Monday, July 6, 2020

The Heir estimates that the "AOC Primary" took place between a week and two weeks ago.  Already the media outlets have brushed past that primary, and never bothered to explore AOC's opponents in more detail.  The Heir believes that at least one of them is a distinctly anti-AOC candidate who appeals to the significant minority of voters who are not on the AOC bandwagon.  The Heir wants to know more about that candidate(s) and their voters.  He gets the impression that those particular voters represent an in-district rebellion that AOC has to reckon with, particularly if they make up anywhere from five people to 10% of the district residents.  These are likely NOTA types who are virulently anti- Bernie Snowden, and they will emerge after Trump loses the election, which the Heir believes there's a good chance of.  The main reason for the rise of AOC is as an anti- Trump voice.  She defeated Joseph Crawley two years ago as an anti-establishment candidate.  Now the Heir sees her *as* the establishment.  Whenever the Bernie Snowden types lose a primary, which seems to happen about 80-90% of the time, they always blame their defeat on the "machine".  But if they win a subsequent time, the Heir sees them as acting as if they're entitled to that victory.  Also the more votes they win by, the more entitled they feel, so they can't spin how there's a "machine" they're up against.  They *are* the machine, and their opponents and the significant minority that voted for them the Heir sees as truly for the people, and not for a political bandwagon.

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