Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Heir finally got around to watching the Mary Trump videos, but he still doesn't believe that based on Ms. Trump's plugs, the book is necessarily going to tell anyone anything they didn't already know.  We already have tell-all books about Donald Trump, going back to the first Michael Wolff back in 2017 or so, through to John Bolton, including James Clapper, Andrew McCabe and James Comey.  The one thing the Heir takes issue with in Ms. Trump's plugs is the promulgation that the country isn't good to holding people accountable.  That's not to say that the Heir disagrees, but that he seems to be the only citizen anywhere in the country who has an explanation as to why that is.  And that's because our culture doesn't believe in accountability to being with.  The Heir beseeches us to look at the 2010s with big tech and Ed Snowden, and forced obsolescence and personal corruption, and those things still continue to this very day.  So Mary Trump can only speak to her uncle in the context of her family, not in the context of society at large.  So with her and a number of people on visual, the Heir recommends that we take what they say with a grain of salt.  Because when you have both Mary Trump, and unfortunately Steve Schmidt making a doomsday conditional that the American Experiment could be over, no-one should believe that's inevitably the case because some people said that. The Heir remembers that in The Last Meaningful Election Ever in 2004 that people said the same thing.  That if Bush got reelected, the country was done for.  As it turns out it wasn't, because in Bush's second term it was the people who took matters into their own hands, rather than solely rely on the institutions they feel failed them.  The Heir thinks it's interesting how on the one hand we contend that democracy relies on institutions when criticizing dictatorships around the world, yet we knee-cap our own when we don't get the exact result we want.  The Heir also thinks it's biased and cynical for people as influenced by the progressive movement to overlook the fact that Bush failed to get a third term, and the Heir absolutely *does not* think that's only because of term limits.  The election of Obama was a referendum on Bush, but the progressives had this arbitrary deadline that said that such a referendum should have taken place in 2004, and that it was totally meaningless in 2008, and and a result the progressives retaliated against Obama by tearing down Obamacare, getting with Ed Snowden, forming the Anonymous hacking group, and playing down the Sony Hack as a real threat from North Korea.  Those are the sins the Heir remembers to bring up, and that's not even counting Lieberman-Lamont as depriving the Donkeys For The People a real chance in the Senate in 2006.  The Heir perceives that the progressives will want to downplay their own sins as the Heir somehow wallowing in the past.  But the Heir isn't "wallowing in the past."  Instead, the Heir is reflecting on history.

"Once Trump loses, we have to put an end to progressive gaslighting once and for all, and put in place a culture of National Principle to assure accountability on all citizens, whether well-connected or not.  That way no-one can cut you off on the road, and *not* get a traffic ticket in the mail that week as a result.  Let's think about 200% enforcement."

Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Heir wants answers and he wants them now.  And as far as the Heir's concerned, *everyone* has to demand these answers as well, even if the Heir has to mount a Flaileef style guilt trip on the populace to get those answers.  And the specific answers the Heir's looking for is why there's now this big crime wave in New York City right now.  He wants these answers to be substantive and enjoy a scientific consensus.  That's because the NYPD and the PBA are insisting it's because the city disbanded the anti-crime unit that's been associated with excessive force in the past.  In the interest of social justice, the Heir is trying to be as impartial as is humanly possible, and not just automatically side with the PBA's theories on this one.  Right now as I the Mentor am writing this, Bill Diblasio is having a press conference at least on visual, but the Heir notes that the video title on the live stream makes no mention as to whether Diblasio intends to address the why's on the crime rate.  All the Heir has been seeing from him in the past couple weeks is him running around waving his hands in the air going, well *I* don't know why it's been happening.  He's also hearing a roaring silence from the media in their failures to get answers for us, effectively capitulating to Diblasio's stance of Well *I* Don't Know.  I guess this amounts to something called a wellidontknowism.  So the Heir's not inclined to go through a two hour press conference with a fine tooth comb, sifting through Diblasio saying, well last week's garbage has been adequately picked up, and this week's garbage is currently on track.  Last week's water usage is 7%, and this week it's gone up to 10%.  Yeah but Mr Mayor, the Heir asks, what about an explanation as to why the crime rates are up!?  And then the mayor will go, just be patient, I'm getting to that.  And then it'll be like having to watch an entire episode of the world's worst TV show just to get to the movie preview of the year, unsurprisingly stuck on the end.  Well guess what.  The killers the Heir sees as plotting their next move to shoot more innocent children while Diblasio blathers on in conference about corner curb maintenance and polishing.  So until the Heir finds out anything, stay tuned.

"Okay, so now he's up to the right way to make red and green lights more visible in the traffic lights, and he got past faster than expected with the ins and outs of proper signage ordinances.  Okay, wake me up if you think I missed anything."

Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Heir, too, is outraged over the commutation of Roger Stone.  But unlike the others, he seeks an Incident At Uganda, a last minute declaration that says, not so fast.  He found one article along those lines at a time when all the others have all but given up, prematurely writing justice's death certificate.  You can find this online titled, "Roger Stone’s Ongoing Appeal Still Pits Him Against Justice Department." But even that article when the Heir showed it to me the Mentor doesn't get at *all* the possible ways in which Roger Stone will eventually reap what he sowed.  I suggested to him, well what if he got an overconfident big head about it, and ended up with a traffic ticket for double parking his car or something?  Would that then be the legal straw that breaks the camel's back?  He considered that possibility, but then pointed out his surmise that his girlfriend that we see him with on visual may largely be his chauffeur and/or his courier, because he himself may be now in such poor health that his license may been revoked in the state of Florida, a state he otherwise sees as the emerging personal corruption capital of the world.  By no means does the Heir take any pleasure or schadenfreude in this likelihood, but what he sees that it does mean is that even if you think you can somehow outrun the Long Arm Of Justice (which of course you can't), you can't outrun the karma of your own personal health.  It's no coincidence to the Heir that after Trump falsely claimed victory or exoneration with the Impeachment (because let's not forget the fact that he's still Impeached), that's when the coronavirus made landfall in America.  A justice procedure was immediately followed by an incident related to public health.  There may come a point in time when Roger Stone's girlfriend may privately tell someone that she ended up believing he's as guilty as sin, and that he should have gone to jail after all, and that person she told will go public with that admission.  That would be what the Heir sees as Roger Stone's ultimate worst fate coming up, and he will either in life or in death wish he did go to jail accordingly, and he will burn all his tee shirts claiming he did nothing wrong.  Oh who am I kidding, the Heir believes Roger Stone will end up saying, I did *lots* of things wrong.  There, you see?  He just admitted it.  And he might end up following that up with a sincere Make Amends Tour.  His gaslighting will finally be over, and he will finally know the righteous path.  And no one the Heir sees on visual as ever entertaining that possibility.  Our society's imagination is way too limited for that sort of thing.

Monday, July 6, 2020

The Heir estimates that the "AOC Primary" took place between a week and two weeks ago.  Already the media outlets have brushed past that primary, and never bothered to explore AOC's opponents in more detail.  The Heir believes that at least one of them is a distinctly anti-AOC candidate who appeals to the significant minority of voters who are not on the AOC bandwagon.  The Heir wants to know more about that candidate(s) and their voters.  He gets the impression that those particular voters represent an in-district rebellion that AOC has to reckon with, particularly if they make up anywhere from five people to 10% of the district residents.  These are likely NOTA types who are virulently anti- Bernie Snowden, and they will emerge after Trump loses the election, which the Heir believes there's a good chance of.  The main reason for the rise of AOC is as an anti- Trump voice.  She defeated Joseph Crawley two years ago as an anti-establishment candidate.  Now the Heir sees her *as* the establishment.  Whenever the Bernie Snowden types lose a primary, which seems to happen about 80-90% of the time, they always blame their defeat on the "machine".  But if they win a subsequent time, the Heir sees them as acting as if they're entitled to that victory.  Also the more votes they win by, the more entitled they feel, so they can't spin how there's a "machine" they're up against.  They *are* the machine, and their opponents and the significant minority that voted for them the Heir sees as truly for the people, and not for a political bandwagon.