sounds like political plant analysis on business radio saying something to the effect of, well because people are having a hard time making ends meet in the era of Biden, only Trump shows leadership on economic issues. So firstly to TSV this is kind of the politicians' Plan B now that they were caught plying social polls, and he prohibits people from thinking there's any more credibility here than in said polls. Secondly, this whole business of Trump Shows Economic Leadership TSV finds without substance, because there's been no announcement anywhere on any newsradio station about Trump having a specific plan for the economy. How can you show leadership in an area in this specific election cycle, TSV asks the analysts, if you don't even have a plan. The only plan TSV sees is Trump apparently wanting to pardon every single criminal that's ever existed, including very likely Sam Bankman-Fried and Rex Heuermann. TSV's sure the response to that is, well, business leaders who commit crimes demonstrate courage in taking economic lead, because we -need- criminals! It's the only response TSV thinks the analysts can come up with, which predicates on the inherent immorality of the age TSV's been warning people about. If criminality is truly what makes the world go round, maybe TSV figures he can run through ten straight red lights and tell the cop that pulls him over not to give him a ticket because running through red lights is his way of making the world go round. If Trump can do it, why can't I? Because after all, officer, that's what that analyst said on the radio second thing in the morning. In this hypothetical situation, the traffic ticket the cop hands you is by itself proof of the analyst being wrong, and how, no, criminality does -not- make the world go round, and in fact helps bring the world to an end, as per Revelations. TSV then would email a soft copy of his ticket to the radio station, telling the radio station, this traffic ticket literally says You're Wrong!

Friday, December 1, 2023

Here's the latest hash tag you're either going to, or going to -need- to, see more of, amidst all the borax drinking and subway surfing, and that's #NeverCindy. Tropical Soulvangelical doesn't consider himself A Post person, but he does give them a momentary helping of thanks for making him wise to the vagaries of Cynthia Nixon whose picture gave a speech at a podium with what he points out is a patently untruthful accusation that Biden -himself- is starving the people of Gaza, and not Hamas, and her apparently taking the side of the fake blood splashers, the vandal handprinters and mob crowds making both students and teachers fear for their personal safety. This is because TSV fully expects Cindy Nixon to announce a run for Mayor of New York for 2025 in an exploitation of bad press Eric Adams has been getting. TSV does not have enough information regarding both the alleged Turkish connection and this harassment lawsuit to make an arbitrary judgment against Mr. Adams's character, so as far as TSV's concerned, neither does anybody else. That's of course not to say that further info isn't going to be eventually made available, but he's concerned that since the lawsuit has been filed, no other accusers have come forward, credible or otherwise. Normally a person filing a lawsuit has the right to have their complaints heard, so TSV doesn't think it's necessarily just He Said She Said. TSV would prefer that Adams opt for a settlement that also allows him to not to have to "admit" to wrongdoing, instead of his keeping on talking about the lawsuit. TSV fully understands that Mr. Adams feels it's an attack on his character, but until any other accusations come forward, TSV looks upon a quiet settlement as his best option. TSV doesn't think there needs to be added fuel to the fire that is the latest Ed Snowden in the form of Cindy Nixon whom TSV observes thinks next to nothing to engaging in defamation of public figures trying to restore a sense of right-and-wrong for the children after such had been nearly irreparably damaged by Ed Snowden 2013, Forced Obsolesence 2014, Power Of Positive Thinking 2015. TSV's already pointed that out as per why he's supporting Israel, and why he advises Eric Adams with the respect to the lawsuit as a reasonable condition for supporting Mr. Adams against the personally corrupt likes of Cindy Nixon. #NeverCindy