Friday, December 27, 2019

The Heir's been watching octopus videos when he's vegging out.  They said that octopi can get bored, and you have to keep them interested with games and stuff.  But the Heir's not convinced that an octopus would play with a given toy unless there's a crab in it or something.  He doesn't think that an octopus would squeeze through a tube or open up a jar just for the heck of it.  So maybe it's not bored but hungry.  He'd like to see a bimac have access to a jarred crab and a non-jarred crab.  He's pretty sure the octopus would go for the unjarred crab first, and would only go for the jarred crab when he gets hungry again.  The Heir's led to believe it's path of least resistance with the octopus, but he'll update if he's led to believe differently.  And so may the octopus.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Hope you're having a good holiday thus far, people.  We're looking at putting out a new episode sometime in the new year.  It's taking a while because the Heir is also working on his DIY music player, with the Third Pillar.  So in the meantime we're putting out increased posts here on our shares base when we can.  We put one out yesterday regarding legal pot, and today the Heir wants to talk about whether or not Russian hackers put out Facebook posts organizing events not directly politically related but proving socially harmful all the same.  There's this form of reckless joyriding called doing donuts and here's the title of a video the Heir has found on it: "Group blocks I-94 traffic to do donuts, mock Detroit police."  Apparently these donut events were organized on Facebook, and Russian hacking involvement cannot be ruled out, particularly if pages out of the playbook for the Cold war are being borrowed now.  Here's a title to a historical video on the Cold war that details the extent to which there were these kinds of petty moves: "How Did the Cold War Start and End?"  The Heir got done with watching yet another video titled as follows: "US Officials Still Assessing Russia 2016 Hack | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC," and then all he did was just put two and two and two together.  What if there's an attempt at increased social destabilization, by increasing the personal corruption of youth?  Now the Heir is not drawing any conclusions just yet, but he's going to think about this one for a while.

"Call me an old fart here, people.  I don't particularly mind."

Another one on the legal pot front.  So in fact it will be on referendum for next year.  Again the Heir is looking forward to voting against it, and since the Heir expects to get a mail-in ballot, he's considering taking a picture of his no vote on that ballot before he sends it in, and putting it here on our shares base.  And here's another reason the Heir has found to be against legal pot.  The very idea itself is already past its time.  We probably should have legalized pot 20 or 30 years ago when it actually mattered, but now as far as the Heir is concerned it's already too late.  Also it's predicted that the referendum will pass between 57 and 62%, so the Heir believes it's unlikely that there will be an effort to reach out to those who voted against it.  There's many many more things to be said about this issue, so please stay tuned.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Update on the Heir's opposition to legal pot.  The politicians in Bachelor Blue State have decided to designate the issue on referendum on next year's ballot, or are trying to do so.  If it gets on there, the Heir's looking *very forward* to voting against the issue on the ballot.  The Heir heard on audio how this is kind of punt to the voters, and in one respect the Heir agrees.  The politicians have figured out that legal pot is one of those Last Taboo type issues, and they see that as a political rabbit hole, so they look a couple steps ahead in trying to debate the issue.  They're afraid that one of them might end up implying that we should legalize sex work if we're going to legalize pot, because why have one and not the other?  Even in 2019 none of them wants to go on record as even *implying* legalizing sex work, so they punted that whole debate to the voters to get it out of the state house.  Legal pot being a Last Taboo is another way of saying that it's not really about social justice, as important as that is.  The Heir's pretty sure that legalizing pot will end up doing next to nothing with social justice.  People will still go to jail for excessive amounts of time, and there will still be inequality in the system.  And while that's going on, teenagers will blow pot smoke in the faces of adults, because they believe the phrase Legal Pot allows them to do so.  There will also be far less support for recovery resources, and peer pressure among teens to do pot will greatly increase.  Again, the Heir makes clear that this is *the* wrong track to go on.

"If Bachelor Blue State legalizes pot, we will *live* to regret it."

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Here's something the Heir's following up on with our last shares base share.  Last time the Heir decried the progressive exploitation of the impeachment, but his followup to that is that the progressive movement wants to push an if-not-one-then-the-other logical fallacy in and for the post-Trump era.  They'll try to tell people Trump Bad Us Good, and that Trump is Bad only because he wishes to conserve, *not* because the guy's a criminal.  The Heir hasn't forgotten that it was the actions of the progressive movement vis a vis Ed Snowden and the personal corruption those helped cause that allowed to Trump to rise to power in the first place.  The Heir's sure that if Bob Mueller had enough time, he would have found this out.  So convenient for the progressive movement that he didn't.

The Heir sees a broad-brush anti-cop mood sweeping the country ever since that trial in Dallas.  In one week alone two cops were attacked for nothing more than doing their duty.  One cop got shot by an assailant, and that cop's life just happened to be saved by his bulletproof vest.  Another cop was attacked and possibly killed when an onlooker attacked that cop with a metal chair in a restaurant when the cop was going to make a separate arrest.  About a week ago, cops were again being drenched with a water hose while on the job.  The Heir's hoping that none of those cops find themselves on this Credibility Blacklist that's being spread now.

The Heir's pretty sure that if it weren't for Big Tech, there wouldn't be a "debate" or a "controversy" about whether or not the Notre Dame steeple should be rebuilt in the classic gothic fashion the cathedral was originally built in.  When the steeple burnt down earlier this year, no one ever thought that there was anything wrong with the style by which the steeple should be rebuilt.  And then some Big Tech surrogates on "expert" media cast aspersions on the classiness concept and now everyone feels guilty if the steeple weren't replaced by a Libiskind-style shard.  If we do get this big shard in the middle of an otherwise gothic cathedral, the Heir intends to lend support to those who will rage-quit Notre Dame on the shard alone and continue to worship at the smaller churches they're at now.

"Dang, how many times do I have to tell people: Principle is not just a person who runs a school."

Thursday, September 26, 2019

So the impeachment has begun, and the Heir's worst fears are coming true with the Progressive response.  As far as he's concerned the Progressives only want to hoard impeachment for their own political self interests rather than allow the people to have justice for a change.  He sees AOC and Al Green as complicit in that, and he distrusts them implicitly.  He doesn't even like them as people, and he's happy neither of them represents him in Washington.  Also Ed Snowden just came out again in the past couple weeks, and the Heir doesn't see this as a coincidence.  In short, the Progressive Insincerity reminds the Heir that no matter how much he too wants Universal Care and a Living Wage and reform in Affordable Housing and a cut-down on the noise pollution created by leaf-blowers, he himself is not progressive.  He's a skeptic.  None Of The Above.  The Heir's economically progressive, but he considers himself a Law And Justice conservative.  He wants to *conserve* law and justice, and he sees AOC and Ed Snowden as making an insincere mockery of the values of law and justice.  He values sincerity in public servants above so many things, and if he's not going to get it in the election, he's going to find a way of raging quit on them.  So, public figures, let this be possibly your *only* warning, and don't think the Heir's going to say this in late September 2019, and will totally forget about it in November 2020.  You people had better shape up, or you're just going to lose support among the sincere populace.

"AOC I don't think has really known any real challenges politically.  That could very well change depending how things go in the Impeachment Era."

Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Heir is outraged by the NYCLU's criticisms regarding New York state's decision to make pot use a fine-able offense, which the Heir otherwise sees as proper.  But this apparently was not good enough for the NYCLU who was the first civil liberties group the Heir's seen in his life to advocate for a for-profit corporate status that the progressive movement has been trying to get under control in most other sectors.  I the Mentor was amazed and astounded when the Heir pointed out that present-day legal pot laws effectively make it all but impossible for a plaintiff to mount a disorderly person's complaint against a defendant who blows pot smoke in their face in public.  The pot laws also don't adequately protect against peer pressure, so as far as the laws are concerned, if a teenager is being pressured by peers to smoke pot, that teen really has no choice but to do so.  A legal pot proposal in Bachelor Blue State failed to get enough votes among lawmakers for the leaders to want to hold such a vote, and the Heir is wondering whether those lawmakers had got to thinking that if we legalized pot in the state, then maybe we should also legalize sex work?  Obviously in our still puritanical society in 2019 the lawmakers weren't willing to go there, so the pot proposal was defeated on a technicality.

"Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater if we truly *need* legal pot."

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Just half an hour ago as I the Mentor am writing this, the Heir unmoored Tom Steyer from his activist emails and his National Principle channel.  The Heir's now seeing some Ed Snowdenisms in Steyer's impeachment efforts which he's pretty sure are only going to increase over time, long after Trump leaves office, to the point where there will be another Ed Snowden, who will in turn elect yet another Donald Trump.  As far as the Heir's concerned, this Need To Impeach effectively amounts to a Need To Attack Donkeys.  He's seen this around this time in 2006, which then led to his declaring a none-of-the-above political skepticism in December of that year.  And even 13 years after that point in time, he still takes a considerably different view of democracy's role in society from the rest of populace.  He's cynical about the clause of social agitation, because it's also an excuse for society to pressure people against their sense of principle, mostly just for sport, particularly when there's a main figurehead at the top of that social agitation, e.g., Ed Snowden, who outright disrespects an ordinary citizen's citizenship rights.  The Heir's not suggesting that the Donkeys For The People shouldn't move faster on impeachment proceedings, or not figure out how to better use the I word in the press.  But that last bit is just semantics for the Heir, and the way in which he sees the concept of National Principle as applying to the impeachment debate makes it all too important to discuss semantics or this will-they-or-won't-they hand-wringing on the Insurgent News Network with the Donkeys.  So here's what he's got to say about this one undemocratic function in the democratic process:

"My decisions as a citizen are between me and my God, and me and the people who understand, and are not open to negotiation with Tom Steyer, AOC, and **certainly** not Ed Snowden."

Monday, April 8, 2019

The Heir Does Not Favor Legalizing Pot.  Shocking, right?  Well the Heir's such an old fart now (albeit still an Heir), and over the course of the 2010s he's seen the consequences of an Anything Goes society promoted by Ed Snowden.  So they've put off voting on the measure in the state capitol for now, but the Heir doesn't want there to be such a pro-pot bandwagon, where youth will fall in the cracks with peer pressure, and believing having a joint on their person is their Get Out Of Free Jail Card for any offense they want to commit, solely because they feel like it.  The Heir also believes the Donkeys For The People had their Blue Wave after all *mainly because* they weren't reluctant to criticize Trump.  So Schumer had it wrong that the Donkeys had to somehow ignore the elephant in the living room in the last election.  The Heir also takes those media outlets to task that on Accountability Day June 6 of last year only did anniversaries of RFK's death and D-Day, but not Ed Snowden's 5th.  It was left up to him to do so.  He also blames Big Tech's placation of Ed Snowden as the reason why no-one still knows why that guy shot all those people in Las Vegas three years ago.  Big Tech would have refused to cooperate with authorities in gaining access to the guy's devices and smartphone accordingly.  On audio (click Play All):

Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Heir wrote it down and he read it.  Here's what he said on his National Principle channel:

He's starting to get concerned in case an Ed Snowden influence may be reemerging to subvert principle once more accordingly.  Stay tuned.

"I'm getting concerned in case an Ed Snowden influence may be reemerging to subvert principle once more."