Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Heir wants answers and he wants them now.  And as far as the Heir's concerned, *everyone* has to demand these answers as well, even if the Heir has to mount a Flaileef style guilt trip on the populace to get those answers.  And the specific answers the Heir's looking for is why there's now this big crime wave in New York City right now.  He wants these answers to be substantive and enjoy a scientific consensus.  That's because the NYPD and the PBA are insisting it's because the city disbanded the anti-crime unit that's been associated with excessive force in the past.  In the interest of social justice, the Heir is trying to be as impartial as is humanly possible, and not just automatically side with the PBA's theories on this one.  Right now as I the Mentor am writing this, Bill Diblasio is having a press conference at least on visual, but the Heir notes that the video title on the live stream makes no mention as to whether Diblasio intends to address the why's on the crime rate.  All the Heir has been seeing from him in the past couple weeks is him running around waving his hands in the air going, well *I* don't know why it's been happening.  He's also hearing a roaring silence from the media in their failures to get answers for us, effectively capitulating to Diblasio's stance of Well *I* Don't Know.  I guess this amounts to something called a wellidontknowism.  So the Heir's not inclined to go through a two hour press conference with a fine tooth comb, sifting through Diblasio saying, well last week's garbage has been adequately picked up, and this week's garbage is currently on track.  Last week's water usage is 7%, and this week it's gone up to 10%.  Yeah but Mr Mayor, the Heir asks, what about an explanation as to why the crime rates are up!?  And then the mayor will go, just be patient, I'm getting to that.  And then it'll be like having to watch an entire episode of the world's worst TV show just to get to the movie preview of the year, unsurprisingly stuck on the end.  Well guess what.  The killers the Heir sees as plotting their next move to shoot more innocent children while Diblasio blathers on in conference about corner curb maintenance and polishing.  So until the Heir finds out anything, stay tuned.

"Okay, so now he's up to the right way to make red and green lights more visible in the traffic lights, and he got past faster than expected with the ins and outs of proper signage ordinances.  Okay, wake me up if you think I missed anything."

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