Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Heir Has His Wings And Ribs On The Beach Back In Mid-July.  We start out with a Termination Notice the Heir places on an economic solution from last year that didn't work out, which he believes is a reflection on them far more than their letting him go was any way a reflection on him.  He faults the "coordinator's coordinator" for being in a position to help that one particular department and doing nothing.  He will continue to add to his Termination Notice over time, so he can make clear what the situation is with that solution.  The Heir in this case at least doesn't believe in not "wallowing" in the past, particularly when there's unfinished business.  He now attends the catering counter at Bland Barns.  Meanwhile, the Heir continues to criticize the Ed Snowden and Roger Replacement types in the world, also because he doesn't believe they understand how much they're skating on thin ice with their reckless ways.  And even though now there's suspicion that Russia interfered with our elections, he doesn't believe we should have cooperated with them on Syria last year, because he believes they'll only take political advantage.  He now wants personal alliances with the Baltic States, Eastern Europe, the island states of the Pacific Rim and individual African states.   Speaking of Russia, the Heir sums up on how the Ed Snowden tech age is coming to an end, by paraphrasing that he walked around the St. Petersburg that is Silicon Valley when he saw it was time for a change.  And Prepper Maker continues with his research into a DIY audio player, and things like RSS Search and "crowdcommend."  On Audio (Play All):