Friday, December 1, 2023

Here's the latest hash tag you're either going to, or going to -need- to, see more of, amidst all the borax drinking and subway surfing, and that's #NeverCindy. Tropical Soulvangelical doesn't consider himself A Post person, but he does give them a momentary helping of thanks for making him wise to the vagaries of Cynthia Nixon whose picture gave a speech at a podium with what he points out is a patently untruthful accusation that Biden -himself- is starving the people of Gaza, and not Hamas, and her apparently taking the side of the fake blood splashers, the vandal handprinters and mob crowds making both students and teachers fear for their personal safety. This is because TSV fully expects Cindy Nixon to announce a run for Mayor of New York for 2025 in an exploitation of bad press Eric Adams has been getting. TSV does not have enough information regarding both the alleged Turkish connection and this harassment lawsuit to make an arbitrary judgment against Mr. Adams's character, so as far as TSV's concerned, neither does anybody else. That's of course not to say that further info isn't going to be eventually made available, but he's concerned that since the lawsuit has been filed, no other accusers have come forward, credible or otherwise. Normally a person filing a lawsuit has the right to have their complaints heard, so TSV doesn't think it's necessarily just He Said She Said. TSV would prefer that Adams opt for a settlement that also allows him to not to have to "admit" to wrongdoing, instead of his keeping on talking about the lawsuit. TSV fully understands that Mr. Adams feels it's an attack on his character, but until any other accusations come forward, TSV looks upon a quiet settlement as his best option. TSV doesn't think there needs to be added fuel to the fire that is the latest Ed Snowden in the form of Cindy Nixon whom TSV observes thinks next to nothing to engaging in defamation of public figures trying to restore a sense of right-and-wrong for the children after such had been nearly irreparably damaged by Ed Snowden 2013, Forced Obsolesence 2014, Power Of Positive Thinking 2015. TSV's already pointed that out as per why he's supporting Israel, and why he advises Eric Adams with the respect to the lawsuit as a reasonable condition for supporting Mr. Adams against the personally corrupt likes of Cindy Nixon. #NeverCindy

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