Monday, April 8, 2019

The Heir Does Not Favor Legalizing Pot.  Shocking, right?  Well the Heir's such an old fart now (albeit still an Heir), and over the course of the 2010s he's seen the consequences of an Anything Goes society promoted by Ed Snowden.  So they've put off voting on the measure in the state capitol for now, but the Heir doesn't want there to be such a pro-pot bandwagon, where youth will fall in the cracks with peer pressure, and believing having a joint on their person is their Get Out Of Free Jail Card for any offense they want to commit, solely because they feel like it.  The Heir also believes the Donkeys For The People had their Blue Wave after all *mainly because* they weren't reluctant to criticize Trump.  So Schumer had it wrong that the Donkeys had to somehow ignore the elephant in the living room in the last election.  The Heir also takes those media outlets to task that on Accountability Day June 6 of last year only did anniversaries of RFK's death and D-Day, but not Ed Snowden's 5th.  It was left up to him to do so.  He also blames Big Tech's placation of Ed Snowden as the reason why no-one still knows why that guy shot all those people in Las Vegas three years ago.  Big Tech would have refused to cooperate with authorities in gaining access to the guy's devices and smartphone accordingly.  On audio (click Play All):