Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Bachelor Stance Against The Swing Voter Narrative With The Supreme Court. So now that the election's come and gone, there isn't as much discussion about the Supreme Court as there was in September 2018.  And that's with this thing with Brett Kavanaugh replacing a "swing vote" on the Supreme Court, which is a narrative the Heir rejects entirely.  The Heir also doesn't think that Hope Hicks was necessarily a counselor-in-chief to Donald Trump, because there were a number of things he ended up saying and doing that Hope Hicks apparently didn't prevent.  So between the Supreme Court and the threats against Bob Mueller, even in spite of the election results, the Heir believes that only Papua New Guinea's cultural sense of tropical simplicity is ultimately going to save us in the West.  The Heir's increasingly seeing accountability and law-and-order as increasing issues.  He also differs from the vanilla progressives in believing that Ronny Jackson got thrown under the bus.  And the naval disasters that took place in May 2017 the Heir believes is due to big tech pushing forced obsolescence to the point of mental atrophy.  He believes that every navigator needs to receive basic training in the use of the sextant, among other simple and reliable tools of navigation.  On audio:

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The Bachelor Continues Pushing For Simplicity And Principle In The Continuing Age Of Big Tech And Ed Snowden.  So again sorry people for the delay.  We're going to do everything we can to pick up the pace of our putting out new episodes.  So in this one, we pick up where we left off in standing fast to the value of simplicity and the importance of principle in a still-decidedly confused and unprincipled age, here in 2018.  Because of a book Donna Brazile put out months ago, the Heir believes the political vanillas cherry pick when to fact-check something or not to fact-check it.  The Heir still believes Papua New Guinea has the potential of being the out-of-left-field hero in the new cold war between the U.S. and Russia, by being a none-of-the-above country.  The third way out of the exclusive two that exist.  The Heir believes that with Me Too and successful males in show business, everybody's doing it.  All males in show business, he believes, have sexually harassed a female colleague at one time or another.  They just haven't gotten caught yet.  The Heir remembers one such male, Minnesotan Humorist, for his rational contributions to an otherwise irrational world.  Marco comes in with our food from Barbecue Spice Kitchen and worries about how A Certain Friend Of His may run afoul of ICE and be forcibly deported.  The Heir believes that Big Tech and Ed Snowden both play a far bigger role in RussiaGate than both Donald Trump and Russia combined.  He looks at Big Tech trying to use Red Herrings and Avoiding The Issue techniques such as Disruptions and Artificial Intelligence to distract from the fact that most tech just doesn't work properly.  Look at Heathrow 2016.  With Ed Snowden, the Heir found an article link on where Ed Snowden apparently assisted in promoting the Deep State conspiracy theory.  On audio (Play All):

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Don't worry, people.  We're still around.  We're working on getting a new episode up, but the Heir's running into file problems on his bachelor computer station (I the Mentor keep hearing him go "Say what," "Say what" a dozen times already).  But the Heir made an important stance on his Twitter channel regarding Ed Snowden, as below.  You should read through the entire tweet thread, back from the beginning.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Here's some more stuff, National Principle, about Chris Wylie as compared to Ed Snowden:

The Heir's keeping on with his Ed Snowden counter-movement with the following tweets he made on his Accountability Affordability channel:

Friday, March 2, 2018

So how does the Heir feel about Bland Barns' Commemoration Day he works at?  Here's the thing.  He felt there was too much crazy ritualism going on there today, too much of an effort to keep up appearances.  Sure he understands that there's a business side to that, but life's too short.  Stay down to earth.  That's what the catering customers would have wanted, along with their food orders.  So he's looking forward to tomorrow, with a better shift, when he's pretty sure the Commemoration spirit is over.  Lets get back to normal, because the days after the Commemoration he thinks matter far more.  Now he doesn't feel this necessarily rises to the importance of mention on audio, so he's getting me the Mentor to write it here.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Bachelor Contemplates A Political Cult Awareness Week.  That's what we're doing for the fifth anniversary of Ed Snowden this year.  This will be about somewhere between May 20 and June 6, and plenty of time before and after.  Among other things, we differentiate ourselves from the progressives and as political skeptics in that we observe that the progressives have never gone back on their support for Ed Snowden in the past five years.  We see Ed Snowden as even more of a threat to the American way than Donald Trump, because we see the former as promoting the kind of corrupted thinking the latter finds a handy place in.  It's this corrupted thinking that threatens the rule of law in this country at this time.  This is how Heir believes Ed Snowden was primarily the one that caused Trump to become President.  Worse than that, the Heir believes that the progressives think of Trump as a handy way of not dealing with Ed Snowden.  So, the Heir will think twice before giving the progressives any money to do things with.  The Heir also now believes the "sex revolution" was a marketing campaign during the Seventies aimed at young people to make money off selling beer and cars and deodorant to them.  The Heir has also started covering NBC Port Moresby more actively, to keep tabs on that one small country in the pacific region we believe whose indigenous cultural background holds certain wisdom for the otherwise Type A and overmodern West.  On Audio (click or tap Play All):