Saturday, December 3, 2016

Don't worry, people.  We haven't given up on episodes on audio, though we believe the next one may have to wait till January.  We'll do everything we can to come out with it sooner.  In any case, we do want to get back to doing episodes every month or two or so.  The Heir's working on making his own audio player, so he hasn't had much time.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Bachelor maintains a stance of political skepticism.  That said, the Heir supports the cast and staff of Hamilton in their response to the election, and he doesn't think they were being disrespectful at all, just honest about how they felt.  So this is what the Heir will say to Smug Gloater if he says With Us Or Against Us again, like back in 2001 or so.  The Heir doesn't plan to see Hamilton any time soon, and he'd prefer that there not be this unpaid advertising for them.  He doesn't want to see them fall into a egotistical Ed Snowden type stance.  Again, what you see was just about being honest.  It doesn't make you great in any way.  This is also the Heir's feeling about the street protests a couple weeks ago.

"Protest is the highest form of patriotism...  ...until you start going the way of Ed Snowden."

Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Heir wants to talk about Trump in an actual episode, but he was shocked like other people Wednesday morning.  He thinks that the so-called secret Trump voter is a red herring, because Seventy First Lady he doesn't think truly captivated enough people for Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida not to be an issue.  Not like how Funny Named Skinny Kid did.  Right now instead of tending to anti-Trump protests like Flaileef's doing, the Heir's priority is more pragmatic in protecting FunnyNamedCare, since he's on it now #iamobamacare.  It's a long story, which also figures into his struggles against the system, and how to keep the simplicity of hedonistic meditation alive in a type A society still vulnerable to a puritanical backlash.

The Happy Bachelor: helping Making Humanity Go pro-sex Again.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

That charity event that took place after all the debates were done will increasingly indicate perspective on any given election going forward.  The Heir was pretty sure that morning that the event would be a disaster after Seventy First Lady and Trump debated the night before.  Now the organizers will be forced to lay down internal policies as to who to invite to the event and under what circumstances.  It seems highly doubtful to the Heir that presidential candidates are as likely to be invited going forward, and instead opt for "safe" invitees, i.e., people no-one's heard of.

"Maybe they should invite struggling artists to makes speeches and stuff instead of politicians.  They certainly couldn't do more harm."

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Look like for the most part, the Heir will have to pick up with this summer when next summer rolls around, and hopefully he can make it so in retrospect by then this summer will be complete.  Because you don't always get dealt the cards you want.

"On September 21, this summer still won't be over yet."

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Bachelor Declaration Of The Concept Of Prepper Maker.  We've been waiting weeks to let people know about Prepper Maker, but it's been going on with the Bachelor since before then.  It's the *other* maker movement not content with today's high tech status quo.  It's about self sufficiency, and saving and preserving cultural meaning through the creation of simpler tech crafts.  Listen in for more.  And while you do so, you'll hear reminders that once Bill DiBlasio is made into a one-term Mayor, his Vision Zero Initiative will go out with him, and people will drive dangerously once more in New York City.  The Heir's convinced of the closeted hypocrisies of those politicians who favor the "bathroom laws" in the south, and he's not all that sympathetic for the Verizon strikers from earlier this year.  He also believes that the war on drugs wasn't about discrimination, but about making it safe for people to get help for their drug problems at a time 20-30 years ago when drug dealers practically seized control of the country.  It's apparent to him that there's a Zikaphobia going on, when there too few cases to get worried about, compared to heart disease and cancer.  He's concerned for the potential for indiscriminate spraying.  On audio (click Play All):

Saturday, August 6, 2016

"If you really, really need a tabletized dash, why can't it be inconspicuous under where the radio is here?"-Heir

"Better yet, have the tabletized dash be ePaper instead of a glowing screen." credit:

The Heir thinks the top-most one is the coolest.  (It's simplicity).


Monday, August 1, 2016

It's that time again.  The Heir gets to dream about classiness in cars, this time it's a 1980 Lincoln Coupe.  Of course 1980 he cites as the year in which most of today's problems got started, and it's been 36 years.  But here's a two-door with both opera windows and opera lights.  It could be called jazz lights, or reggae lights, or whatever music the Heir's playing at the time, as he drives leaning back, with his other arm draped over the passenger seat.  Carmen has borrowed it to take it around the block, on more than one occasion (The Heir's got no idea what the deal is with the gift bow in the back, though).

The Heir adds, "In today's soup of endless tabletized dashes, this should serve as one of many inspirations for at least a limited edition of 10,000 production models or so, in a nod to the time when cars used to be cars." (credit:

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Heir's wondering with what he derides as Proverbial Autism, what others may call high functioning autism, what exactly is the opposite of high funk autism?  Is there even a word for it?  Neurotypical?  Is that even a word?  Neurotypicalism?  What exactly is the operational definition of that in science?  Looks like the Heir might need to do some research, but he might end up running a hundred dead ends here.  Because no one's really thought about it, it seems.  When Prepper Maker emerges in the next couple of years, expect more people to look back and go, now wait a minute.

"And while I'm being a whiny bitch again people, please be sure to listen in on our latest episode on audio, either below or through the streaming/audio link."

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Heir Laments Over All These Dead Rockers.  So, yeah, the Heir grieved for David Bowie and Prince, but also added on Glenn Frey, Maurice White and Keith Emerson.  He's also going to miss Billy Paul.  He feels as if these artists have no business dying.  They've been with him his entire life, and they should have only waited till they got to 140.  He's also terrified that North Korea now has the H-Bomb back in January, but they only claimed it, and no-one's talked about it since.  Another pro-sex conviction he has is that you shouldn't worry about fat and cholesterol, if you have enough sex.  The Heir rips on the age of enthusiasm and the *unchecked* power of positive thinking.  He's observed that store chains now make all towns look almost exactly the same.  He doesn't understand why Donald Trump never made an election issue off the standoff in Oregon months ago.  But he does believe that Apple's flip-off to investigators signals that they will always refuse to help investigators on any crime, no matter how many people die, spinning any such cooperation as a slippery slope of some sort.  And that the courts will always side with Apple no matter what, going forward.  It makes the Heir nostalgic for the Tough On Crime campaigns of the early Nineties. On Audio (Play All):

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Heir's mad at Main Team One again.  After going out of their way to get to 500, they lose two in a row to Toronto, *at home*.  As far as the Heir's concerned, it's *even worse* than when Main Team lost 10 in a row and were in the basement AL East.  How will they ever make the World Series for the rest of their existence now?

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Heir's glad that Main Team One won this one, winning them the series 2 out of 3.  But as far as he knows, this is one of only two series Main Team has won since opening day.  He's hoping they'll start something big going out onto the road the next couple of weeks.  Hopefully they'll succeed where other New York teams (in most sports) have failed thus far.  Maybe the Rangers will do well, but the Heir doesn't follow hockey.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Another dead rocker.  The Heir went through a Prince phase until his peers started questioning the Heir's masculinity.  Then he stopped.  Also the Heir hasn't forgotten how Bob Geldof went after Prince for not making an appearance at Live Aid.  1985 was not such a great year for Prince, and it took him until Batman in 1989 before he got respect of the world again.  And now, no one remembers how they ripped on him.  Big difference 31 years makes.  Though the Heir is not a Prince person, Prince will still be missed all the same.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

For what it's worth, the Heir has turned into Brooklyn's last game of the season.  Until late October.  It would be nice if they won so the Heir can at least give them a one game win trophy.  That might not happen, but the Heir at least wants to hear what Brooklyn's future ex coach has to say,  before calling for the firing of Mikhail Prokorov.  And that's all the Heir has to say at this time.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Another disgraceful game by Brooklyn.  The Heir switches his radio off twice in a row on them.  Now why do good fans follow bad teams?  It's a philosophical question.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Happy Spring, people, on the verge of some snow we might get.  And speaking of spring, the Heir finds hilarity in the following: "Yankees fans! If you have Comcast, you will miss the entire Yankees season on YES."  Seeing how you can catch it on the radio no matter what, the Heir thinks of this as a first world problem.

"Be grateful that some of you at least have safe drinking water."

Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Heir's Next Step Toward The Time When The Time Will Come Around.  The Heir's getting there, and he shocked everyone by making an extended appearance at Barbecue Spice Kitchen this past December.  Sonya's mad at him, though, for making a comeback that she feels is too late at this point.  Carmen, on the other hand, tells him that her friends in the trade greatly admire Heir's frugal ways, because they have spendthrifty bad habits.  The Heir was also wondering if there's even one thing that Donald Trump has said that wasn't controversial.  If he did, it would make all the papers.  Everyone except Sonya's giving the Heir care packages off their plates, inspiring the ire of the Chef, who's kind of a table manners cop.  Because Food should be serious, even if it's mellow.  After the newest Star Wars movie came out last year, it reminded the Heir of an even bigger controversy than Han Shot First, and that was Sandpeople They're The Worst.  He's pretty sure Luke says that rather than Sandpeople Or Worse.  The Heir last year during economic troubles was able to buy audio accessories online for no more than $25, saving him $100 or so.  He needed to do that for Music The Third Pillar.  And he's thinking about meeting friends of friends more once he feels up to it.  And he still believes in the importance of living without compromise.  On Audio (Play All):

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

This year, Super Tuesday and Fat Tuesday fall on separate days.  That means the Heir doesn't get to call it Super Fat Tuesday.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Heir is bored.  No games today or tonight.  He's got basketball tomorrow, and spring training starts next Saturday.  It was a nice enough day that he was hoping to have a game of some kind playing on the radio in his inside coat pocket walking down the street.  It's a terrible time of the year for sports.  Football is over, baseball hasn't begun, basketball has barely edged past the all star break, and there's only hockey and golf otherwise.  And you don't have golf on the radio.  So the only other thing for people to occupy their time with... politics.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Bundle up people, it's cold.  Except for Cadillackia and Mandarin presently in Jamaica.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

One of these fine days, we'll go back to making one episode a month.  At least that's what the Heir fantasizes.  He sees it as Unfinished Business.  Godfather-style.

"Hey Heir, remember when we put out episodes once a month?"  "Yeah, I want my Bachelor back!"

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Yesterday the Heir watched the snow, today he shoveled it.  Well, looks like that's over.  Do you know that Bloomberg might become our next President?

"Life's back to normal for me after the snow.  When did that happen?"

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Heir's watching the snow come down.

"Snow whoa whoa, it's magic you know."

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year from the Bachelor!  We have a new episode ready on audio, BTW, as below.