Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Heir, too, is outraged over the commutation of Roger Stone.  But unlike the others, he seeks an Incident At Uganda, a last minute declaration that says, not so fast.  He found one article along those lines at a time when all the others have all but given up, prematurely writing justice's death certificate.  You can find this online titled, "Roger Stone’s Ongoing Appeal Still Pits Him Against Justice Department." But even that article when the Heir showed it to me the Mentor doesn't get at *all* the possible ways in which Roger Stone will eventually reap what he sowed.  I suggested to him, well what if he got an overconfident big head about it, and ended up with a traffic ticket for double parking his car or something?  Would that then be the legal straw that breaks the camel's back?  He considered that possibility, but then pointed out his surmise that his girlfriend that we see him with on visual may largely be his chauffeur and/or his courier, because he himself may be now in such poor health that his license may been revoked in the state of Florida, a state he otherwise sees as the emerging personal corruption capital of the world.  By no means does the Heir take any pleasure or schadenfreude in this likelihood, but what he sees that it does mean is that even if you think you can somehow outrun the Long Arm Of Justice (which of course you can't), you can't outrun the karma of your own personal health.  It's no coincidence to the Heir that after Trump falsely claimed victory or exoneration with the Impeachment (because let's not forget the fact that he's still Impeached), that's when the coronavirus made landfall in America.  A justice procedure was immediately followed by an incident related to public health.  There may come a point in time when Roger Stone's girlfriend may privately tell someone that she ended up believing he's as guilty as sin, and that he should have gone to jail after all, and that person she told will go public with that admission.  That would be what the Heir sees as Roger Stone's ultimate worst fate coming up, and he will either in life or in death wish he did go to jail accordingly, and he will burn all his tee shirts claiming he did nothing wrong.  Oh who am I kidding, the Heir believes Roger Stone will end up saying, I did *lots* of things wrong.  There, you see?  He just admitted it.  And he might end up following that up with a sincere Make Amends Tour.  His gaslighting will finally be over, and he will finally know the righteous path.  And no one the Heir sees on visual as ever entertaining that possibility.  Our society's imagination is way too limited for that sort of thing.

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