Friday, November 22, 2019

Update on the Heir's opposition to legal pot.  The politicians in Bachelor Blue State have decided to designate the issue on referendum on next year's ballot, or are trying to do so.  If it gets on there, the Heir's looking *very forward* to voting against the issue on the ballot.  The Heir heard on audio how this is kind of punt to the voters, and in one respect the Heir agrees.  The politicians have figured out that legal pot is one of those Last Taboo type issues, and they see that as a political rabbit hole, so they look a couple steps ahead in trying to debate the issue.  They're afraid that one of them might end up implying that we should legalize sex work if we're going to legalize pot, because why have one and not the other?  Even in 2019 none of them wants to go on record as even *implying* legalizing sex work, so they punted that whole debate to the voters to get it out of the state house.  Legal pot being a Last Taboo is another way of saying that it's not really about social justice, as important as that is.  The Heir's pretty sure that legalizing pot will end up doing next to nothing with social justice.  People will still go to jail for excessive amounts of time, and there will still be inequality in the system.  And while that's going on, teenagers will blow pot smoke in the faces of adults, because they believe the phrase Legal Pot allows them to do so.  There will also be far less support for recovery resources, and peer pressure among teens to do pot will greatly increase.  Again, the Heir makes clear that this is *the* wrong track to go on.

"If Bachelor Blue State legalizes pot, we will *live* to regret it."

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